What's new in this release:
- More work towards the WineD3D command stream.
- Bug fix update of the Mono engine.
- More WebServices reader support.
- Still more Shader Model 5 support.
- Support for gradients in metafiles.
- Improved table formatting in WinHelp.
- Various bug fixes.
Bugs fixed in 1.9.8 (total 26):
9030 army men hangs on black screen
17918 AvsP Preview window fails to load
22762 Multiple DirectX10 games need Texture2D DXGI_FORMAT_R24G8_TYPELESS format support for stencil operations (Battlefield Bad Company 2, Warhammer 40k: Kill Team)
24421 MJ's Help Diagnostics crashes on startup (app provided MonitorEnumProc callback relies on ECX = lprcMonitor)
31662 Office 2010 font embedding when exporting to PDF
32007 AMD Demo - Whiteout crashes with null-ish pointer read after dxgi_output_GetDisplayModeList
34070 Simutronics 'StormFront.exe' runs out of wndproc slots (ActiveSkin control)
34851 Multiple applications need kernel32 GetFinalPathNameByHandleA/W (64-bit Autodesk Fusion 360, Microsoft OneDrive)
35054 Dragon Age 2 system diagnostics tool fails to recognize GeForce GT 425M
37460 Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth (Steam) crashes on startup
39444 Fifa 2005 Demo version - black and flashing screen
39573 GImageX v2.1.1 (gui for ImageX tool from Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit) crashes on unimplemented function wimgapi.dll.WIMCreateFile
39605 GImageX v2.1.1 crashes with unimplemented function wimgapi.dll.WIMGetMountedImages
39657 Tencent QQ 7.6 crashes on unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.PsRemoveLoadImageNotifyRoutine
39730 FillRect() confuses 16bit brush handles with color constants
39796 SCP Containment Breach page fault
39863 Microsoft .NET Runtime Optimization Service 2.x terminates prematurely due to failure to hook up registry notifier ('RegNotifyChangeKeyValue' must treat NTSTATUS 'STATUS_PENDING' as success)
39911 dxd9 PresentationInterval not propagated on device Reset
40260 wine-mono 4.6 crash when starting .net app - SIGSEGV (APB Reloaded)
40282 mIRC 7.43 options dialog does not accept focus / user input
40286 Geforce 980 maxwell card is not properly detected
40389 cmd.exe (native): Unimplemented function KERNEL32.dll.GetConsoleAliasExesLengthW
40396 Windows SDK DirectWrite sample crashes on uninitialized parameter
40397 Warhammer: Mark of Chaos - Battle March Demo needs unimplemented function sfc.dll.SRSetRestorePoint
40406 Doom 4 requires bcrypt RNG provider
40414 VirtualDub 1.10.4 crashes when attempting to play video with Directx9/11 backend
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