
Friday, October 9, 2015

How Im Earning My Beer part 2

After completing the first part; Wine's Conformance Tests ran and that was all well and good and fun. There was a flurry of flashes on the screen, various windows were named after various tests, sound played, I rejoiced. It was an exciting accomplishment!

But the report did not work. My results did not show up and I was quickly frustrated. This is where I considered giving up.

I don't need to have a beer, right?
I mean, that's really a simple carrot and nothing else. I wanted to submit the results but if it won't run, it won't run; and it did run but for some reason it didn't report.

This is where the community comes in. This is where we often don't realize how many people are around us willing to help. I dropped a hint at my frustrations into chat and rather than getting the quick response of "that's too bad", I got a question:

How close are you?

And I don't know. And I have to be walked to the log file that wt-daily has very helpfully left in my folders. The location is:

The log file is called:

It's lines and lines of useful information about all the tests that ran. The first thing I learn is that WineTest really did run and it really did submit results to WineHQ. It took it almost 30 minutes to run... and it had 54 failures.

I report the number of failures and I get another question:

How many skips?

I confess I don't know. I didn't skip anything.

Now I get the explanation:

Wine's Conformance Tests are set to accept and publish results with 50 or less failures and 10 or less skips. Both requirements must be met to be featured on the results page. It sounds like you didn't skip anything, add a line to your configuration file and skip a test or two that fails and you will get it.

I'm skeptical because I've already put a bit of effort into getting this to run and I've watched a few other people grumble about libraries and dependencies but there is encouragement in that explanation: you will get it.

I started at the bottom of the log-file and looked for the failing tests. They were fairly easy to identify and so I added some tests to skip to my configuration file.

 Look for lines like this:

Running tests - 53 failures
Running: windowscodecs:tiffformat (541 of 579)
2015-10-05 11:28:16.135 wine[44040:808186] void *....
Running tests - 54 failures

Look for a line where the test failures increases. The amount of failures before the test is 53 and after windowscodecs:tiffformat runs, there are 54.

This is where the "windowscodecs:tiffformat" test failed. Adding a skip to that test looks like this in wt-daily's configuration file:

email="your email address here"
descmac="A description of your system for Wine developers"

I need more than one test skipped to get to that 50 or less mark so my configuration file ends up looking like this:

descmac="OS X 10.11 dual GPU AMD Radeon R9 M370X and Intel Iris Pro"
excludemac="windowscodecs:tiffformat windowscodecs:converter user32:msg 
gdi32:dc dwrite:font"

And it worked:

CWtestbox004 on WineTest

This is cause for great celebration. Not only is WineTest running on my system, it's reporting on WineTest. I made several Macs run and after a few reports came online, those watching the results come in realized that the name "CWtestbox###" was really horrible for identifying which box was which at a glance. We needed to summarize the box in 20 characters or less and still be able to tell who was who among our Macs.

This is the information we wanted to know at a glance:
  • Where is the report coming from?
  • Which type of Mac?
  • What hardware is onboard?
  • Which OS version?
  • Which test ran; the Mac Driver or the X11 driver?

My boxes are reporting from CodeWeavers, so "cw-" is the first piece of the new name. That will be consist from each box that comes from systems I setup. Then, the type of Mac. We have MacBook Airs, MacBooks, MacBook Pros, Minis, iMacs; we have a decent collection to choose from and setup. We decided we could summarize them fairly easily with "mba-, mb-, mbp-, mini-, imac-".

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How Im Earning My Beer part 1

St. Stephen's CathedralI had the pleasure of attending WineConf 2015 in Vienna, Austria. The weather was better than I could have asked for, the food was excellent. The company of thirty five other contributors to Wine was encouraging and appreciated. It's the first WineConf in years and it was well overdue.

Photo credit: Marcus Meissner, WineConf 2015 Everyone's reports are trickling in and we're all scurrying to do the work asked of us to help move the project along. The coming weeks and months should reveal the community is more driven than ever. We've re-united with those who had trickled to Wine-Staging and there's a flurry of updates going to wiki pages, blogs, and articles all around. Not to mention the process changes, thinking around bugs and forums, and so much more.

My little piece has to do with what we are called to action over every time we meet.

Every WineConf, we fret over this page and it's various friends:

Wine's Conformance Test Results Page
Ideally, we would have every single test passing on each version of Windows that's running our tests AND we would have it passing on Linux and Mac systems. As you can see, we're a little remiss in Mac test results in the last two months. Wine's test suite isn't (wasn't) running successfully enough on any Mac to report its results.

This year's idea is that next year we *might* insist that before anyone can have a beer on Friday night, they have to fix one test on this page. Granted, I'm a little early and arguably submitting more tests to the page is not fixing tests themselves... but it is making it so everyone else has something to fix. Hopefully that's where I'm earning my beer... and I'm not even sure I want a beer, to be truthful. Maybe I want a nice glass of Wine, seriously.

It is not to say that I'm going it alone, getting Wine's tests to run on any system means that tests have to be written well by the Wine community. It means that I have to have a way to install dependencies on OS X. And, it means I drag my peers through reviewing the problems I'm seeing even if they are caused by my own human error.

For the Wine community, it means OS X results that run in some reliable fashion. It means a contribution in a different form. It's something I'm proud of because the task isn't all that easy. If you're looking for a way to contribute to Open Source, understand that contributions come in many forms. They come from community support, testing, spreading the word, development, and so much more. After I release this blog post into the world, the absolute best thing I can do is go back to WineHQ and ensure that my method of getting Wine's Conformance Tests to run is logged on one of the many wiki pages. With that, I will have come full circle and made a decent suggestion on how others can help too.

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Wine преминава към фиксиран цикъл на версиите и се интегрира с Wine-staging

Създателите на проекта Wine утвърдиха прехода към фиксиран цикъл за формиране на стабилни версии, с период от 12 месеца. Всяка година в средата или края на месец септември, сорс-кода ще се архивира и работата по него временно ще се прекратява. След кратък стабилизационен цикъл, в края на есента, ще бъде публикувана поредната стабилна версия. Първата стабилна версия от новия цикъл ще бъде компилацията Wine 1.8, която се очаква да излезе след няколко седмици.

Поддръжката на стабилната компилация ще се осъществява чрез bugzilla. За всички Linux дистрибуции, в които не са предвидени инсталационни пакети с Wine, ще бъдат разпространявани готови бинарни пакети.

Освен това, официално бе съобщено за започване на съвместна работа с клона Wine-staging, в рамките на който се разработват неофициални разширени компилации на Wine, включващи пачове, които не са приети в оригиналния Wine. Wine-staging става част от WineHQ обществото и ще бъде включен в основния цикъл на разработване във вид на експериментални пачове за предварителни тестове, преди техния сорс-код да бъде включен в основния проект.

Wine-staging ще допълни текущите стабилни и експериментални версии на Wine и изцяло ще бъде интегриран в структурата на WineHQ. Официално, в средата на Wine-staging ще се тестват и настройват рисковите допълнения, които още не са напълно готови. Тези експериментални пачове ще бъдат отбелязани със специалния таг Staging.

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Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

The glass of wine thats worth 350 million dollars

Today while reading the Linux Foundations report titled ( Estimating the Total Development Cost of Linux Foundation’s Collaborative Projects ) that is located here.

Top-level findings from the report include:
  • The total lines of source code present today in Linux Foundation’s Collaborative Projects are 115,013,302.
  • The estimated, total amount of effort required to retrace the steps of collaborative development for these projects is 41,192.25 person years.
  • In other words, it would take 1,356 developers 30 years to recreate the code bases present in Linux Foundation’s current Collaborative Projects listed above. The total economic value of this work is estimated to be over 5 billion dollars.
I began to think what a project like WineHQ would be worth using their same estimates and cost  variables. So first I need the Total Physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC) in Wine and that is 3,512,143 as of yesterday.

Next to make this extremely simple I need the average cost per SLOC and if I divide  $5,663,488,007.63 by 115,013,302 I get $49.24 as the average cost per line of code. Now all I need to do is multiply 3,512,143 by $49.24 and we get  $172,937,921.32

But now your asking yourself why did I title this article the 350 million dollar glass of Wine when in fact the source is only worth 172 million.

Because if you actuality read the report you will see that they have not taken documentation, the projects web sites, marketing, or brand value into account. And I could even go further down the rabbit hole and include  “emotional attachment” or “top of mind.” because everything has a value.

If we now take a look ( The Value of Freedom: Linux Kernel Worth $1.4 Billion ) in this article we get into what a brand is worth, keep in mind brand valuation is only a guessing game, While Apple or Google would have excellent brand values I don't foresee many company's opening their doors tomorrow under the name ENRON.

"I think lawyers would likely evaluate the value of a trademark differently than we did," McPherson said. "I think they would take into account the 'goodwill' of the brand around the world and the economic systems it powers, which is far, far more than the $1.4 billion of the code due to its use, its network, its momentum, etc. That's why the $1.4 billion number is low."

Should third party applications like PlayOnLinux, PlayOnMac, WineBottler, Wine-Staging's patch set etc etc be included. Because they are all open source and are built around the Wine project.

Should we also include the commercial backing from company's like CodeWeavers and the ingenious marketing strategies to further the WineHQ brand.

And lastly developer worth isn't included in any of these other evaluation's, I believe the talent pool around a project is another form of worth because their are only so many guru hackers on this planet and if your project is fortunate like the Wine project and you have between 20 and 50 of the worlds best programmers that in it's self is saying something.

So to get the total valuation of 350 million dollars I essentially doubled the SLOC worth because that is only about half of a given projects net value.

Comments, Flames or thumbs up are always welcome...

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Friday, October 2, 2015

WineHQ WineConf 2015 Videos and Slides

Here is three Videos taken at this years #WineHQ WineConf Alexandre is the maintainer of #Wine development, Jeremy is the CEO of #CodeWeavers and Michael is a member of #Wine-Staging and will become the new Wine stable maintainer.

Credit goes to Stefan Dösinger for editing and uploading the videos to YouTube.


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Thursday, September 24, 2015

PlayOnLinux and PlayOnMac 5 the Current state

Hi everybody,

I'm writing this post to give some news about PlayOnLinux and PlayOnMac v5. First of all, the development is rather going well. It takes quite a lot of time because we have to maintain PlayOnLinux 4 and the servers at the same time, and a lot of work remains to be done. This is why it is not possible to give an ETA for the release. However, I can show you what is done so far.

User interface

I guess that this is one of the topic that will concern you the most. A good news is that the application is designed to be totally decoupled from PlayOnLinux core. Basically, it means that we can end up with several interface implementation without changing the core (containing most features)

JavaFX interface

This is the main reference interface. This interface is supported on Linux and on OSX. We are trying to spend time to make it as user friendly as possible to avoid any confusion.
Here are some screenshot of the current version:
Installed applications

Available applications. (We want to replace POL logos by something unique for each program)

Available applications: Description of an installer

This is a script installing a version of wine (1.7.39)

Future configuration window

QT Interface

We are also aware that some of you do not really like the idea of having a non native interface. This is why some effort are put in the implementation of a QT interface. (This development is mostly done by seijikun, a big thank to him).

This interface aims to be as close as possible to PlayOnLinux 4 current interface. The QT interface is not fully implemented at all for the moment, I'm personally putting some effort in implementing the core features, so I do not have a lot of time to help seijkun. But still, here is a screenshot so that you can have an idea.

CLI interface

The CLI interface is not implemented yet at all. We want, on the long run to be able to run PlayOnLinux from the command line.

Integration test mock interface

This interface allows us to run automated test. I'll talk about this in a short paragraph.


Introducing templates

The scripts (or installers) are written in Python. Basically, it will give to the scriptors as much liberty as they have in PlayOnLinux 4. However, we are also going to support a new concept: Installers templates. Installers templates are reusable scripts. For example, we will write one script for all Source games.

A more complex example would look like this: 
(Yes some games are natively available on Linux, but it is just for the example ;-))

With this example, the Diablo III script would be "complex", like current scripts, but Half-Life script would look like this:
class HalfLife(WineSteamInstaller):
    title = "Half-Life"
    prefix = "Prefix"
    wineversion = "1.7.34"
    steamId = 130
    packages = ["package1", "package2"]
The choice of the base template is made by the scriptor.

New tools

We have integrated a Python console inside the application so that scriptors can test PlayOnLinux framework (Sorry for the quality):


Memory consumption

In terms of memory, PlayOnLinux 5 seems to use a little more memory than PlayOnLinux 4.
It is expected because contrary to PlayOnLinux 4, everything us running in a single multi-threaded process. PlayOnLinux 4 is creating a lot of processes, making memory measurement very hard, and wasting a lot of resources.

Interface performances

We've run some benchmark to compare interface performances. PlayOnLinux 5 is running way faster. In fact, it was impossible to script a smooth progressbar with PlayOnLinux 4 because the wizard was responding too slow. To measure the responsiveness of the interface, we compare the time required to show 1000 messages in a wizard.

And a video highlighting the difference: (PlayOnLinux is the window on the right)


Automated testing is part of the code quality. With the new application design, we can run automated tests on a daily basis to detect breaks (in script, or in PlayOnLinux itself). So far, we have written three integration tests:
We also write unit tests for non UI classes.

I think that this is all I have to present for the moment. If you have any question, feel free to comment. I will edit the news if I find anything else.


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Executando o CrossOver 14 Linux para uma melhor experiência com o Wine

Para uma grande quantidade de usuários de Linux e Mac a realidade é que sempre vai existir um programa de Windows que eles ainda precisam usar quase que diariamente. Para muitos a resposta é o Wine, permitindo que programas sejam utilizados com um certo nível  de sucesso em seus sistemas compatíveis com Unix. Infelizmente o Wine não vem com nenhum tipo de garantia de sucesso para uma determinada aplicação, também não possui nenhum tipo de suporte além da comunidade de desenvolvedores, ou um desenvolvedor muito dedicado. Vamos ao Crossover.
O CrossOver tem sido o principal fundo de recursos para o projeto Wine por muitos anos, ele oferece uma versão personalizada do código do Wine e inclusive com suporte garantido a uma variedade de aplicativos -- uns jogos, uns softwares de escritório e produtividade, uns utilitários.
O Wine atende as necessidades de muitos usuários, de forma gratuita, mas para aqueles que precisam de uma mãozinha ou para aqueles que não se acham capazes de configurar sua instalação do Wine para uma determinada situação o CrossOver é uma boa escolha.
Por US$ 59,95 o CrossOver conta com um instalador automatizado para muitas aplicações, além de integração com o gerenciador de pacotes do sistema para garantir a instalação de dependências que as camadas de compatibilidade podem requerer -- como codecs, bibliotecas para áudio mp3 e vídeos mpeg, ou fontes de texto específicas.
O comprador também pode optar por comprar suporte telefônico direto direto com a equipe do CrossOver, de forma a garantir que os programas rodem em seus sistemas. E não é só isso, toda compra do CrossOver vai diretamente para o desenvolvimento contínuo do Wine uma vez que o CrossOver emprega muitos dos contribuidores e desenvolvedores, assim como todas as correções feitas no código, "não importa o quão pequena", são sempre enviadas ao projeto do Wine em si. Ao comprar o CrossOver você contribui diretamente com o Wine.
Para mim, o maior e mais importante recurso é a integração com o gerenciador de pacotes. Todas as minhas aplicações principais (Microsoft Office, World Of Warcraft, Warcraft 3) e as outras funcionam muito bem com a versão base do Wine. Mas toda vez que troco minha distribuição do SO eu sempre preciso analisar e instalar todas as dependências do sistema, como as versões de 32 bits do gstreamer, lipmpg, mp3, entre outras. Já com o CrossOver assim que um programa sendo instalado precisa dessas dependências ele me avisa dos pacotes necessários.
Para usuários avançados comprar o CrossOver pode não ter um benefício direto. Mas para aqueles mais leigos com a computação, ou que querem ajudar o projeto do Wine, então comprar o CrossOver é uma maneira simples de contribuir.
O CrossOver tem se mantido funcionando muito bem através dos anos, mesmo lembrando do CrossOver Office 5 de mais de 10 anos atrás e também do CrossOver Games, que foi integrado ao CrossOver atual.

Os mais novos cupons de desconto do CrossOver são ( TOM23 )  que garantem 20% de desconto tanto na versão Mac quanto Linux!
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WineHQ WineConf 2015 Group Photo

WineHQ WineConf 2015 Group Photo

From left top to right bottom: Sebastian Lackner, Aaryaman Vasishta, Austin English, Rosanne DiMesio, Ulrich Czekalla, Michael Stefaniuc, Henri Verbeet 

Aric Stewart, Piotr Caban, Jacek Caban, Caron Wills, Christian Inci, André Hentschel, Jeremy White, Alois Schloegl, Andrew Eikum, Huw Davies, Hans Leidekker, Robert (Focht)

Stefan Doesinger, Dmitry Timoshkov, Alexandre Julliard, Francois Gouget, Andrei Podoplelov, Nikolay Sivov, Michael Müller 

Marcus Meissner, Jactry Zeng, Qian Hong, Josh DuBois, Vincent Povirk, Józef Kucia, Matteo Bruni

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Wine Stable Release Changes


At WineConf we had a fairly uncontroversial discussion about the Wine Stable release process. As the current process of feature based Wine releases isn't working(*) following changes were agreed upon.

Release Process Changes
- - Switch to time based releases.
- - Major releases once a year in autumn/fall. Code freeze starts around mid/end of September.
- - Michael Stefaniuc will be the stable maintainer starting with 1.8.x. Other people are more than welcome to help out with Wine Stable. I'll document stuff and send out a request for help during the code freeze.
- - The stable release will be supported in bugzilla.
- - This changes take effect immediately. You can expect Alexandre to announce a code freeze in the next couple of weeks.
- - We will revisit this changes should the need arise, e.g. reduce the time between two major stable releases.

The discussion was done based on slide 9 of Alexandre's keynote At the start Alexandre and others noted that we do not hear from users for whom 1.6 is just working. We are getting reports only about the stuff that breaks.

The discussion quickly geared to the changes accepted from above with the focus on implementation details:

- - 6 months better? No, the 12-18 months stable release cadence prior to 1.8 was ok. Can be reduced later on should the need arise.
- - Synchronize with (a) major distro? No, release dates can slip on both ends. Freeze should also not impact GSoC.
- - Nobody else volunteered during the discussion for the stable maintainer role.

For the more drastic proposal of removing the the Wine Stable version altogether, Alexandre made drafted a plan to follow a similar model to the Linux Kernel. One release for the risky stuff and every second release is for stabilization. He proposed also a two weeks "merge window" for risky stuff followed by two weeks for the fixes and the last two weeks of "freeze". This produced a loud outcry from most developers: it would be unworkable without a prior move to a git pull model to accept new features. This basically killed the proposal.

(*) 1.6 released > 2 years ago and was latest updated 1.5 years ago. It doesn't compiles on a modern distribution anymore.


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Monday, September 7, 2015

Crossover 14 Linux, una experiencia Wine más llevadera

Una buena parte de los usuarios de Linux y Mac se encontrarán con que hay algún programa para Windows que tienen que utilizar a diario o con cierta frecuencia. Para muchos la solución es Wine, que les permite usar esas aplicaciones en entornos *nix con mayor o menor éxito. Desafortunadamente, Wine no proporciona ninguna garantía para aplicaciones concretas, ni existe un soporte oficial por parte de los desarrolladores más allá de la comunidad o de colaboradores altruistas. Aquí es donde CrossOver entra en juego.
CrossOver lleva varios años siendo el principal soporte económico del proyecto Wine. Ofrecen una versión personalizada de Wine e incluso dan soporte oficial a ciertas aplicaciones -determinados juegos, software de productividad y utilidades-.
Para muchos usuarios Wine satisface sus necesidades sin coste alguno, pero para aquellos que quieran una ayuda extra o no se vean capaces de configurar su instalación de Wine adecuadamente, CrossOver es una buena solución.
Por 59.95$ USD, CrossOver proporciona un instalador automático de muchas aplicaciones, así como integración con el gestor de paquetes para instalar las dependencias que hagan falta -por ejemplo, códecs o fuentes concretas-.
El cliente también puede contratar el soporte telefónico directo de CrossOver para lograr ejecutar sus aplicaciones. Y eso no es todo. Cada compra de CrossOver contribuye con el desarrollo de Wine pues muchos de los colaboradores y desarrolladores son empleados de CrossOver, y cualquier corrección que realizan, “por muy pequeña que sea”, se aporta a Wine. Respaldando CrossOver, los usuarios respaldan Wine
Para mí personalmente, la mejor característica de CrossOver es la integración con el gestor de paquetes. Todas mis aplicaciones (MS Office, World of Warcraft, Warcraft 3 y otras) funcionan correctamente en la versión básica de Wine, pero cada que vez que cambio de distribución Linux tengo que instalar todas las dependencias del sistema como los códecs gstreamer, libmpg, soporte mp3, etc. Sin embargo, CrossOver me ofrece instalar todos esos paquetes en cuanto intento ejecutar una aplicación Windows que los necesita.
Para usuarios avanzados, adquirir CrossOver puede que no suponga un beneficio directo, pero para aquellos menos tecnológicamente versados o que simplemente quieren contribuir con el proyecto Wine, CrossOver es una manera fácil de obtener ayuda y ayudar a la comunidad de Wine.
Con el paso del tiempo CrossOver ha conseguido asentarse, desde CrossOver Office 5 de hace más de 10 años y CrossOver Games, que ahora se incluye integrado en el propio CrossOver.

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Wine 1.7.51 for Mac OSX and Linux has been Released

The Wine development release 1.7.51 is now available.
What's new in this release:
  • XAudio2 implementation using OpenAL Soft.
  • Support for the new Universal C Runtime DLL.
  • Dropdown menu support in the standard Open Dialog.
  • Grayscale rendering mode in DirectWrite.
  • Various bug fixes.
The source is available now. Binary packages are in the process of being built, and will appear soon at their respective download locations.

 Bugs fixed in 1.7.51 (total 37):

   9848  flipviewer fails to load
  14915  FlushFileBuffers() fails on disk volume, sets ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE when handle supposedly valid
  19425  notepad: running notepad with a non-existent file and choosing yes to create a new file should do so immediately (appinstall)
  22978  SimCity2000: race condition causes crash in MCI during startup
  28186  uninstaller has no proper usage message
  28770  Diablo 2 - sound works in menu, stops after starting game
  28911  cnet download app cannot download anything
  29017  4th Dimension 6.5.4 crashes
  29380  Sonic Generations: needs "C:\users\\My Documents\My Games" to exist
  29381  Sonic Generations: configuration tool turns into a zombie process when closed
  29880  Sonic Generations: no audio
  30170  Afterburner 3D: screen not drawn properly (orm=fbo)
  32213  Tales of Pirates II Randomly Closes out.
  32527  No Navigation in panel / Heredis 9
  34008  Multiple DirectX10 games need D3D11CreateDevice implementation with D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_x support (Bioshock Infinite, Age of Mythology: Extended Edition, GRID )
  34244  DARK (2013) doesn't launches without native quartz
  36300  valgrind shows an invalid read in msxml3/tests/saxreader.c
  36498  Project64: about page is black
  36589  valgrind shows uninitialized memory use in usp10/tests/usp10.c
  36875  Incorrect check in PlayEnhMetaFileRecord() with case == EMR_SCALEWINDOWEXTEX
  37266  LTSpice netlist text unreadable (monospaced text glyphs are misplaced and overlapping)
  37451  python 3.1.1: test_test_decimal failed
  37865  echo/ not works as expected (like echo. and echo:)
  37915  Multiple games and applications need proper handling of Vista+ 'PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION' right (UPlay games, MS Visual Studio 2015 installer)
  38343  Unimplemented function mfplat.dll.MFGetPluginControl
  38672  valgrind shows uninitialized memory in update_net_wm_states()
  38751  El Matador, Exodus from the Earth have rendering issues when anti-aliasing enabled
  38841  PunkBuster 'PnkBstrB.exe' initialization fails (K32EnumProcessModules write to NULL pointer)
  38870  regsvr32: Flags should be processed before files
  38927  IVONA Voices (SAPI TTS): Trial period (30 days) prematurely expires as soon as wineserver session ends
  39014  Multiple games render pink artifacts (O2Jam, Stranded II, SpaceRace)
  39077  o2jam doesnt close completely after exit the game, it stays on the process
  39111  Reinstalling Nvidia Physx adds  path multiple times to 'HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment\Path'
  39127  Multiple applications wrapped with XenoCode Postbuild 2009 application sandboxing crash with stack overflow ('NtWaitForSingleObject' must not call 'NtWaitForMultipleObjects')
  39148  Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 don't exit properly
  39165  dlls/xaudio2_7 fails to compile (unconditional dependency on OpenAL)
  39174  TP Link CPL administration tool crashed on : unimplemented function wpcap.dll.pcap_parsesrcstr

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Friday, September 4, 2015

CrossOver azaz Windows alkalmazások Linuxon (és Macen)

Üdv Mindenkinek!

Szeretném megosztani veletek az élményeim, illetve tapasztalatom a CrossOver nevű szoftverrel linuxon.
Először is a gépemről.:
Oprendszer: Zorin OS 9 (64bit) (Ubuntu 14.04-es alapon fekszik)
Asztali felület: Lubuntu-desktop
AMD Athlon II P360 Dual-core 2.3 Ghz processzor
3GB Ddr3 Ram
Amd Radeon HD 6650m (1 GB) videókártya

Tehát amint látjátok nem a legfelső kategória, de épp ezért volt érdekes számomra látni, hogyan is futnak a Windowsos programok.

Screenshotokat is készítettem azért, hogy láthassatok 1 telepítési folyamatot is esetleg. A CrossOver beszerzése nagyon egyszerű volt csak fel kell lépni az oldalukra és le kell tölteni az adott distrora.

A letöltés végeztével, láttam egy .bin fájlt, terminálba beindítottam, nagyon egyszerű telepítése van, mindent elvégez saját magának. Itt találtam 1 kisebb bugot, Lubuntu/LXDE asztalnál resetelni kell a desktopot, hogy az ikont a telepítés után létrehozza. Én egyszerűen csak létrehoztam 1 indítóikont neki, gondoltam így egyszerűbb lesz. Miután sikeresen feltelepítettem, létrehoztam az ikont, illetve tökéletesen beindult, felhozott 1 terminált miszerint a szükséges fájlokat le kell töltenie, itt kér majd adminisztrátor engedélyt, hogy azokat letölthesse. Mikor minden kész volt egy egész kis pofás GUI-t találtam magam előtt. Egyszerű az elrendezése és könnyen használható, amit viszont hiányoltam belőle a Magyar nyelv. De ez elhanyagolható úgy gondolom. Miután minden készen állt, úgy éreztem muszáj kipróbálnom valamit. Támogatott szoftvereknél megtaláltam a GRID nevű játékot. Régen PlayOnLinux segítségével már megpróbáltam befuttatni, sajnos se azzal, se ezzel nem sikerült elérnem ezt. Kicsit utána olvasgatva rájöttem, hogy az AMD driverekkel van a probléma, szóval ha Open Source drivert (Radeon driver) használnák valószínűleg beindulna. Miután feladtam a GRID-el való szórakozást úgy döntöttem, egy régi MMORPG-t sok ember régi kedvencét a Metin2-t fogom letesztelni. Sikerült a telepítés beindult, a játék és felettébb jól megy. Egy kis összehasonlítás kedvéért feltettem ugyan azt a klienst PlayOnLinux segítségével is. A CrossOver által futtatott Metin2 20 fps-el többet produkált, ez számomra nagyon sokat jelentett. Mert így van rá esély, hogy a többi játék is jobban produkálna. Ezek után úgy döntöttem, nézzük meg az egyik fontos szoftvert amit emberek nagy tömege használ naponta és ez a Microsoft Office. (Igen, tudom van Libreoffice, viszont én személy szerint találkoztam már pár hibával ha docx/doc formába mentek, esetleg ppt készítésnél.) Tehát, gondoltam kipróbálom.

Mivel Office 2013-al rendelkezem gondoltam felteszem azt és nézzük, hogyan is produkál. Sajnálatos módon ez is besült, ilyenkor döntöttem úgy, hogy megkérdezem a CrossOver embereit hátha tudnak nekem segíteni. Nagyon hamar kaptam a választ (olyan 10-15 perc volt kb), hogy nemsokára megérkezik a Crossover15 ami már támogatni fogja, a 2013-mas Office-t is. Úgy döntöttem leszedem, hát az Office 2010-et. Minden hiba nélkül települt, működik, nem lassú nem fagy be.
Összegezve: Mint a Winenak a CrossOvernek is vannak hibái. De a GUI amit létrehoztak, az egyszerűség, hogy nem terhelik meg a felhasználókat mindenféle beállítási lehetőséggel, maximum akkor kell hozzányúlni a beállításokhoz, ha valamilyen nem támogatott szoftvert akarunk telepíteni.

Végezetül megéri ? Szerintem Igen. Játékokban kicsivel gyorsabb mint társai, így aki Windows játékokat szeretne játszani, annak ajánlom. Illetve, Windowsos programok százai támogatottak alapból, szóval ha nem szeretnél megszabadulni Windowson használt programjaidt

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

CodeWeavers CrossOver 14.1.6 ChangeLog

CodeWeavers recently released CrossOver 14.1.6 for Linux and Mac. Gaming performance continues to advance with this release. Their are important fixes for Mac OSX El Capitan RHEL CentOS and Ubuntu in this release. The full change log is provided below.

 You Can use promo code TOM23 in CodeWeavers store and save 20% off the normal retail price.

  14.1.6 CrossOver - September 2, 2015
  • Mac OS X:
    • Fixed a problem which caused CrossOver to crash on El Capitan when selecting a bottle in the GUI.
  • Application Support:
    • Fixed a bug which caused Mamut Business Software to crash during installation.
  • Linux:
    • Fixed a problem which caused CrossOver to fail to load libX11 on RHEL / CentOS 6.7.
    • Fixed a problem in which CrossOver would complain about unmet dependencies of libosmesa6 on Ubuntu 14.04.3.
Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

CodeWeavers CrossOver 14.1.6 has been released

I am delighted to announce that CodeWeavers has just released CrossOver 14.1.6 for both Mac OSX and Linux.  CrossOver 14.1.6 has important bug fixes for both Mac and Linux users.

Mac customers with active support entitlements will be upgraded to CrossOver 14.1.6 the next time they launch CrossOver Mac.  Linux users can download the latest version from

Change Log For CrossOver Mac and Linux :

14.1.6 CrossOver - September 2, 2015
  • Mac OS X:
  • Application Support:
    • Fixed a bug which caused Mamut Business Software to crash during installation.
  • Linux:
    • Fixed a problem which caused CrossOver to fail to load libX11 on RHEL / CentOS 6.7.
    • Fixed a problem in which CrossOver would complain about unmet dependencies of libosmesa6 on Ubuntu 14.04.3.
Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Running CrossOver 14 Linux For An Easier Wine Experience

For a large portion of Linux and Mac users the reality is there will be some Windows program that they will still have to use on a daily or near-daily basis. For many the answer is Wine, letting them use their applications with a variable amount of success on their new *nix system. Unfortunately Wine doesn't come with any guarantee of support for a given application, nor is there any level of support from the developers beyond the community, or a generous developer. Enter CrossOver.
CrossOver has been the main financial support behind the Wine project for several years now, they offer a customized version of the Wine codebase and even claim explicit support for a variety of applications-- some games, some productivity software, some utilities.
For many users Wine meets all of their needs, free of charge, but for those who want that extra hand, or who don't trust that they'll be able to configure their wine install to meet their situation, then CrossOver is a nice compromise. 
For $59.95 USD, CrossOver will give you an automated installer for many applications, as well as integration into the package manager for dependencies that the compatibility layer might need -- such as codecs, mp3 and mpeg libraries, or specific fonts.
The buyer can also opt to buy phone support direct from CrossOver in order to get their applications working on their systems. That's not the only thing though, every purchase of CrossOver goes directly to the continuing development of the Wine project as CrossOver employs many of the contributors and developers, as well as contributing every fix they develop, "no matter how tiny", directly back to the Wine project itself. By supporting CrossOver, users support Wine.

For me personally, the biggest and most helpful feature is the integration with the package manager. All of my main applications -- MS Office, World Of Warcraft, Warcraft 3, and others all work fine in the base version of Wine. But anytime I swap a new distro to try out I always have to go back through and install all of the system dependencies, such as (32bit versions of) gstreamer codecs, libmpg, mp3 support, and others. But with CrossOver I get prompted to install those packages the moment I try to install a Windows application that has those dependencies declared. 
For advanced users, purchasing CrossOver may not have a direct benefit. But for those who are less technologically minded, or that want to help out the Wine project, then purchasing CrossOver is an easy way to support themselves, as well as support the wider community who benefits from the Wine project.
CrossOver has managed to work fairly well over the years, even going back to CrossOver Office 5 from 10+ years ago as well as CrossOver Games, which has since been integrated into CrossOver itself.

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

winetricks 20150826 was released today for Mac OSX and Linux

WineTricks 20150826 was released today for use with Wine from WineHQ and runs on Apple Mac OSX and Linux operating systems, the change log and download links are provided below.

 WineTricks Change log - August 26, 2015

  • version bump - 20150826
  • Many bug fixes

WineTricks Downloads :

Source code (zip)
Source code (tar.gz)

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Wine 1.7.50 for Mac OSX and Linux has been Released

The Wine development release 1.7.50 is now available.
What's new in this release:
  • New version of the Gecko engine based on Firefox 40.
  • First steps of the Direct3D 11 implementation.
  • Better font matching in DirectWrite.
  • Support for OpenMP on ARM platforms.
  • Various bug fixes.
The source is available now. Binary packages are in the process of being built, and will appear soon at their respective download locations.

Bugs fixed in 1.7.50 (total 39):

  12454  iriver Plus 3 fails to start due to missing msvcirt.dll ?sh_read@filebuf@@2HB export
  23650  PowerPoint 2007 insensitive to changes in screen resolution
  25225  MPLAB IDE v8.60 toolbars getting reorganised every time when the window minimized and restored
  26688  Multiple games crashes on unimplemented function vcomp.dll.omp_init_lock (Risen, Hearts of Iron III demo)
  28444  zenilib applications: crash when attempting to use d3dx9 for rendering
  29081  Drag and Drop: Duplicate entries in winamp playlist window
  29468  not able to click anything on Star Wars Republic Commando launcher
  30397  Multiple applications need support for NtSetInformationFile class FileDispositionInformation (Cygwin installer, Stylizer 5.x Visual CSS editor, Spoon Studio 2011 (ex Xenocode) application sandboxing scheme)
  30399  Multiple games and applications need support for 'NtSetInformationFile' class 'FileRenameInformation' (Spoon Studio 2011 based Stylizer 5.x, Boost.Interprocess based Tera Online, MSYS2 installer)
  31856  TextPad full screen view toggle broken
  31895  The main character is not rendered in Synaesthete
  32531  Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 crashes on unimplemented function KERNEL32.dll.CreateThreadpoolWork (Vista+ API)
  32671  PhotoLine 32 v18.x crashes on startup (missing error handling on creation of multi-profile color transform)
  33430  Santander bank security module crashes during StormFish installation
  36163  valgrind shows an unitialized variable in programs/cmd/tests/batch.c
  36457  Hearts of Iron III Demo and Europa Universalis:Rome crash with unimplemented function vcomp.dll._vcomp_enter_critsect
  37225  QQ 6.3: QQApp.exe Crashes after login
  37478  cmd doesn't handle "else if" correctly in all cases
  38153  Don't work Radmin viewer 3.5
  38224  AcceptEx detaches the socket from its IO completion port
  38343  Unimplemented function mfplat.dll.MFGetPluginControl
  38435  Xfire 2.0 crashes on unimplemented function fltlib.dll.FilterLoad
  38611  Samsung Smart View 2.0 (.NET 4.x WPF app): text does not render (IDWriteGlyphRunAnalysis is not implemented)
  38698  wineconsole: Altering line InsertMode with the Insert key should not be permanent
  38755  Unable to run "Twitch Bandwidth Test": calling to unimplemented function IPHLPAPI.DLL.SetPerTcpConnectionEStats
  38955  Visual Studio Code installer crashes on startup (parsing of overly long string-format security descriptor causes stack corruption)
  38967  Lotus Approach from Lotus Smartsuite 9.8 crashes on startup (OLE compound document files v3 may contain junk in high part of size)
  38976  Hospital Tycoon crashes after the intro videos with built-in d3dx9_36
  38977  Tabs are rendered as a rectangle in license text of Quake III Arena demo installer
  38988  .NET applications using System.Decimal to float conversion may return wrong results ('VarR4FromDec' divisor integer overflow)
  39028  Built-in iexplore crashes when opening forum/blog entries on (crash in get_frame_by_name("yterr")
  39031  Schein demo needs vcomp110.dll._vcomp_master_begin
  39040  Office 2010 applications enter installation configuration steps then exit
  39058  Schein demo needs vcomp110.dll._vcomp_flush
  39096  Nvidia Physx uninstaller completely removes PATH registry key from 'HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment'
  39099  Wine's msiexec crashes when invoking Nvidia Physx maintenance tool via 'wine uninstaller -> Modify...'
  39104  [win16] installing application cause "Not Enough Disk Space" MessageBox
  39117  Cross-compilation: Error in zconf.h included from zlib.h included from http.c
  39118  Office 2013 installer fails to start

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

CodeWeavers CrossOver Mac for only 69 cents for three more days

With the Pay What You Want bundles, you can get something incredible for as little as you want to pay while making the world a better place. And if you beat the average price, you’ll receive the fully upgraded bundle!

10% of the profits from your purchase will go towards Creative Commons, who develops, supports, and stewards legal and technical infrastructure that maximizes digital creativity, sharing, and innovation.

Make the Top of the Leaderboard at ANY point during the sale and gain 5 entries to our exclusive giveaway! Make it onto the leaderboard at ANY point during the sale and gain 1 entry to our exclusive giveaway!

OK, why am I saying for 69 cents, well actually you could pay 10 cents for the total bundle but I have faith that most will pay the average or higher and the current average for the 10 apps is $6.91 so therefore a whopping average of 69.1 cents each!

What's in the bundle you ask...

But if you should be so unlucky to miss this out on this pay what you want bundle deal you can always find a CodeWeavers CrossOver Mac promo or Coupon code here for great savings!

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Monday, August 17, 2015

World of Warships on Mac OS X with CodeWeavers CrossOver

It's no longer a secret that we've been doing work for Wargaming, Inc., the makers of the hugely popular World of Tanks, World of Warplanes, and the forthcoming World of Warships (which is currently in open beta). We're doing the Mac port of World of Warships, and we've gotten to the point where it's in good enough shape that it needs some serious testing. And who better to do some serious testing than a naval historian who's written a book on the Battle of Midway, and who is an adjunct lecturer for the U.S. Naval War College, and given talks at Pearl Harbor, the National WWII Museum, the Nimitz Museum, and blah blah blah? Yeah, ummm, I guess that'd be me.

WoWS Splash Screen
Splash screen for World of Warships, running on my Mac. Late-war Nagato-class battleship, so pretty...

So, first things first: from a purely technical standpoint, our Mac port is going to be great. I've played the game extensively on Windows and on my Macbook Pro, and there's no perceptible difference in game play. None. If anything, with my Mac's SSD drive, it plays better on the Mac than at home on Windows. No graphical glitches, no performance issues, nothing. It works very, very well. When my ship sinks on my Mac, it sinks exactly the way it ought to on Windows: broken, capsizing, and in flames. And that's not just hype.

Me, sinking...
Me, sinking: broken, capsizing and in flames... but at least I killed the pesky destroyer that killed me...

So is the game fun? Yeah, sadly, it really is. And I say "sadly," because, believe me, I need a good game to chew up my time like I need a hole in the head. (I am, after all, working on my next book.) But Wargaming has done a really good job injecting a sense of realism while tempering it with game balance as well. This is, after all, a game, and it's meant to be fun. Having done play-testing on some "hyper-realistic" games (including 360 Pacific's horrifically bad Gulf War simulation "Patriot"), I can tell you that games are supposed to be fun, first and foremost. "Realism" is nice, but "fun" is nicer. And this is a great mix of both.

So, for instance, if you're a hardcore Imperial Japanese Navy fan (which I most certainly am), you'll see a mixture of the perennial favs (battleship Fuso, heavy cruiser Mogami, and of course the mighty Yamato) mixed in with a bunch of never-built oddities. And you might be tempted to say, "The cruiser Zao? The carrier Hakuryu? What the hell were those?!?" Really, what those are, are conveniently vague placeholders that give Wargaming the wiggle-room it needs to make sure that things are reasonably well-balanced between tiers of warships.

Target in sight!
Come to me, my prey... just a little bit closer...

The equipment, likewise, "feels" realistic, even though it kinda isn't. So, yeah, if you're playing a battleship, you'll notice that your main armament has a much flatter trajectory at medium range than, say, a cruiser's armament (which is fair enough). But then again, if you take a look at the range of Yamato's main guns, 26.6km, you'll see that that's about 60% of their real-life maximum. All the weapon ranges are downscaled in this way. Likewise, ship speeds (and certainly acceleration) are all scaled up, so that players feel like they have mobility around the battlefield. In real life naval gunnery, encounters often felt as if they were being waged in slow motion, although some of the encounters in places like the Solomons could be comparatively fast-moving and short range. However, even a real-life brawl like the First Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, which was very fast to develop, and about the nearest thing to a knife-fight we got into in the Solomons, lasted for nearly 45 minutes. World of Warships encounters are all brawls of this type, but they typically take about 15-20 minutes apiece. That's a nice chunk of time: long enough to be interesting, but not so long that your wife will yell at you for being an hour late to dinner.

There's a lot more terrain on World of Warships ocean than there was in most real-world naval encounters as well. Most of the games I've played seem to be fought over the remains of some ancient, sunken volcanic calderas. (I had no idea that that many ancient sunken volcanic calderas even existed in the world.) In the game, you routinely use small islands to shield your maneuvers, or to sneak up on your opponent, or to get the hell out of the way before that enemy battleship over there unloads on you. That's "fun," but it ain't very realistic. In fact, no naval officer in his/her right mind would be willing to drive a ship into any of these horribly constricted maps festooned with toothy rocks and volcanic peaks. But then again, such maps are fun as hell, and it's a hoot to drive your Kuma-class T4 cruiser through there like a Porsche taking the curves on Hwy 1. What's not to like?

Into the valley of death...
Notice the terrain all around me? Yeah, there's a lot of that.

I also appreciated the fairly realistic tradeoffs being made between the various nationalities that reflected their "feel." So, you like torpedoes and speedy warships? Then go with the Japanese all the way, but don't expect to have super great survivability. You're into gunnery and protection? U.S. Navy, baby, but you have to get used to the fact that your plodding South Carolina is going to take a lot longer to get into the fight than my zippy little Kuma.

This brings up another point: the individual types of ships also feel and play differently. And this is good, too. So, for instance, with a battleship, you really have to think ahead to what you're going to be doing a minute or two from now, because your ship is slow, your turrets are very slow to train to new bearings, and your reload time is slow as well. So, you have to look down the road and think to yourself, "Yeah, he's going to be around there, and I need to be facing this way in order to unleash a broadside, but, oh, wait, there's going to be that island in my way, so I'd better adjust my course now." This is why I primarily play cruisers, not battleships. "Yep, everything's goin' great... mhmmm... my 6" guns are nibbling that guy to death… oh crap, torpedoes! Turn around NOW and run like hell!!!"

Anyway, the game is a hoot. I'll be playing more of it, and can't wait to see it released. If you're a naval history fan, whether you're running Mac or Linux, I think you'll really enjoy it. And if you see "JonnyKaigun" out on the servers, you know who he is now...

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

winetricks 20150810 was released today for Mac OSX and Linux

WineTricks 20150810 was released today for use with Wine from WineHQ and runs on Apple Mac OSX and Linux operating systems, the change log and download links are provided below.

 WineTricks Change log - August 10, 2015

  • version bump - 20150810
  • dxdiag: Use native DirectMusic DLLs and gm.dls
  • Many bug fixes

WineTricks Downloads :

Source code (zip)
Source code (tar.gz)

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Wine 1.7.49 for Mac OSX and Linux has been Released

The Wine development release 1.7.49 is now available.

What's new in this release:
  • DirectWrite is now good enough for rendering text in Steam.
  • A number of Direct2D improvements.
  • Some more OpenMP functions.
  • Support for namespaces in the IDL compiler.
  • Various bug fixes.
The source is available now. Binary packages are in the process of being built, and will appear soon at their respective download locations.

 Bugs fixed in 1.7.49 (total 31):

   8277  Windows Sysinternals Process Explorer and other tools show zero thread start address (NtQueryInformationThread with ThreadQuerySetWin32StartAddress info class)
  17044  Microsoft OneNote 2007 "Insert Audio Recording" doesn't work
  20521  Nocturnal Illusion crashes
  22206  Mig Alley Flight Simulator (1999) crashes due to unimplemented msvcirt.dll.??0ios@@IAE@XZ
  23407  Death to Spies Moment of Truth: character bodies (player and NPCs) are invisible
  26379  Multiple games crash on unimplemented function d3dx9_36.dll.D3DXComputeNormals (Gamestudio Venice, Nvidia hdr demo, Fritz 11, XCOM, Cities XL)
  27145  Weapons Translucent Like Glass in FEAR 1 and 2.
  28916  Spellforce 2 Gold - wrong drawing order of surfaces
  31051  HttpQueryInfo() erroneously ignores lpdwIndex argument for some info levels
  31374  Steam text invisible with dwrite.dll enabled
  31640  hugin's enfuse.exe crashes without native vcomp100.dll (purist)
  32637  Some VST plugins that used to work with dssi-vst now fail
  33165  Star Conflict crash at startup
  33724  Aliwangwang needs unimplemented function atl100.dll.AtlAxCreateControlLicEx
  36087  SpinTires crashes when applying settings in windowed mode
  36915  Among the Sleep crashes when starting a new game (Oculusplugin.dll needs to be disabled)
  37583  Trion's Glyph MMO manager crashes on unimplemented function msvcr110.dll.?_GetConcurrency@details@Concurrency@@YAIXZ
  38004  Multiple games crashes with unimplemented function x3daudio1_7.dll.X3DAudioInitialize
  38197  Singles 2 crash at start
  38262  Warframe Update Fails!
  38508  Multiple applications need 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Cryptography\MachineGuid' registry key present (Wizard 101 UK downloader)
  38613  Multiple games (Witcher3 Wild Hunt, Schein, The Emptiness) need vcomp110.dll
  38828  Cerbero PE Insider 1.0.2 crashes on unimplemented function dbghelp.dll.UnDecorateSymbolNameW when viewing export directory
  38861  Carbon Poker crashes at startup
  38935  CocosStudio1.6 (.NET 4.0 app) crashes when starting (needs 'Win32_DesktopMonitor' WMI class with 'PixelsPerXLogicalInch' property)
  38947  Cities XL Platinum crashes while loading to the menu, needs vcomp.dll._vcomp_for_dynamic_init
  38949  Free Falcon 5.x/6.x configuration editor segfaults on start (loader must take invalid IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY values into account)
  38989  ShowShifter (obsoleted A/V application) fails to start with built-in msvcp60
  39008  Trion Worlds 'Trove' (Voxel MMO) crashes on startup (missing UTC timezone information)
  39015  Steam crashes shortly after login when DirectWrite is enabled
  39017  64-bit Lexmark X2670 All-in-One printer driver installation fails (missing pragma pack directive in 'digitalv.h' causes structure layout mismatch between 'MCI_DGV_OPEN_PARMSW' and 'MCI_OPEN_PARMSW')

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

CodeWeavers CrossOver 15 status update Office 2013 Steam and Wargaming fixes just to name a few

 The last two and a half weeks of testing were heavily occupied with attention to World of Tanks and World of Warships.

World of Tanks, now with LED lights!With World of Tanks we began by triaging a crash that started with the 9.9 update. We fixed the issue quickly and sent a new build to Wargaming. We followed this with a fix for a severe drop in frame-rates with the 9.9 update. A fix for the frame-rate issue and a mouse offset issue is on it's way to Wargaming now. We continue work on a rendering issue that lights up the garage as though it were decorated with blue LED lights on Intel based systems.

For World of Warships we spent a majority of the time working with the black screen a user would be met with upon login. The problem is related to Wine Bug number 35397. With more testing and development, we hope to send the fix upstream. This means we fixed it easily for Wargaming but to ensure we don't break other applications in Wine, we need to complete the patch by adding tests and additional cases.

Following that, our normal cycle of testing did not reveal new regressions with the latest version of Wine.

We reproduced a crash reported in our forums with El Capitan and CrossOver 14.1.4. We confirmed the crash in our development branch and opened a bug report with Apple regarding the crash. This crash is caused by an exception in code that only occurs when using El Capitan.

We confirmed that Apple fixed a rendering issue with the release of El Capitan that affects Banished.

We reviewed Wine bug number 34041; we confirmed that Skyrim continues to hang on exit both with CrossOver and the latest version of Wine, 1.7.47.

For CrossOver 14, we tested fixes with Microsoft Office 2010's behavior on dual screen systems. This includes full-screen maximize/minimize behavior of primary and secondary screens on Gnome Classic and Gnome Shell with Metacity and Debian 7. Additional testing was performed on Debian 8 with dual screen systems. This work will be included in CrossOver 15 and any future updates of CrossOver 14. We also retested the behavior of inserting Word and Excel objects in PowerPoint 2007.

For CrossOver 15
  • We confirmed a fix for Microsoft Office 2007 & 2010 installs where the contents and control panel would scan forever and never load.
  • We confirmed a fix for a bad case on bottle renaming where pressing ESC would rename the bottle in the GUI but not the system. Pressing ESC now completely cancels the bottle renaming process.
  • We confirmed a fix for a bad behavior when CrossOver was minimized to the OSX dock. It now maximizes with a single click, the same behavior as native applications.
  • We confirmed a fix where CrossOver could not download specific files based on a feature in the Mac frameworks via the user agent string. CrossOver on OSX now uses the same method as Linux for downloads.
  • We confirmed a fix for PokeXGames where a proper username is now used in the registry setting so the game can rely on it.

Magenta SteamDwrite has been completely merged into Wine with this update, this means that more people can now contribute to the work that still needs to be done for implementation. It also means that we changed how the development of branch of CrossOver is handled. We now build with dwrite for the first time in a long time. Unfortunately some titles break with this configuration, namely Steam. However, the work to make Steam functional is ongoing and we have confirmed that if Steam is not functional by the time CrossOver 15 is released, we can adjust this setting specifically for Steam.

Direct2D implementation was also merged into Wine this week. More people can now contribute to the work that still needs to be done.

As dwrite and direct2d were submitted to Wine, we performed a series of tests to ensure that Office 2013 applications remained as functional as they have been in the past weeks. This means that each application launches in the very least. In some cases that success is short lived as the application crashes quickly. Our developers have a sense of humor with this:

Ship it Quick!
With extreme caution, testing of Office 2013 can now take place with Wine and with development builds of CrossOver. Many installers do not yet work, patience.  

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