
Monday, December 28, 2015

MacGourmet Deluxe 4.2.3 has been released

Introducing MacGourmet Deluxe 4, the most powerful food and drink management experience for the Mac! And El Capitan compatible.

Import recipes from your favorite websites. Create, edit, and scale your recipes. Share them via email and Facebook. Break down and illustrate the steps for your recipes with images, as well as written directions. Use the Chef’s View for distraction free cooking. In addition to cooking notes, you can now build up a library of notes about beer, cheese, as well as wine. There’s a place for tasting notes, brewery, pricing - even pairings. Enhance your recipes and your notes with images. Make shopping lists from your recipes - even combine multiple lists. Plan out meals for your family or a formal dinner.

Concerned about nutrition and how many calories you consume?

MacGourmet Deluxe will calculate the calories and nutrition of your recipes. If you have a collection of great family recipes, creating a cookbook of them would make a great gift. Use the Cookbook Builder to do it and have a PDF of it that’s suitable for printing.

Not sure what to have for dinner? Use the Ingredient search or let MacGourmet Deluxe suggest a recipe for you.

Share with other MacGourmet Deluxe users - via a Mac or iOS device - when you sign up for an included, free Mariner Cloud account where you can store and sync all your information.


New in MacGourmet Deluxe 4

• Full, two way, incremental syncing for Mac and iOS
• 64 bit architecture
• More intuitive user interface
• Added new Icon View
• Added Beer Notes
• Added Cheese Notes
• Moved and improved Chef Reference
• Fixed date comparisons in Smart Lists
• Added Chef View to default toolbar
• Added new recipes
• Added new wines, beers, & cheeses
• Added share with email, Facebook
• Added prices in shopping list printouts
• And much more!


• "As an Executive Chef and business owner, I need to be organized and able to view and use a recipe at any moment. MacGourmet Deluxe does all this for me - and more. One of my favorite features is the ability to send attractive looking pdf recipe files to guests and magazines. Love the product and love the folks at Mariner." -- Kent Rathbun, Iron Chef America Winner

• "With so many ways to sort, organize, and search for recipes, MacGourmet Deluxe is invaluable for anyone who loves cooking and collecting recipes." -- MacNN

• "It all boils down to this: if you need a database to manage your recipes, there are several available, though none has been more pleasant for me to use than MacGourmet Deluxe." -- ATPM

What's New in Version 4.2.3

Updated the Food& importer to support the new site format.
Updated the importer to support the new site format.
Updated the importer to support the new site format.
Updated the importer to support the new site format.
Added (more) missing Retina display images and icons.
Fixed a crash when using web clippings.
Added new security for El Capitan.
Updated Help menu.

You can use any of these 4 coupons in Mariners online store and save between 5% and 25% off the retail price of new purchases or one of the 5 pack bundles.

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

WineHQ has released Wine 1.9.0 for Linux and Mac

The Wine development release 1.9.0 is now available.
What's new in this release:
  • A number of fixes that were deferred during code freeze.
  • WSAPoll implementation.
  • Standard font dialog fixes.
  • X11 drag&drop improvements.
  • Various bug fixes.
The source is available now. Binary packages are in the process of being built, and will appear soon at their respective download locations.

 Bugs fixed in 1.9.0 (total 43):

   3611  CorelDRAW 9: copy/paste of graphics elements between multiple instances of the program doesn't work
   8097  Pazuru Alfabet picture display flicker
  14290  winhelp: temporary 100% CPU use when loading some help files
  15253  VB6 application doesn't fully render text using custom bitmap font (only one character shown)
  15951  Origin Pro 6.1 / 7.5 / 8.0 / 8.5: Matrix menu commands don't work (dialog for auto-spacing of levels, colors or linestyles in contour-plots not shown)
  17310  Window looses its top returning from fullscreen and is undragable from normal means
  18347  Multiple applications crash on unimplemented function gdiplus.dll.GdipImageSetAbort (Cooliris, IPLA 0.9)
  20208  Liquid Story Binder - 'z' location broken and window management issues
  22871  MinGW gdb 5.2.1 crashes when trying to enter commands
  22966  Restricted Area: incorrect rendering of character animations
  25104  ChooseFont dialog does not support non standard font sizes
  26769  Unable to play mms in Windows Media Player [9|10] with builtin wininet
  28915  Eclipse Indigo SR1 (3.7.1) C++ IDE complains "'Periodic workspace save.' has encountered a problem." (java expects NtWriteFile to support FILE_WRITE_TO_END_OF_FILE)
  29455  Call of Duty 4: persons are not visible
  30621  Web Forum Reader 3.0 shows empty/white page when adding website resource (embedded browser)
  30678  Phantasy Star Online: Ambition of The Illuminus (PSU: AOTI): resolution dropdown box empty
  30811  Music in Alpha Centauri stutters
  32650  LibreOffice 4 beta UI quite slow
  32926  PPTV 3.2.1 crashes after installation
  33101  FlashDevelop 4.3.0 (.NET 2.0 app) crashes on startup with 'Initialization failed. Please, run FlashDevelop again.'
  33641  MS Comptes Bancaires 9.0 crashes on startup
  33651  HeeksCAD & HeeksCNC fails
  33737  PowerPoint Viewer 2010 cannot start when Windows version is Vista or later ('IFileDialogCustomize::MakeProminent' and 'IFileDialogCustomize::SetControlItemState' are stubs)
  34312  3d chat client for crashes
  35187  Jade Empire Special Edition configuration tool always resetting video settings
  35605  3Dmark 2000: Choosing "Run Default Benchmark" says "Benchmark Aborted!"
  35693  Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 service installation fails due to missing TDI wrapper library 'tdi.sys'
  37457  Musedit crashes when trying to transcribe from a midi file
  37580  Spotify "Browse" GUI not present.
  37646  valgrind shows an invalid free in advpack/tests/install.c
  38076  GameRanger: unimplemented function dnsapi.dll.DnsFlushResolverCacheEntry_A
  38321  Game Heroes 3.5 In The Wake Of Gods (Heroes III of Might And Magic mod): Mouse pointer disappears after click
  38580  Secret Files 1-2, UFO:Extraterrestrials Gold: hardware mouse pointer missing/corrupted
  38601  Planetary Annihilation needs WS2_32.dll.WSAPoll
  38734  Application Impact Telemetry Static Analyzer from Windows SDK 8.1 App Certification Kit needs api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll
  38818  Umax Astra 4100 USB scanner driver installer needs setupx.dll16.DiBuildDriverIndex in Win9X mode
  39611  Any Video Converter (AVC) crashes after converting a video, needs msvcr100.dll._wtmpnam_s
  39678  Zararadio can not read folder/file name path with Latin characters
  39764  An attempt to do automatic authentication unexpectedly drops the payload from server response
  39769  Caffeine Demo fails to start with NVIDIA: Extension GL_VERSION_3_3 required for glVertexAttribDivisor not supported
  39770  "Enter/Exit Full Screen" menu isn't localized
  39789  Reusing xmlhttprequest doesn't clear previous headers
  39811  GetLongPathName not working on case insensitive filesystems when short path is passed

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

WineBottler 1.8-rc4 has been released for OSX El Capitan

Yep… Wine is turning final to a new stable! … and so is WineBottler.
After the dust of the major changes in WineBottler 1.7.52 have settled, this one comes only with minor fixes and improvements.

The most important might be the rebinding of the CMD-key. As 80% have voted on having the CMD-key doing the work of the CTRL-key, this feature is on by default, now.
A big thank you flies out to Tobias B. on directing my head to it.

WineBottler MERLIN PACS Viewer
Looking at a fracture in MERLIN PACS Viewer on WineBottler on OS X El Capitan.

As usual: head over to and grab your copy :) .


… no, it’s not my shoulder. Txs for asking.

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Выпуск Wine Staging 1.8 экспериментального варианта Wine

Следом за Wine 1.8 увидел свет релиз ответвления Wine Staging 1.8, в рамках которого формируются расширенные сборки Wine, включающие не полностью готовые или рискованные патчи, пока не пригодные для принятия в основную ветку Wine. Wine-staging позиционируется как площадка для предварительного тестирования экспериментальных патчей, перед их включением в основное дерево исходных текстов Wine.

По сравнению с Wine 1.8 в Wine-staging добавлено более 730 патчей и 260 исправлений ошибок. В том числе добавлена реализация многопоточного режима (Commandstream multithreading), поддержка Windows ACL, возможность использования тем GTK3+, декодировние DXVA2 на стороне GPU, поддержка CUDA/PhysX/NVENC для видеокарт NVIDIA, поддержка EAX 1, улучшенная реализация d3dx9, различные оптимизации производительности и т.д.

В качестве особого рождественского подарка пользователям разработчики Wine Staging также представили реализацию технологии Windows Update для Wine. Реализация основана на установщике wusa.exe (Windows Update Stand-Alone Installer), который используется для установки обновлений пакетов в Vista и более новых выпусках Windows. В текущем состоянии система поддерживает установку 32- и 64-разрядных пакетов, но пока охватывает не все типы MSU-пакетов. Например, не поддерживается проприетарный формат упаковки msdelta, используемый в пакетах с IE, но вполне корректно работает установка .NET Framework 4.5.

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Стабильный релиз Wine 1.8

После полутора лет разработки и выпуска 56 экспериментальных версий представлен релиз открытой реализации Win32 API - Wine 1.8. С момента прошлой стабильной версии было внесено около 13 тысяч изменений. Выпуск примечателен реализацией DirectWrite, Direct2D и Direct3D 10/11, новым звуковым драйвером для PulseAudio и поддержкой множества новых игр и приложений. В настоящее время подтверждена полноценная работа в Wine 4088 программ для Windows, еще 3571 программ прекрасно работают при дополнительных настройках и внешних DLL, у 3134 программ наблюдаются небольшие проблемы в работе, которые не мешают использованию основных функций приложений.
Из изменений, добавленных в процессе подготовки Wine 1.8, можно отметить:
  • Графическая подсистема:
    • Поддержка программного интерфейса Direct2D. Реализация включает в себя средства отрисовки в поверхности DXGI (DirectX Graphics Infrastructure) и битмапы WIC, добавлены геометрические объекты на основе прямых линий и кубических кривых Безье, реализованы вывод текста, битмапы и кисти (сплошные, на основе битмапов и непрозрачные).
    • Возможность кодирования файлов PNG в чересстрочном режиме;
    • Возможность чтения информации о цвете из PNG-файлов;
    • В GdiPlus реализована поддержка анимированных GIF;
  • Текст и шрифты
    • Реализован программный интерфейс DirectWrite. Обеспечена поддержка загрузки файлов со шрифтами, рендеринга, генерации битмапов, работы с формами (shaping), сборки семейств шрифтов через комбинирование похожих шрифтовых начертаний, раскладки текста, сопоставления шрифтов, обработки разрывов строк и двунаправленного текста.
    • Возможность синтеза жирных глифов для контурных шрифтов;
    • Поддержка определения нескольких замен для одного шрифта через добавление многострочных записей в "HKCU\Software\Wine\Fonts\Replacements";
    • Более точная обработка диапазонов символов в вертикальном тексте за счёт использования таблиц Unicode;
    • Таблицы символов на базе стандарта Unicode 8.0.0;
    • Во встроенных шрифт Wingdings добавлены дополнительные глифы;
    • В API Uniscribe добавлена поддержка сопряжения открывающихся и закрывающихся скобок для Unicode;
    • Для более точной отрисовки теста в программе RichEdit задействован API Uniscribe;
  • Direct3D
    • Возможность выполнения простых графических приложений, использующих API Direct3D 10. На текущем этапе разработки пока остаётся много нереализованных функций, но уже доступны операции обновления ресурсов, распознаются объектные коды (opcode) моделей шейдеров, можно работать с буферами констант, реализованы различные представления ресурсов, объекты и блоки состояния (state objects, state blocks). Для работы Direct3D 10 требуется наличие системы с поддержкой как минимум OpenGL 3.2 и GLSL 1.50;
    • Поддержка API Direct3D 11, уровень реализации которого примерно соответствует поддержке Direct3D 10;
    • Реализована часть интерфейса DXGI 1.1 (DirectX Graphics Infrastructure);
    • Обеспечено корректное сворачивание приложений и восстановление режима экрана после потери фокуса;
    • Реализованы функции смешивания вершин (vertex blending);
    • Возможность задания размеров точке в привязке к вершинам;
    • Расширена база данных графических карт wined3d, упрощён код определения графических карт и обеспечено задействование адекватных типовых режимов для нераспознанных карт;
    • Реализован режим адресации текстур "mirror once", который может работать через задействование расширения GL_ARB_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge или GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp
    • Через расширение GL_ARB_blend_func_extended реализован фактор смешивания D3DBLEND_SRCALPHASAT;
    • Для различных операций с текстурами задействованы расширения GL_ARB_sampler_objects и GL_EXT_texture_snorm;
    • Введены более жесткие ограничения для формата текстур, что позволяет приложению переключиться на другой формат вместо некорректной обработки текущего;
    • Улучшена поддержка Direct3D 9, добавлена возможность использования расширения GL_ARB_timer_query и константы D3DTSS_CONSTANT;
    • Поддержка поверхностей NV12, которые могут применяться для вывода видео;
    • Поддержка текстур и поверхностей ATI1N, которая реализована через обращение к расширению GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc;
    • Поддержка интерфейса IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex;
    • Добавлены базовые контексты OpenGL и OpenGL ES, а также возможность передачи многопоточных команд OpenGL ("CSMT");
  • DirectDraw
    • Улучшена реализация вызова SetCooperativeLevel(), что положительно сказалось на качестве работы эксклюзивного режима DirectDraw;
    • Обеспечена более корректная работа механизма переключения поверхностей DirectDraw, что затронуло приложения, использующие более одного буфера предварительной отрисовки;
    • Улучшены средства обработки палитр в DirectDraw, что улучшило работу приложений, манипулирующих режимами с 8-разрядной глубиной цвета;
    • Улучшена поддержка поверхностей "Client memory", которые используются при сжатии текстур;
  • Звук и видео
    • Реализован звуковой драйвер, работающий через звуковой сервер PulseAudio. Драйвер подключается автоматически при наличии в системе запущенного сервера PulseAudio;
    • В реализации DirectSound добавлена поддержка 5.1 surround, которую можно настроить через Winecfg;
    • Реализован API XAudio2, который основан на использовании библиотеки OpenAL;
    • Реализована седьмая версия API Video Mixing Renderer;
    • Добавлена поддержка кодирования и сжатия файлов AVI;
  • Ядро
    • Wine может быть настроен для вывода номера версии Windows, например,'Windows 8.1' или 'Windows 10';
    • Реализованы объекты синхронизации событий (Keyed Events) и механизм синхронизации "init once";
    • Реализованы условные переменные;
    • Реализованы Slim-блокировки на запись и чтение;
    • Для загрузки DLL, библиотек типов и COM-классов задействован механизм активации контекста;
    • Поддержка чтения и записи в Windows-устройства и их привязка к существующим Unix-устройствам;
    • Поддержка TLS (Thread local storage) для динамически загружаемых библиотек;
    • Поддержка обработки заданий;
    • Добавлен сервис с планировщиком задач;
    • Поддержка кодировки UTF-7;
    • Возможность привязки процессов и потоков к определённым процессорным ядрам (affinity);
    • Поддержка динамического перехода на зимнее/летнее время (DST, Daylight Saving Time);
    • Добавлена эмуляции доступа к USER_SHARED_DATA на платформах x86-64;
    • Представлен новый API для управления пулом потоков (thread pool);
    • Реализована поддержка OpenMP;
    • Предварительная поддержка HID-устройств ввода (Human Interface Device);
  • Интерфейс пользователя
    • Реализовано опциональное меню Start, для включения которого в настройках рабочего стола (HKCU\Software\Wine\Explorer\Desktops\*) нужно указать "EnableShell" = "Y";
    • В штатном диалоге открытия файла добавлено выпадающее меню со списком операций с файлом;
    • Обеспечено связывание папки 'My Documents' с директорией 'Documents', при её наличии;
    • Поддержка задания тем оформления для полос прокрутки;
    • Возможность сохранения и восстановления состояния типовых элементов панели инструментов;
  • Сетевые возможности
    • Браузерный движок Gecko обновлён до версии, используемой в Firefox 40. В MSHTML реализовано большое число новых объектов и свойств;
    • Поддержка автоматической настройки параметров прокси-сервера;
    • При работе RPC поверх HTTP реализованы схемы аутентификации NTLM и Negotiate;
    • Частично реализован Web Services API;
    • Возможность отмены загрузки дополнений к Gecko и Mono из диалога с прогрессом выполняемой операции;
    • Поддержка условной компиляции в JavaScript;
    • В VBScript реализованы массивы, математические функуции и раскрутки исключений (exception unwinding);
    • Возможность использования Samba NetAPI для настройки подключения к удалённым сетевым хранилищам (network shares);
    • Добавлена DLL с функциями для захвата пакетов (Packet Capture DLL);
    • Поддержка вывода уведомлений об изменении состояния сетевого интерфейса;
    • В Wininet добавлена поддержка сжатия контента методом Deflate;
    • В Windows Sockets добавлен TransmitFile API;
    • Улучшена поддержка сервиса передачи файлов BITS;
  • Вывод на печать
    • Поддержка вертикального текста при печати через драйвер PostScript;
    • В драйвере PostScript обеспечена поддержка генерации стандартных имён глифов;
    • Улучшена поддержка монохромных принтеров при выводе на печать цветных изображений;
  • Встроенные приложения:
    • В программе 'taskmgr' обеспечен показ признака выполнения процессов под WoW64;
    • В 'regedit' улучшены средства импорта и экспорта файлов с реестром;
    • В 'wineconsole' добавлена поддержка настройки вставки и переопределения режима в диалоге настройки;
  • Разное
    • В драйвере X11 появилась поддержка пятой версии протокола X Drag & Drop;
    • В WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) реализованы дополнительные системные классы WBEM;
    • В MSI улучшены средства применения патчей;
    • Поддержка свежих версий C/C++ runtime, в том числе новой библиотеки UCRTBASE.
    • Многочисленные улучшения, связанные с поддержкой работы на платформе OS X: поддержка 64-разрядной архитектуры, поддержка джойстиков и всех событий мыши, возможность использования полноэкранного режима в стиле Cocoa, поддержка раскрытия окон на весь экран, возможность переключения раскладок клавиатуры, реализация TL (Active Template Library) версий 9, 10 и 11;
    • В OLE-хранилище добавлена поддержка блокировки и файлов размером более 4 Гб;
    • Возможность загрузки 32-разрядных библиотек из 64-разрядных программ;
    • Для платформы ARM64 реализована поддержка режима WoW64;
    • На платформе Android реализована поддержка 64-разрядной архитектуры;
    • Возможность сборки разных версий DLL на основе одного набора исходных текстов;
    • В число зависимостей включены liblcms2, libnetapi (network shares), libpcap (Packet Capture DLL), libpulse (Pulse Audio driver), OpenAL (XAudio2).

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

WineHQ has released Wine 1.8 for Linux and Mac

The WineHQ team is proud to announce that the stable release Wine 1.8 is now available.
This release represents 17 months of development effort and around 13,000 individual changes. The main highlights are the implementation of DirectWrite and Direct2D , and the new Pulse Audio driver. It also contains a lot of improvements across the board, as well as support for many new applications and games. See the release notes below for a summary of the major changes.

The source is available now. Binary packages are in the process of being built, and will appear soon at their respective download locations.

What's new in Wine 1.8

*** Text and fonts

- DirectWrite is implemented, and works for a number of
  applications. The implemented functionality includes:
  - Font file loading from system or custom font collections.
  - Building font families by combining similar font faces.
  - Font matching algorithm using weight/width/slope model.
  - Basic text layout support.
  - Bi-directional level resolution and line breaks resolution.
  - GDI interoperability API, including rendering to DIB section base target.
  - Rendering to arbitrary target with generic rendering interface.
  - Generating black&white and grayscale alpha bitmaps.

- Bold glyphs can be synthesized for outline fonts.

- Multiple replacements can be specified for a single font by using a
  multi-string entry under HKCU\Software\Wine\Fonts\Replacements.

- Vertical text uses the Unicode data tables for more accurate
  character ranges support.

- Character tables are based on version 8.0.0 of the Unicode Standard.

- The built-in Wingdings font contains more glyphs.

- Unicode bracketing pairs are supported in Uniscribe.

- The RichEdit control uses Uniscribe for more accurate text rendering.

- Hebrew and Arabic Mac OS code pages are supported. This improves
  support for loading translated font names from Mac OS font files.

*** Graphics

- Direct2D is supported. Among the implemented features are:
  - DXGI surface and WIC bitmap render targets.
  - Geometries defined by straight lines and cubic Bézier curves.
  - Drawing text.
  - Bitmaps.
  - Solid color brushes and bitmap brushes.
  - Opacity brushes.

- PNG files can be encoded in interlaced mode.

- Gamma information can be loaded from PNG files.

- Animated GIFs are correctly supported in GdiPlus.

*** Direct3D

- Direct3D 11 is supported, to about the same level as Direct3D 10.

- Simple applications using Direct3D 10 are supported. There are still
  many unimplemented features.  Direct3D 10 requires support for at
  least OpenGL 3.2 and GLSL 1.50. Some of the changes and supported
  features include:
  - Several resource update operations are implemented.
  - Many more shader model 4 opcode are recognized.
  - Constant buffers are supported.
  - The various resource views are implemented.
  - The various state objects are implemented.
  - Stateblocks are implemented.

- A number of new DXGI 1.1 interfaces are implemented. This benefits Direct3D
  10 and 11 applications.

- Direct3D applications correctly minimize and restore the display
  mode on focus loss.

- Fixed function vertex blending is implemented. This requires GLSL support.

- Per-vertex point sizes are supported. This requires GLSL support.

- The wined3d graphics card database recognizes more graphics
  cards. The graphics card detection code is simplified and
  improved. More reasonable fallbacks are picked for unrecognized
  graphics cards.

- On drivers that support it, GL_ARB_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge or
  GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp are used to implement the "mirror once"
  texture addressing mode. Previously this required

- GL_ARB_depth_clamp is no longer required to correctly draw pre-transformed
  vertices with disabled z-buffering. This helps older graphics cards that
  can't correctly implement GL_ARB_depth_clamp.

- On drivers that support it, GL_ARB_blend_func_extended is used to
  implement the D3DBLEND_SRCALPHASAT blend factor.

- On drivers that support it, GL_ARB_sampler_objects is used to apply
  sampler states independently of the texture object they apply
  to. This helps applications that bind the same texture to multiple
  texture stages, but with different sampler states.

- On drivers that support it, GL_EXT_texture_snorm is used to support
  signed (normalized) texture formats. These are typically used for
  bump mapping. Previously these formats required either
  GL_NV_texture_shader, or fixups when loading and using them.

- On drivers that support is, GL_ARB_timer_query is used to support
  Direct3D 9 timestamp queries.

- Texture format restrictions are more strictly enforced. This allows
  applications to fall back to a different format instead of continuing with
  broken rendering.

- Direct3D 9 D3DTSS_CONSTANT texture stage constants are supported.

- Color keyed blits can be done by the graphics card. Previously these
  needed to be done by the CPU.

- NV12 surfaces are supported. This is used by some applications for
  playing back video.

- ATI1N textures and surfaces are supported, in addition to ATI2N
  textures and surfaces. This requires support for
  GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc from the OpenGL driver.

- When GLSL is supported, lighting for Direct3D 1-3 is more
  correct. However, for most application the difference will only be
  very slight.

- The IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex interface is supported.

- OpenGL core contexts, OpenGL ES contexts, and multi-threaded OpenGL
  command submission (known as "CSMT") have been added, however that
  work is not finished yet.

*** DirectDraw

- SetCooperativeLevel() works better, affecting DirectDraw exclusive
  mode in particular.

- DirectDraw surface flipping is more correct. This affects applications that
  use more than 1 back buffer in particular.

- DirectDraw palette handling is better supported. This mostly affects
  older applications using 8-bpp display modes (but not exclusively.)

- "Client memory" surfaces are better supported, in particular related
  to the handling of pitch and texture compression.

*** Audio and video

- A Pulse Audio driver is implemented. It is selected automatically
  when Pulse Audio is running.

- 5.1 surround sound is supported in DirectSound. Stereo is the
  default, but other speaker configurations can be set through the
  Audio tab in Winecfg.

- XAudio2 is implemented, based on the OpenAL Soft library.

- The OpenAL library defaults to the native version.

- The Video Mixing Renderer version 7 is implemented.

- AVI file encoding and compression is implemented.

*** Kernel

- Wine can be configured to report the Windows version as 'Windows
  8.1' and 'Windows 10'.

- Keyed event synchronization objects are implemented.

- The "init once" synchronization mechanism is supported.

- Condition variables are implemented.

- Slim Reader/Writer locks are implemented.

- Activation contexts are used for loading DLLs, type libraries, and
  COM classes, avoiding the need for explicit registration.

- Windows devices support read and write operations in addition to I/O
  controls. They can be remapped directly to existing Unix devices.

- Thread local storage is supported in dynamically loaded libraries.

- Process jobs are implemented.

- The Task Scheduler service is implemented.

- The UTF-7 encoding is supported.

- ATL thunk emulation supports a wider range of possible instructions.

- Process and thread affinity is supported even with a large number of

- Dynamic DST (Daylight Saving Time) is supported through the
  registry. Timezone data is updated for a number of timezones.

- USER_SHARED_DATA access is emulated on x86-64 platforms.

- The new thread pool API is supported.

- OpenMP (parallel programming API) is implemented.

- Preliminary support for HID devices is implemented, but it's not
  enabled yet.

*** User interface

- There is an optional Start Menu in desktop mode, that can be enabled
  on a per-desktop basis by setting "EnableShell" to "Y" under

- The standard Open File dialog supports a drop-down menu for file

- The 'My Documents' folder links to the XDG or Mac OS X 'Documents'
  folder if it exists.

- Many more shell Known Folders are supported.

- Scrollbar theming is implemented. Theming of other controls also
  works better.

- The Toolbar common control can save and restore its state.

*** Mac OS X support

- The 64-bit architecture is supported on Mac OS X; however, it's not
  100% compatible with Win64, because of the OS X non-standard 64-bit

- Memory size is reported accurately on Mac OS X.

- Joysticks are supported at the WinMM level on Mac OS X.

- Debugging information and stack unwinding are improved on Mac OS X.

- Trash folder enumeration is supported on Mac OS X.

- All mouse events are supported in the system tray with the Mac driver.

- Window maximization is supported in the Mac driver.

- The Cocoa-style full-screen mode is supported in the Mac driver.

- Multiple keyboard layouts are supported in the Mac driver.

*** X11 driver

- X Drag & Drop protocol version 5 is supported.

- Flashing a window caption is implemented in the X11 driver using the

*** OLE / COM

- OLE Storage files support file locking, and sizes larger than 4 GB.

- Type libraries are registered correctly on 64-bit setups.

- 32-bit type libraries can be loaded from 64-bit programs.

- The OLE data cache supports DIB images.

- The RPC interface to control Windows services is compatible with the
  native version.

- OLE Accessible Objects are implemented for better accessibility support.

*** Internet and networking

- The Gecko engine is updated to the version from Firefox 40. Many
  more objects and properties are implemented in MSHTML.

- Internet proxies can be configured automatically.

- RPC over HTTP supports the NTLM and Negotiate authentication

- The Web Services API is partially implemented.

- Download of Gecko and Mono add-ons can be canceled from the
  progress dialog.

- Conditional compilation is supported in JavaScript.

- Arrays, math functions, and exception unwinding are implemented in

- Remote network shares can be configured using Samba's NetAPI library.

- The Packet Capture DLL is implemented.

- Network interface change notifications are implemented.

- IPv6 DNS addresses are supported in IphlpAPI.

- The Deflate content encoding is supported in Wininet.

- The TransmitFile API is implemented in Windows Sockets.

- The BITS file transfer service is better supported.

*** Printing

- Vertical text is supported when printing through the PostScript driver.

- The PostScript driver generates standard glyph names when possible.

- Monochrome printers are better supported, in particular when
  printing color images.

- Collation is supported in the PostScript driver.

*** Miscellaneous

- Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) implements several more
  WBEM system classes.

- Applying installation patches is better supported in MSI.

- Hyperlink controls are supported in installers.

- More recent versions of the C/C++ runtimes are supported, including
  the new UCRTBASE library. The old MSVCIRT C++ runtime is also
  partially implemented.

- Version 9, 10, and 11 of ATL (Active Template Library) are

- The Windows Scripting Runtime supports many more classes, including
  file and folder collections and dictionaries.

- Writing XML files is implemented.

- The Invariant locale is supported.

*** Built-in applications

- The 'taskmgr' application displays whether processes are running
  under WoW64.

- The 'regedit' tool better supports import/export of registry files.

- The 'wineconsole' tool supports configuring the insert/overwrite
  mode in the settings dialog.

*** Platform-specific changes

- System and hardware information is properly reported on ARM

- WoW64 mode is supported for the ARM64 platform.

- The 64-bit architecture is supported on Android.

- Binaries are built as PIE on Android, for compatibility with Android
  version 5.

*** Build environment

- Source files can be shared across DLLs, to allow building multiple
  versions of a DLL from the same source. This is more compatible than
  forwarding calls to a single master DLL. It's used mainly for the
  C/C++ runtime libraries.

- #pragma directives are supported in various source files to specify
  dependencies, for more accurate makefile generation.

- The IDL compiler supports WinRT namespaces.

- The message compiler uses mo files instead of po files for faster

- Architecture-specific compile flags like -march= are supported in
  Winegcc and passed along to the assembler.

*** New external dependencies

- liblcms2 is used instead of liblcms version 1.

- libnetapi from Samba is used for configuring remote network shares.

- libpcap is used to implement the Packet Capture DLL.

- libpulse is used by the Pulse Audio driver.

- The OpenAL Soft library is used to implement XAudio2.

- The prelink tool is no longer necessary as long as the linker
  supports the -Ttext-segment option.

*** Known issues

- Since the support for OpenGL core contexts in WineD3D is not
  complete enough yet, Direct3D 10 and 11 need to be supported in a
  legacy context / the compatibility profile, which means that they
  currently don't work on Mesa.

- Setting the PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC variable was sometimes necessary with
  the Alsa audio driver, but it can cause trouble with the Pulse
  driver. It is recommended to unset the variable.

Alexandre Julliard

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Wine 1.8-rc4 has been Released

The WineHQ Wine development release 1.8-rc4 is now available for Linux and Mac users.

What's new in this release:
  • Bug fixes only, we are in code freeze.
The source is available now. Binary packages are in the process of being built, and will appear soon at their respective download locations.

 Bugs fixed in 1.8-rc4 (total 26):

   8258  Dolphin Smalltalk IDE fails when requesting trial on urlmon.dll.URLOpenBlockingStreamA
  16698  Sandboxie installer needs 'HKLM\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Eventlog\\System' registry key
  17501  Cockpit Crash hangs
  17814  HLMV from Source SDK crashes while starting
  18964  BioEdit: Minimized windows icons become garbaged
  19041  WinNER5 database client crashes on startup
  23377  Buried in Time demo does not start
  31817  Tencent RTX Client 2010 installer fails to register Shell extension handler 'RTXShlMenu.dll' (missing 'HKCR\\*\\shellex\\ContextMenuHandlers' and 'HKCR\\folder\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers' registry keys)
  31862  "The Network" demo fails to start without native d3dx9
  32383  Configure script can't find 32-bit freetype libraries on 64-bit debian squeeze
  32655  Miro 5.x/6.x installer does not go beyond "initializing..." phase
  33438  Wine builtin 'explorer' crashes in Win98 mode when browsing virtual 'C:' drive
  33917  Voyage: Journey to the Moon demo shows white screen
  34308  Gazillionaire has transparency issues
  36726  DVD Profiler: black squares in the gui
  37899  Adobe Photoshop 5.0: Type tool fails with stack overflow
  38293  Setting PROMPT in a batch file resets on exit of batch file
  38371  Winfiol crashes when changing program preferences
  38480  RuneScape crashes when switching to OpenGL renderer (glCopyTexSubImage3DEXT blacklisted by extension filtering)
  38723  Ad-Aware 11.6.306.7947 wants msi.dll.MsiJoinTransaction
  38778  Blade of Darkness demo hangs with a black screen on start
  39119  Heroes of the Storm 13.0.37117 crashes on exit needing wevtapi.dll.EvtClose
  39535  PowerISO 6.4 (32 bits) crashes on installation (needs fusion.dll.CopyPDBs)
  39710  Hitman 2: Silent Assassin shows wrong colors with environment bump mapping
  39747  Original War: user interface gets corrupted after opening the help screen
  39758  Desktop Holiday Light app crashes

 Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Состоялся релиз CrossOver 15.0 для запуска Win32-приложений под Linux и OS X

Компанией CodeWeavers был выпущен CrossOver 15.0. Этот пакет основан на программном коде коде Wine 1.8-rc и представляет собой оболочку для запуска программ под Windows на платформах Linux и OS X. Также он позволяет запускать игры, что для многих пользователей является решающим фактором при выборе операционной системы.

В новой версии разработчики обновили пользовательский интерфейс программы под Linux и переработали установщик под Linux и OS X. За счёт использования звукового сервера PulseAudio удалось повысить качество звука. Также они улучшили поддержку Microsoft Office и добавили поддержку ряда новых программ, в частности, программы контроля финансов Quicken 2016.

Отметим, что вышеупомянутый Wine представляет собой программную прослойку, позволяющую выполнять Win32-приложения на Linux и OS X. При этом Wine не является эмулятором в чистом виде, хотя некоторыми программами и распознаётся таковым, поскольку технически представляет собой вариант виртуальной машины, которая сообщается с основной системой.

CrossOver является платной программой, однако возможность запускать большую часть привычных программ и игр на других платформах зачастую нивелирует этот «недостаток». Для всех остальных есть Wine в виде отдельного приложения.

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

CodeWeavers has released CrossOver 15 for Linux and Mac

Update includes latest Wine 1.8 and new user interface

SAINT PAUL, Minn (December 8, 2015)  CodeWeavers, Inc., developer of CrossOver the easiest, fastest way to run Windows software on Mac and Linux announced today the release of CrossOver 15. With CrossOver 15, you can run thousands of Windows software titles, without the need for a Windows OS license.

CrossOver 15 incorporates the latest release of Wine, the open-source technology that allows Windows applications to be run on Unix. Wine 1.8 incorporates more than a year worth of improvements since the last major release of Wine. This includes better support for PulseAudio, better video decoding, improved OLE embedding, and many other improvements. The net effect is that CrossOver 15 users will be able to run many more Windows applications, with enhancements to their performance and graphics.

CrossOver 15 also contains notable improvements to its graphical user interface. The Mac GUI has been enhanced with a new tool for installing Windows software, improving and simplifying this process. This completes the overhaul of the Mac GUI that was begun with CrossOver 14. The Linux GUI has also been completely re-written to offer substantial improvements in simplicity, a more modern feel, and more congruency with the Mac GUI.

About CodeWeavers

Founded in 1996 as a general software consultancy, CodeWeavers focuses on the development of Wine the core technology found in all of its CrossOver products. The company’s goal is to bring expanded market opportunities for Windows software developers by making it easier, faster and more painless to port Windows software to Linux. CodeWeavers is recognized as a leader in open-source Windows porting technology, and maintains development offices in Minnesota, the United Kingdom and elsewhere around the world. The company is privately held.

CrossOver 15 Changelog :

 15.0.0 CrossOver - December 8, 2015
  • Mac OS X:
    • The User Interface of CrossOver's Software Installer has been redone. Installing applications with CrossOver is simpler than ever before.
    • CrossOver now includes a High Resolution Mode to allow compatible Windows applications to take full advantage of Macs with Retina displays.
    • CrossOver now requires OS X 10.8 or greater. CrossOver 15 will not run on OS X 10.7 or earlier versions.
  • Linux:
    • CrossOver now uses PulseAudio for sound if it is available on the system.
    • CrossOver has a completely redone User Interface on Linux.
  • Application Support:
    • Quicken 2016 now runs in CrossOver.
  • General Improvements:
    • Wine 1.8 brings thousands of updates to CrossOver's core compatibility with Windows applications.
    • Dual screen Linux setups will run Microsoft Office better than before.
Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Wine 1.8-rc3 Released

The WineHQ Wine development release 1.8-rc3 is now available.

What's new in this release:
  • Bug fixes only, we are in code freeze.
The source is available now. Binary packages are in the process of being built, and will appear soon at their respective download locations.

Bugs fixed in 1.8-rc3 (total 40):

   8775  spider solitaire from XP fails to flash card when you ask for hint
   9491  CListCtrl:GetSubItemRect doesn't work for the label row
   9919  Microsoft Access Snapshot Viewer 10.0 install fails (GetPrivateProfileString16 must only return valid key names)
  11627  Need for Speed 2 SE 3dfx demo fails to start
  15083  ReadConsoleInputW() returns wrong values for CTRL+SPACE
  15866  MechCommander 2: DSERR_CONTROLUNAVAIL errors
  20480  Soldier of Fortune II Multiplayer Main Menu won't show up (ATI specific)
  22922  Black and White 2 1.2 is slow, gives GL errors
  24388  Exposure 3.0 crashes while creating exposure image
  26317  AVRStudio 4 installer fails, reports 'The application is already installed'
  27165  ffdshow A/V config tool: drop-down list doesn't appear
  29595  Microsoft Software Jukebox needs  HKLM\Software\Classes\Applications\iexplore.exe\shell\open\command key
  29788  Microsoft Word 2007 needs unimplemented function propsys.dll.PSGetPropertyDescriptionListFromString for saving a file when winver set to Vista or later
  32621  Mouse pointer jumps on opening/closing WinUAE settings window
  34086  MS Paint shows some images messed up.
  35330  Typo: "in a separate windows" on the Man Page (at )
  35941  ncurses is installed but not detected by configure.
  36345  TGB Dual 8.3 ( Game Boy/Game Boy COLOR emulator) crashes when loading a ROM
  37308  PCB123 v2.1.0.7000: slow screen redrawing
  37894  EarthQuake3D (Earthquake monitor) fails to update data, reports 'Error: Server Connection Problem'
  38559  GTA4: crash after benchmark has completed
  38633  SiN Gold ( intro videos get frozen
  38851  Wine64 build produces extra warning in secur32 comparing to Wine32 build
  38926  WineHQ should build vanilla Wine binary packages of the biweekly releases for major distros
  38974  Red Faction Guerilla: texture smearing at the side of the screen
  38993  Memory Blocks for Windows 3.x has missing tile animation
  39465  Gif Movie Gear 2.63 about window's gif only animates when mouse is moving (ReleaseDC should force surface flush when main thread is idling)
  39564  Paranormal State: Poison Spring (Steam) crashes on exit with built-in msctf.dll
  39580  AVISave[A,W] is using va_* instead of __ms_va_* definitions for va_list
  39600  Bad sound with Steam Games
  39607  Broken Image in Fitting Window.
  39634  Git v2.6.3 (MSYS2 based): 'rebase.exe' fails on post-install steps (commit page when handling stack fault)
  39670  Eclipse (Europa) does not start
  39673  Logical error in comparison (misprint)
  39683  CreateRestrictedToken() uses wrong enum value for default impersonation level
  39691  TI Derive 6 hangs when clicking on the edit menu item
  39693  SQLBindCol prototype is wrong
  39705  Some programs crash/hang when switching desktop screens
  39706  Gazillionaire (Win16 game using VB3 runtime) refuses to start
  39719  Alex Hunter (hidden object game): custom mouse pointer gets stuck (temporarily) when hitting the top of the screen

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Twin Cities entrepreneur seeks a uneeq marketing approach

Touchfire keyboard cases for Apple iPad tablets are among a still-modest selection of products on the Uneeq tech-retail site, a Minneapolis effort that is debuting this week. (Touchfire)

Does the Internet need another tech-retail site with gadgets and software for sale? Michael Wray thinks so -- provided such a site is unique.

The Minneapolis man this week is launching Uneeq, a tech-retail site he hopes eventually will impress geekier consumers with an interest in offbeat gizmos and software at often steep discounts.
It's early days for Uneeq, however. The site still doesn't have much of an inventory. Its initial marquee offering is a Macintosh-software "bundle" with eight titles for a combined cost of about $30, which would usually sell for $228 or so.

Other software options include a pair of Smile Software apps for the Macintosh, PDFPen and TextExpander. Hardware offerings include an assortment of Touchfire-branded keyboard cases for Apple iPad tablets, along with an emergency flashlight and several device-charging products.
That's pretty much it.

Wray, a veteran Apple-software retailer, said he is not concerned about eventually getting Uneeq's product selection fleshed out.

Wray said he ran into a not-unexpected problem: Convincing the makers of tech products to ally themselves with a site that didn't yet exist. Now that Uneeq is live on the Web, he is confident that he'll have more vendors soon.

Wray's reputation will surely help. He's been operating Minneapolis-based Mariner Software for more than a decade, and the company itself goes back a quarter-century. Wray's role at Mariner continues, but he said he hungered to start something new.

To that end, he has entirely "bootstrapped" the Uneeq venture himself, in a collaboration with his Mariner Software business partner Dusty Fields. So far, he hasn't needed venture capital or angel investors.

"I was able to call in some favors from friends and associates" for marketing, business-strategy and technical assistance, he said. "No money, though. Starting a company doesn't necessarily need to be an expensive venture, if you know what you are doing."

For Wray, Uneeq "has been an itch that needed scratching, to launch something other than a software company." Wray anticipates the company will become largely a tech-gadget purveyor with an Apple-centric, young-adult male clientele.

At the same time, Uneeq is following the time-honored tradition of offering software bundles -- sets of complementary apps sold together at sharp discounts, often with hugely successful results.
The Mac-software bundle now on Uneeq's home page is a sign of what is likely to come, Wray said.

Full Article

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Wine 1.8-rc2 has been Released

The WineHQ Wine development release 1.8-rc2 is now available.

What's new in this release:

  • Bug fixes only, we are in code freeze.

  • The source is available now. Binary packages are in the process of being built, and will appear soon at their respective download locations.

     Bugs fixed in 1.8-rc2 (total 45):

       5627  Install can not find WORDPAD for README
       6176  Rhino 3D v3 (CAD app) crashes on startup (OpenGL/DIB driver needs to return max index for NULL PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR)
       9095  DM Genie 2.x fails on startup with 'ITypeInfo_fnInvoke failed to convert param 1 to VT_VARIANT|VT_ARRAY|VT_BYREF from VT_I2|VT_BYREF'
       9435  MDI child window outside main window gives scrollbars
      18378  NFS 4 Road Challenge: Installation of 4.50 patch fails
      20948  Eclipse (Europa) Links from Welcome window do not work
      22417  Roblox fails to start games, reports 'RobloxApp(13): Unknown error 0x800703E6'
      22691  Drag-and-drop doesn't work in CDBurnerXP 4.2+ audio disc mode
      24208  Eclipse (Europa) - html-based Welcome window is blank
      24473  IRPF Bolsa software doesn't work
      24747  MP3VCR 0.4.17 (VB6 app) crashes when clicking 'presets' button or doing other actions (change skin, load radio station)
      25064  Solo on Keyboard 9.0.5: Clicking on HTML page no effect.
      28029  Gunz launcher runs explorer instead of the game's launcher
      28589  Poor performance in Diner Dash 5
      31537  Encore 5 crashes when opening .enc files
      31629  Diner Dash 2: Moving mouse causes graphics to jump around
      31998  Avseq crashes in menu when multisampling enabled in Wine
      32006  Multiple games and applications need 'IDXGIOutput::GetDesc' method implementation (Direct3D10 SDK samples, Need for Speed Most Wanted 2012)
      33258  Visio 2010 and Office 2010 can't be installed in the same prefix
      33720  user32:menu
      33736  Excel Viewer 2007: "Open" button does not work on Vista+
      34175  Shift-backspace doesn't work as backspace in cmd
      35418  some drawing operations in Mixcraft 6 are very slow with client-side graphics enabled
      35422  Dashlane (password and forms-fill manager) fails to install
      35610  The of user32:msg tests fail in the Hebrew locale
      35655  3Dmark 2000 shows considerable performance drop after Wine 1.7.13 (expensive GetPixelFormat() called too frequently)
      35734  Pokemon Zeta 1.3.28 crashes on startup (ASProtect SKE v2.72)
      35975  Comanche 3 shows only gray screen
      36081  mshtml/dom test crashes
      36086  Installation of Half-Life Opposing Force fails due to file "ereg.dll" being read-only
      36900  Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds Clone Campaigns: no video (regression)
      36932  BreezeBrowser: cannot expand directories in file browser
      36970  Blue Iris 3.x (video surveillance software) crashes after 30 seconds
      37358  FEAR 1: Installer says "wrong serial" even if entered correctly
      37859  BOINC 6.x/7.x take a long time to "start" when launched from boincmgr
      37939  Keyboard doesnt work for Project IGI 2
      37944  Origin's updater crashes before finishing the download process
      38669  IBM Endpoint Manager (IEM) Console 9.1 installer hangs at 'Evaluating launch conditions' stage
      39039  Popup tooltips missing and buttons don't work on
      39247  user32:sysparams fails in a Japanese locale
      39445  Drag and drop in Foxit Reader doesn't work anymore
      39536  Multiple games render black/garbled screen when anti-aliasing enabled (Guild Wars, Eve Online, Gear Grinder)
      39635  Hungarian Excel Viewer 2007: "Open" dialog on Win8 does not refresh correctly
      39648  MTA: San Andreas 1.5: failure to process 64-bit FairplayKD.sys driver IRPs due to incorrect alignment/packing of I/O manager structures
      39665  dinput: MotoGP 3 demo fails to accept key presses to control the driver.

    Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

    Friday, November 27, 2015

    CrossOver 14.1.11 для Mac OS

     CrossOver 14.1.11 для Mac OS - Программа, позволяющая запускать многие приложения, написанные для ОС Microsoft Windows в Mac OS X, причём наличие при этом установленной Windows не требуется. CrossOver отличается от Wine более узкой направленностью: он нацелен на поддержку наиболее востребованных офисных и иных приложений Windows, таких как Microsoft Office разных версий, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Lotus Notes, Adobe Photoshop и другие. Но зато совместимость с этими приложениями тщательно тестируется и отлаживается, так что их работа обычно бывает стабильнее, чем в Wine.

    А если вы используете этот скидочный код ( TOM23 ) вы можете сэкономить дополнительные 20% от $20.95 цене.

    Wednesday, November 25, 2015

    Mariner Software Paperless at 40% off for Black Friday Cyber Monday Sale

    The folks over at Mariner Software are having a Black Friday, Cyber Monday Sale. This sale offers a instant 40% savings off the extremely popular Mariner Paperless product for Mac and Windows.

    About Paperless 2.3.3

    Paperlessis a digital documents manager. Remember when everyone talked about how we would soon be a paperless society? Now it seems like we use paper more than ever. Let's face it - we need and we use paper. But Paperless 2 is one of those incredibly useful applications that will help you manage all your paper and digital documents and at the same time positively affect the environment.

    When it's tax time no more bringing a shoe box full of receipts to your accountant. According to ruling Rev. Proc. 97-22 from the IRS, a digital document is acceptable. With Paperless 2 you can create a Smart Collection and keep all your documents neat and tidy and in one place. Additionally, once you store your receipts in Paperless 2, you can select the receipts to email, print, or export to PDF, or even show as a chart.

    Paperless 2 has the ability to keep up and maintain the task of not only reducing your need for paper but managing the paper you use. Simply scan your receipts, bills, statements, warranty cards, business cards - any paper document and the OCR function of Paperless 2 recognizes the data and adds it to the Details Window. The built-in search functionality even lets you find and organize receipts and documents into Smart Collections. Already have your documents as PDFs or other file formats? No problem. Simply drag and drop them into Paperless 2. By taking your paper receipts, product manuals and other documents and creating an electronic record you've already reduced your need for paper.

    To avail the 40% off sale just use coupon code ( plblfr ) in Mariners online store and get instant savings this holiday season.

    After this sale ends you can use any of these 4 coupons in Mariners online store and save between 5% and 25% off the retail price of new purchases or one of the 5 pack bundles.

    Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

    Tuesday, November 24, 2015

    CodeWeavers Black Friday Cyber Monday CRIMBO25 Sale

    Well it's that time of year again folks, Thanksgiving is in just a couple days and before the holiday has even began people are counting down the days until Christmas 2015. And one of the great things about the holidays is sales and more sales, sales on everything from gum drops to granny's bloomers.

    And in keeping in the yule tide festive holiday cheer, the folks at CodeWeavers will have a little sale on CrossOver Mac and Linux for all your Windows applications, programs and games need's on Mac or Linux.

    But why buy now? this is the perfect time to purchase for a couple good reasons.

    • CrossOver 15 for Mac and Linux will soon be released
    • Wine 1.8 will soon be released
    • CrossOver 15 will come with a modified version of Wine 1.8
    • CrossOver 15 will have limited support for Direct X 10 and 11
    • CrossOver 15 will have support for Pulse Audio
    • CrossOver 15 will support Microsoft Office 2013
    • CrossOver 15 will have a newly redesigned GUI
    • etc etc etc....

    So if you need to run Microsoft Applications, Programs or Games  on your Mac or Linux computer this is the time to get CrossOver. You can purchase now and save 30% off the normal retail price and once CrossOver 15 is released in just a couple short weeks upgrade to CrossOver 15 :)

    So how do you get this 20% discount? it's extremely easy just click this link and see your instant savings.

    You can share this page or the link on your site, social media accounts and let others know that there is a CrossOver Black Friday, Cyber Monday sale going on.
    Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

    Monday, November 23, 2015

    WineHQ has released Wine 1.8-rc1

    WineHQ has released Wine 1.8-rc1, The Wine development release 1.8-rc1 is now available.

    This is the first release candidate for the upcoming Wine 1.8. Please give this release a good testing to help us make 1.8 as good as possible.

    What's new in this release:
    • Bug fixes only, we are in code freeze.
    The source is available now. Binary packages are in the process of being built, and will appear soon at their respective download locations.

     Bugs fixed in 1.8-rc1 (total 54):

       8712  amstream video demo does not play because of IDirectDrawMediaStreamImpl_CreateSample stub
       9872  Leisure Suite Larry 7 fails to run in WinXP mode
      16782  Sea3D chat text unreadable
      21879  Word95 can't create new document
      23817  Creative Writer 2 can't show images in .max files
      25263  Biet-O-Matic calculates shipping cost wrong for German locale
      25843  Wine causes terminal to lose some inputrc settings
      26034  DNAsp5 crashes when trying to copy text from an output
      27664  Various Telltale games crash on startup when a joystick is plugged in (application provides EnumDevice callback with wrong calling convention)
      27859  Task Coach: Crashes on start (uses python2.7)
      28729  EasyBCD: bcdedit complains about lack of privileges (import of registry hive using native API fails/wineserver token privilege check)
      29206  Mystery Cases - Madame Fate (Bigfish games): Director Player Error:  Unable to load movie playlist
      30588  Houdini 12.x (3D animation tool) crashes on startup
      30855  Rhymes (Russian rhymes dictionary) doesn't work correctly
      31889  Cmd testrunner fails in case of mismatches on synchronization lines
      32639  Sega Rally Revo sound stuttering
      32701  The Dame In Black Case: installer fails when registering msdxm6.ocx (needs 'HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MediaPlayer' key 'Installation DirectoryLFN' value)
      33718  comctl32:propsheet Add button test failure
      34123  Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed: the game fails to initiate due to Wine failing to mount its CD images
      34261  Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed (Steam) crashes during intro video
      34953  Message "Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded. Make sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly." cannot be suppressed
      35659  Dassault Systemes CATIA v5 reports 'no certified opengl libary has been found. Check your system installation' on startup (opengl32.dll version resource 'LegalCopyright' mismatch)
      35688  iMesh 7.x reports 'You are using an older version of Windows Media Player!' (needs WMP 10 version registry key)
      35718  Multiple games have extreme flicker, stutter, slowdown (Path of Exile, Roller Coaster Tycoon, Counter Strike: Global Offensive, Warframe, Crysis, Anno 1602,  Splinter Cell: Blacklist)
      35970  Wine del returns 1 on error unlike on Windows
      36255  World of tanks doesn't run after upgrade to 0.9
      36428  valgrind shows a possible leak in scrrun/tests/dictionary.c
      37161  D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_FLAGS is not defined in d3dcommon
      37200  Warhammer 40k: Kill Team (Steam version) does not start
      37203  Age of Empires II Conquerors 800x600 launch screen black on wine versions later than 1.7.13
      37595  cls command does not fill screen attributes
      37799  Children of the Nile: crash on start when not using virtual desktop
      37881  Multiple applications crash on unimplemented function msvcp120.dll._Cnd_init (Livescribe Echo Desktop 3.0, Acrobat Reader DC 2015)
      37955  USB DAC sound problems
      37994  AVRStudio 4.18: Editor window text rendered incorrectly (transparent tab characters)
      38103  Process Hacker 2.x needs ntoskrnl.exe.ProbeForRead
      38252  Candleworks FX Trade Station 2 updater crashes
      38391  Deus Ex: Human Revolution does not properly detect speaker configuration
      38427  Desura client crashes on unimplemented function msvcp120.dll._Thrd_current
      38600  Planetary Annihilation needs msvcp110.dll._Cnd_init
      39018  A9CAD fails to start, throws 'X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)'
      39045 download page displays only the background image in built-in iexplore
      39212  cmd:batch fails if privileges not high enough
      39230  odbccp32:misc fails if privileges not high enough
      39323  StarForce 3.x: Protection Environment Driver v1.x 'sfdrv01.sys' crashes on unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.ExDeleteNPagedLookasideList (Blazing Angels Squadrons of WWII Demo)
      39347  World of Warships 0.4.x/0.5.x: incorrect water surface height calculated for unknown reasons, causing ships to appear floating in the air (with GLSL shader backend)
      39362  Blazblue Calamity Trigger crash on press start screen
      39384  Tencent QQ 7.6 frame manager kernel driver 'QQFrmMgr.sys' crashes on unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.CmRegisterCallback
      39426  skype crash - unimplemented combase.dll.RoGetActivationFactory
      39468  Adobe Photoshop CS2 installer triggers __stack_chk_fail() on Wine builtin 'msiexec'
      39517  No music or voices in Skyrim after intro video
      39581  iMesh 7.x installer warns about old version of Microsoft Windows Media Player (missing 'HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Active Setup\\Installed Components\\{6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6}' registry key)
      39613  Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 fails to install with Wine 1.3.2+
      39630  Issue while building wow64 for Slackware 14.1

    Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

    Wednesday, November 18, 2015

    Microsoft Office 2013 and World of Tanks Support to Arrive in Wine and CrossOver

    CodeWeavers, the company behind projects like CrossOver and Wine, has announced that it's making great progress with Microsoft Office 2013 and World of Tanks, among other things.

    Wine is a powerful tool, but developers need to constantly work on it, as Windows apps and environment are always changing and evolving. Something that runs today in Wine or CrossOver might now work tomorrow. Another difficult task is to make certain apps run in the first place, like Microsoft Office 2013, for instance. If you ever install Microsoft Office 2013 in Windows, you'll notice that it comes with a myriad of DLL and various other important dependencies, so you can always imagine what a difficult task it is to make it work in Linux.

    Another point of interest is World of Tanks, which happens to be one of the most played MMO titles right now. The fact that Linux users have a hard time playing it is not a good thing, and CodeWeavers knows this all too well. They are working right now to correct that problem, and they've already made some progress in this regard, especially for the latest World of Tanks 9.9 update, which seems to create some issues.

    CodeWeavers is not sitting idle

    The developers from CodeWeavers are planning to make some improvements in the upcoming CrossOver and Wine versions, and that includes all the fixes mentioned above.

    "With World of Tanks we began by triaging a crash that started with the 9.9 update. We fixed the issue quickly and sent a new build to Wargaming. We followed this with a fix for a severe drop in frame-rates with the 9.9 update. A fix for the frame rate issue and a mouse offset issue is on its way to Wargaming now. For CrossOver 14, we tested fixes with Microsoft Office 2010's behavior on dual screen systems. This includes full-screen maximize/minimize the behavior of primary and secondary screens on Gnome Classic and Gnome Shell with Metacity and Debian 7," wrote Caron Wills from CodeWeavers.

    Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

    Tuesday, November 17, 2015

    Darkstone in Linux with PlayOnLinux

    Follow my step by step guide on installing, configuring and optimizing Darkstone in Linux with PlayOnLinux .

    Note: This guide applies to the GOG version of Darkstone. Other versions may require additional steps.

    Tips & Specs:

    To learn more about PlayOnLinux and Wine configuration, see the online manual: PlayOnLinux Explained

    Mint 17 64-bit
    PlayOnLinux: 4.2.9
    Wine: 1.6.2

    Wine Installation

    Click Tools
    Select "Manage Wine Versions"

    Look for the Wine Version: 1.6.2
    Select it
    Click the arrow pointing to the right

    Click Next

    Full Article by BOOMAN Brian Mccracken

    Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

    Установка и запуск игры World Of Tanks Linux

    World Of Tanks

    Скачать последнюю рабочую версию данного порта можно по ссылке: PortWoT-0910-05
    Установка и запуск игры:
    — Скачать скрипт установки в Домашнюю директорию (или любую другую)
    — Открыть терминал и ввести:
    sudo apt-get install zenity (Проверяем установлен ли zenity — это графическое окружение установщика)
    cd ~/     (переходим в директорию с загруженным скриптом)
    sh PortWoT-0910-05                        (создаются ярлыки, прописывается реестр порта, копируются необходимые файлы)
    sudo apt-get install wine   (устанавливаем системный WINE — он автоматом тянет зависимости необходимые для порта)
    — Запускаем лаунчер в меню -> игры: WoTLauncherSD или WoTLauncherHD (Разрядность ОС не важна!)
    — Закрываем лаунчер и запускаем: WorldOfTanks
    Так же, если есть уже скачанный клиент WoT , его можно закинуть в ~/PortWoT/World_Of_Tanks/ (тут хранится самый обычный клиент WoT )
    Просмотр реплеев:
    — Щелкаем по реплею и выбираем приложения для открытия WorldOfTanks — не забываем ставить галочку на использование данного приложения по умолчанию.
    Запуск в отдельной X-сессии:
    — Запускаем терминал и вводим:
    sudo dpkg-reconfigure x11-common (выбераем: «КТО УГОДНО»)
    sudo gpasswd -a $USER audio
    — Перезагружаем ПК
    — Запускаем игру (Выбираем отдельный X-сервер)

    Владелец: tergoev-m
    Размер: 70,6 МБ
    Изменён: 07.10.2015 20:38
    Скачан: 248 раз
    Cсылка просмотрена: 411 раз
    Вирусов не обнаружено

    Выпуск Wine 1.7.55

    Доступен очередной экспериментальный выпуск открытой реализации Win32 API - Wine 1.7.55. С момента выпуска версии 1.7.54 было закрыто 76 отчётов об ошибках.
    Наиболее важные изменения:
    • Добавлен драйвер для звукового сервера PulseAudio;
    • Внесена порция исправлений, решающих проблемы с поддержкой Microsoft Office 2013;
    • Расширена реализация Web Services DLL;
    • Дополнительные правки для свежей версии C runtime;
    • Улучшение генерации сборочных файлов (Makefile);
    • Закрыты отчёты об ошибках, связанные с работой игр и приложений: Adobe Premiere 6, Cubis Gold 2, ArcSoft PhotoStudio 5.5, PowerDVD 10, MyPhoneExplorer 1.8.4, BBC iPlayer, FarManager v3, Sacred 2 Gold, Picasa 3.9, Black Mirror 3, FreshDiagnose 8.67, Sades 7.1, Emerge Desktop 6.1.3.
    А если вы используете этот скидочный код ( TOM23 ) вы можете сэкономить дополнительные 20% от $20.95 цене.

    New mobile wineskin website and forums coming soon

    New mobile wineskin winery website and forums coming soon.

    I'm planning on revamping this website. The current plan is I'll make pretty much the entire website from scratch, as it's really all static data besides news updates, so it's not too difficult. The plan is to make it responsive so it'll look and work right on anything from phones to desktops.

    The issue comes down to... I don't want to try to make a Forum from scratch. I'd like to find one I can integrate in easy and will work good, including a responsive design.

    I'd like input if anyone has anything I should look at that would be easy enough to use and would work good for the website here.

    What we need i can think of...
    • Open Source
    • Easy to modify the looks/appearance
    • Responsive design
    • Can allow moderated anonymous posts like now
    • Allows users to also make accounts, so trusted users don't have to go through moderation.
    • easy to search and find posts for users looking for answers to questions
    • Will last and be well supported for years to come

    Anything else anyone can think of? I haven't messed with Forum software much in years, but anything has to be better than this one... going to dump all of Tiki software.

    Original post
     Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

    Wineskin 2.6.2 wrapper has been released

    About : Wineskin is a tool used to make ports of Windows software to Mac OS X.  The ports are in the form of normal Mac application bundle wrappers.  It works like a wrapper around the Windows software, and you can share just the wrappers if you choose.

    Wineskin 2.6.2 Minor update is available as an update in Wineskin Winery.

    Wineskin 2.6.2 changelog :

    This should fix Winetricks to be able to update correctly in El Capitan.

    Wineskin 2.6.2 download :

    This update is available as an update in Wineskin Winery.

    Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

    Sunday, November 15, 2015

    Wine 1.7.55 Officially Released the Devs Will Now Concentrate on Wine 1.8

    The Wine development release 1.7.55 is now available.

    What's new in this release:
    • Pulse audio driver.
    • Various fixes for Microsoft Office 2013 support.
    • Some more implementation of the Web Services DLL.
    • More fixes for the latest C runtime version.
    • Improvements to the Makefile generation.
    • Various bug fixes.
    The source is available now. Binary packages are in the process of being built, and will appear soon at their respective download locations.

    Email sent to Wine Development from Alexandre Julliard

    Start of code freeze


    Now that release 1.7.55 is out, it's time to start code freeze towards the stable 1.8 release. This means that from now on, new features or code redesigns won't be accepted; only targeted bug fixes that don't look too dangerous will be allowed in. The freeze will get increasingly more strict as we progress towards release.

    I know that git makes it easy for everybody to keep working on new things on their own branch, but I'd ask that we all take time to concentrate on fixing bugs, and particularly regressions. I'm hoping that we can make the number of regressions drop significantly, like we did for the previous stable releases.

    I will be making release candidates every Friday until we run out of bugs that can be reasonably fixed. Based on previous experience, the code freeze should last between 4 and 8 weeks.

    This is also an opportunity to polish things like translations, documentation, web site etc. so there is plenty to do even for non-developers. And most importantly, we need help with retesting as many applications as possible...

    Thank you all for your help!

    Bugs fixed in 1.7.55 (total 76):

       8854  Unable to get keyboard / mouse input in multiple games
       9032  Adobe Premiere 6 video playback broken
      10495  Wine should support PulseAudio
      11107  Adobe AIR / Adobe Media Player pre 2 never shows GUI
      12474  Resolume Avenue 3.3.2 - Black video preview windows
      14518  GetTextMetrics on Tahoma font metrics returns an invalid tmInternalLeading
      14894  Cubis Gold 2 crashes on start
      17693  Silkypix 3.0 and DVD-lab PRO 2.x: menus are invisible until clicked
      18442  Google Video/Voice chat plugin installer finishes with error 0x80040509
      19937  ArcSoft PhotoStudio 5.5 crashes on startup
      23001  Dolphin GC/Wii emulator 2.0 Wiimote plugin needs Bluetooth Control Panel Applet 'bthprops.cpl'
      23575  PowerDVD 10 trial crashes after registration
      24572  Freelancer (Microsoft Games): installer text in custom graphical user interface rendered in black rather than white, making it nearly unreadable
      27061  iNode Client 3.60 exits silently on start up (H3C iNode service install fails, needs 'HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ServiceGroupOrder\\List' key with REG_MULTI_SZ 'TDI' value)
      27563  Dungeons and Dragons/Lord of the Rings online: launcher doesn't see COM/ActiveX as supported with builtin mono
      29309  Zynaps remix exits with memory access violation
      29852  Star Trek Birth of the Federation - No Videos (negative height used as request for inverted frame decompressing)
      29899  mapviewoffileex fails under certain condition with PE images
      31534  TOAD for SQLServer fails to install
      32703  MyPhoneExplorer 1.8.4 installer has a non-fatal crash
      32705  VirtualDub: crash when opening video with MPEG-2 plugin (division by zero)
      32839  Endnote X5 crashes on unimplemented function msvcp90.dll.??0?$basic_fstream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAE@PAU_iobuf@@@Z
      32923  Daum Pot Player Media Player crashes
      33001  AXE3 (hex editor) crashes in TREEVIEW_GetItemT on invalid item pointer
      33453  Delphi7 import type library hangs
      33479  Multiple games (Guild Wars 2, Risen 2, Tomb Raider 2013): Raw input is broken
      33563  Imscared shows visual artifacts (green dots and white lines)
      33713 (CNET) download manager gets stuck on step 2 of 4
      34559  Call to Power II: Scrolling causes mouse and screen to lock
      34845  The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot: "Bloomberg" crash/diag tool complains about dbghelp being too old (v5.x Windows XP vs. v6.x Win Vista/7)
      35677  BBC iPlayer Desktop installer reports 'You need Windows Media Player (9 or above) to install this software.' (builtin 'wmplayer.exe' along with version resource missing)
      35702  FarManager v3 crashes on unimplemented function KERNEL32.dll.SetConsoleKeyShortcuts
      35953  FFXIV: ARR - Launcher requires native winhttp to run.
      36280  valgrind shows a possible leak in gameux/tests/gamestatistics.c
      36291  valgrind shows a leak msctf/tests/inputprocessor.c
      36400  valgrind shows several unitialized values in under crypt32/tests/message.c
      36427  valgrind shows several leaks in dlls/taskschd/tests/scheduler.c
      36450  EnumFontFamilies should report unsubstituted font names
      36508  valgrind shows a couple invalid writes in kernel32/tests/change.c
      36527  Multiple games and applications crash on unimplemented function KERNEL32.dll.AllocateUserPhysicalPages (Microsoft Office 2007 diagnosis service, Eden Eternal)
      36607  valgrind shows two definite leaks in xmllite/tests/reader.c
      37165  Sacred 2 Gold (v2.65.1) fails to start correctly, displays only a black screen in virtual desktop mode
      37729  Picasa 3.9 crashes in setupapi.SetupFindFirstLineW
      37829  Phonostar dradio-Recorder cannot connect to radio streams
      37843  Black Mirror 3 starts minimized
      37932  Evil Genius from GOG crashes unexpectedly
      37956  Photoshop (CS6/CC) 64bit crash when you press "cancel" button
      38097  FreshDiagnose 8.67 'Protected Files' diagnosis wants sfc.dll.SfcGetNextProtectedFile
      38125  MFC CRichEditCtrl does not correctly put text in Center, Right or Left
      38255  Sid Meier's Ace Patrol needs msvcp110.dll._Thrd_current
      38368  AutoPatcher Updater 1.4.x (VB6 app) reports 'Error: Object doesn't support this action' (needs ITextStream::Close method implementation)
      38390  Photoshop 64-bit (CS/CC) crashes when you break the rendering preview.
      38417  [EA] Origin self-updater fails to install updates ('kernel32.DeleteFileW' shall only open the file for delete access as callers might not have read/write rights)
      38444  valgrind shows some definite leaks in dpnet/tests/address.c
      38445  valgrind shows a couple invalid writes in kernel32/tests/fiber.c
      38450  valgrind shows several leaks in shell32/tests/shlfolder.c
      38464  valgrind shows a possible leak in wininet/tests/http.c test_async_HttpSendRequestEx()
      38477  Elevated: Invisible textures since wine-1.7.34-58-gc6232e1
      38589  Sades 7.1 CH Gaming Headset driver installation fails
      38677  valgrind shows invalid memory use in dlls/kernel32/tests/path.c:test_PathNameA()
      39081  CCleaner needs esent.dll
      39101  Visual Studio Compiler creates invalid interface from a typelib
      39143  Roxio CDRAL 'CDRALW2K.SYS' kernel driver (part of Windows Media 9 Runtime) crashes on unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite during driver unload
      39259  BTHPROPS.DLL and BLUETOOTHAPIS.DLL are unimplemented
      39423  Voobly: 'Game Browser' can't display content due to Wine built-in browser signature blacklisted on ('win32' feature token must not be included in user agent string)
      39443  Multiple applications fail start File System Filter Manager service due unimplemented function fltmgr.sys.FltInitializePushLock (Kaspersky Anti-Virus)
      39493  GImageX v2.1.1 (gui for ImageX tool from Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit) crashes on unimplemented function wimgapi.dll.WIMRegisterMessageCallback
      39516  Listview tests consistently fail
      39528  Emerge Desktop 6.1.3 crashes on startup (incorrect shdocvw.RunInstallUninstallStubs2 stub signature)
      39529  Data Source initstring parsing is case-sensitive
      39544  Microsoft Office 2007 installer fails with 'ITERATE_Actions Execution halted, action L"ProcessBranding" returned 1603'
      39545  wine build fails without libpulse
      39551  building dlls/atl fails: error: Could not open importlib stdole2.tlb.
      39568  err:dbghelp_msc:pe_load_debug_directory Got a page fault while loading symbols
      39574  iNode 3.6 client needs ndis.sys.NdisInitUnicodeString
      39575  Wine control panel app crashes when encountering builtin applets with unimplemented CPL entry points (bthprops.cpl.CPlApplet)

    Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.