
Showing posts with label review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label review. Show all posts

Monday, March 7, 2016

Mariner Software Paperless 2 review

Mariner Software’s Paperless 2 is a good replacement for typical software that comes bundled with most scanners. For just a little extra investment, you’ll get a wide range of additional features. You can create a database for every document imaginable with Paperless. From receipts and bills to your five-year-old’s drawings, Paperless stores and organizes them all.

Paperless is compatible with most scanners but Mariner Software highly recommends the use of Fujitsu ScanSnap S1100, ScanSnap S1300 or ScanSnap S1500 scanners. Mariner Software is an authorized partner of Fujitsu and Paperless is designed to work seamlessly with Fujitsu ScanSnap line.

Paperless stands out for numerous of reasons and it makes organizing papers as easy as it could get. The software has a good usability. The large graphical icons at the top of the toolbar give you an access to all of the most significant functions. The main window of the software has three columns. There is a file browser on the left, document image in the middle at the top, list of documents below it and the details about the currently selected document on the right.

You can store almost any type of document such as pdf, web archives, emails, word, excel, RTF, JPEG and TIFF. Conveniently, you can scan documents directly to Paperless or import existing files from the hard drive. The scanned documents can be placed in files which you have to set out in advanced. Setting up the files for scanned documents is a fairly easy and quick.

Paperless has OCR (Optical character recognition) function which recognizes the text on the document and adds it to the Details Window. Your own notes and tags can also be added to the document. Paperless does not support reconstruction of the document after OCR. This function is available in more expensive Nuance’s Paperport software.

After scanning you can crop and rotate the documents in the scan dialogue. However, this can’t be done after the documents have been imported. It is possible to change the order of the existing pages as well as split and merge documents.

All documents can be viewed by the scanning date or by the collection. Paperless also has a calendar view. Of any collection you can create expense chart, table, pie or contact report.
A digital document is accepted by the IRS according to ruling Rev. Proc. 97-22. Therefore all your legal documents can be archived with Paperless.

+Affordable price
+Works seamlessly with Fujitsu ScanSnap line
+Has all the necessary features for a typical user

-OCR does not reconstruct documents

You can use any of these 4 coupons in the Mariners online store and save between 5% and 25% off the retail price of new purchases or one of the 5 pack bundles.

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Crossover 14 Linux, una experiencia Wine más llevadera

Una buena parte de los usuarios de Linux y Mac se encontrarán con que hay algún programa para Windows que tienen que utilizar a diario o con cierta frecuencia. Para muchos la solución es Wine, que les permite usar esas aplicaciones en entornos *nix con mayor o menor éxito. Desafortunadamente, Wine no proporciona ninguna garantía para aplicaciones concretas, ni existe un soporte oficial por parte de los desarrolladores más allá de la comunidad o de colaboradores altruistas. Aquí es donde CrossOver entra en juego.
CrossOver lleva varios años siendo el principal soporte económico del proyecto Wine. Ofrecen una versión personalizada de Wine e incluso dan soporte oficial a ciertas aplicaciones -determinados juegos, software de productividad y utilidades-.
Para muchos usuarios Wine satisface sus necesidades sin coste alguno, pero para aquellos que quieran una ayuda extra o no se vean capaces de configurar su instalación de Wine adecuadamente, CrossOver es una buena solución.
Por 59.95$ USD, CrossOver proporciona un instalador automático de muchas aplicaciones, así como integración con el gestor de paquetes para instalar las dependencias que hagan falta -por ejemplo, códecs o fuentes concretas-.
El cliente también puede contratar el soporte telefónico directo de CrossOver para lograr ejecutar sus aplicaciones. Y eso no es todo. Cada compra de CrossOver contribuye con el desarrollo de Wine pues muchos de los colaboradores y desarrolladores son empleados de CrossOver, y cualquier corrección que realizan, “por muy pequeña que sea”, se aporta a Wine. Respaldando CrossOver, los usuarios respaldan Wine
Para mí personalmente, la mejor característica de CrossOver es la integración con el gestor de paquetes. Todas mis aplicaciones (MS Office, World of Warcraft, Warcraft 3 y otras) funcionan correctamente en la versión básica de Wine, pero cada que vez que cambio de distribución Linux tengo que instalar todas las dependencias del sistema como los códecs gstreamer, libmpg, soporte mp3, etc. Sin embargo, CrossOver me ofrece instalar todos esos paquetes en cuanto intento ejecutar una aplicación Windows que los necesita.
Para usuarios avanzados, adquirir CrossOver puede que no suponga un beneficio directo, pero para aquellos menos tecnológicamente versados o que simplemente quieren contribuir con el proyecto Wine, CrossOver es una manera fácil de obtener ayuda y ayudar a la comunidad de Wine.
Con el paso del tiempo CrossOver ha conseguido asentarse, desde CrossOver Office 5 de hace más de 10 años y CrossOver Games, que ahora se incluye integrado en el propio CrossOver.

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Friday, September 4, 2015

CrossOver azaz Windows alkalmazások Linuxon (és Macen)

Üdv Mindenkinek!

Szeretném megosztani veletek az élményeim, illetve tapasztalatom a CrossOver nevű szoftverrel linuxon.
Először is a gépemről.:
Oprendszer: Zorin OS 9 (64bit) (Ubuntu 14.04-es alapon fekszik)
Asztali felület: Lubuntu-desktop
AMD Athlon II P360 Dual-core 2.3 Ghz processzor
3GB Ddr3 Ram
Amd Radeon HD 6650m (1 GB) videókártya

Tehát amint látjátok nem a legfelső kategória, de épp ezért volt érdekes számomra látni, hogyan is futnak a Windowsos programok.

Screenshotokat is készítettem azért, hogy láthassatok 1 telepítési folyamatot is esetleg. A CrossOver beszerzése nagyon egyszerű volt csak fel kell lépni az oldalukra és le kell tölteni az adott distrora.

A letöltés végeztével, láttam egy .bin fájlt, terminálba beindítottam, nagyon egyszerű telepítése van, mindent elvégez saját magának. Itt találtam 1 kisebb bugot, Lubuntu/LXDE asztalnál resetelni kell a desktopot, hogy az ikont a telepítés után létrehozza. Én egyszerűen csak létrehoztam 1 indítóikont neki, gondoltam így egyszerűbb lesz. Miután sikeresen feltelepítettem, létrehoztam az ikont, illetve tökéletesen beindult, felhozott 1 terminált miszerint a szükséges fájlokat le kell töltenie, itt kér majd adminisztrátor engedélyt, hogy azokat letölthesse. Mikor minden kész volt egy egész kis pofás GUI-t találtam magam előtt. Egyszerű az elrendezése és könnyen használható, amit viszont hiányoltam belőle a Magyar nyelv. De ez elhanyagolható úgy gondolom. Miután minden készen állt, úgy éreztem muszáj kipróbálnom valamit. Támogatott szoftvereknél megtaláltam a GRID nevű játékot. Régen PlayOnLinux segítségével már megpróbáltam befuttatni, sajnos se azzal, se ezzel nem sikerült elérnem ezt. Kicsit utána olvasgatva rájöttem, hogy az AMD driverekkel van a probléma, szóval ha Open Source drivert (Radeon driver) használnák valószínűleg beindulna. Miután feladtam a GRID-el való szórakozást úgy döntöttem, egy régi MMORPG-t sok ember régi kedvencét a Metin2-t fogom letesztelni. Sikerült a telepítés beindult, a játék és felettébb jól megy. Egy kis összehasonlítás kedvéért feltettem ugyan azt a klienst PlayOnLinux segítségével is. A CrossOver által futtatott Metin2 20 fps-el többet produkált, ez számomra nagyon sokat jelentett. Mert így van rá esély, hogy a többi játék is jobban produkálna. Ezek után úgy döntöttem, nézzük meg az egyik fontos szoftvert amit emberek nagy tömege használ naponta és ez a Microsoft Office. (Igen, tudom van Libreoffice, viszont én személy szerint találkoztam már pár hibával ha docx/doc formába mentek, esetleg ppt készítésnél.) Tehát, gondoltam kipróbálom.

Mivel Office 2013-al rendelkezem gondoltam felteszem azt és nézzük, hogyan is produkál. Sajnálatos módon ez is besült, ilyenkor döntöttem úgy, hogy megkérdezem a CrossOver embereit hátha tudnak nekem segíteni. Nagyon hamar kaptam a választ (olyan 10-15 perc volt kb), hogy nemsokára megérkezik a Crossover15 ami már támogatni fogja, a 2013-mas Office-t is. Úgy döntöttem leszedem, hát az Office 2010-et. Minden hiba nélkül települt, működik, nem lassú nem fagy be.
Összegezve: Mint a Winenak a CrossOvernek is vannak hibái. De a GUI amit létrehoztak, az egyszerűség, hogy nem terhelik meg a felhasználókat mindenféle beállítási lehetőséggel, maximum akkor kell hozzányúlni a beállításokhoz, ha valamilyen nem támogatott szoftvert akarunk telepíteni.

Végezetül megéri ? Szerintem Igen. Játékokban kicsivel gyorsabb mint társai, így aki Windows játékokat szeretne játszani, annak ajánlom. Illetve, Windowsos programok százai támogatottak alapból, szóval ha nem szeretnél megszabadulni Windowson használt programjaidt

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Running CrossOver 14 Linux For An Easier Wine Experience

For a large portion of Linux and Mac users the reality is there will be some Windows program that they will still have to use on a daily or near-daily basis. For many the answer is Wine, letting them use their applications with a variable amount of success on their new *nix system. Unfortunately Wine doesn't come with any guarantee of support for a given application, nor is there any level of support from the developers beyond the community, or a generous developer. Enter CrossOver.
CrossOver has been the main financial support behind the Wine project for several years now, they offer a customized version of the Wine codebase and even claim explicit support for a variety of applications-- some games, some productivity software, some utilities.
For many users Wine meets all of their needs, free of charge, but for those who want that extra hand, or who don't trust that they'll be able to configure their wine install to meet their situation, then CrossOver is a nice compromise. 
For $59.95 USD, CrossOver will give you an automated installer for many applications, as well as integration into the package manager for dependencies that the compatibility layer might need -- such as codecs, mp3 and mpeg libraries, or specific fonts.
The buyer can also opt to buy phone support direct from CrossOver in order to get their applications working on their systems. That's not the only thing though, every purchase of CrossOver goes directly to the continuing development of the Wine project as CrossOver employs many of the contributors and developers, as well as contributing every fix they develop, "no matter how tiny", directly back to the Wine project itself. By supporting CrossOver, users support Wine.

For me personally, the biggest and most helpful feature is the integration with the package manager. All of my main applications -- MS Office, World Of Warcraft, Warcraft 3, and others all work fine in the base version of Wine. But anytime I swap a new distro to try out I always have to go back through and install all of the system dependencies, such as (32bit versions of) gstreamer codecs, libmpg, mp3 support, and others. But with CrossOver I get prompted to install those packages the moment I try to install a Windows application that has those dependencies declared. 
For advanced users, purchasing CrossOver may not have a direct benefit. But for those who are less technologically minded, or that want to help out the Wine project, then purchasing CrossOver is an easy way to support themselves, as well as support the wider community who benefits from the Wine project.
CrossOver has managed to work fairly well over the years, even going back to CrossOver Office 5 from 10+ years ago as well as CrossOver Games, which has since been integrated into CrossOver itself.

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Running Windows Applications On A Mac Without Windows CrossOver 14.1.3 Review

Running Windows applications on Linux and Mac systems has come a long way. I remember doing virtual machines, like QEMU, and VirtualBox, running a guest in Vista or XP, and while it does run as expected, the overhead costs of running a whole operating system in a VM environment can be big (I still do use these programs, particularly VBox for development purposes).

Around 2004-2007ish, I’ve was doing some application testings for a little program named WINE (I also have a friend, Tom Wickline, of Wine Reviews, who incidentally was the indirect reason why I created this blog in the first place (we did a review of PlayOnLinux in the past together, and it was so much fun, that I created this blog out of a whim). No, WINE is not a alcoholic drink, but instead it is rather a program that emulates different Windows APIs in linux and mac systems. It was also a challenge to compile for beginners too (I do not compile in mainstream linux OSes in the past but rather in smaller hobbyist type Linuxes like Alinux/PeanutLinux or PCLinuxOS). Real life happened though, so I had to give up this hobby.

The advantage of running WINE over Virtual Machine solutions is no overhead costs and the application runs at particularly native speeds. The disadvantage of running WINE is that not all programs run (Windows has a lot of APIs under the hood, and WINE doesn’t implement all of them).

In this particular article, I am running CrossOver 14.1.3 for Mac, on an early 2011 MacBook Pro (8,1) with 4GB of RAM and Intel HD 3000 Graphics (384MB Shared Memory Display).

Also for this particular experiment, I am installing a CodeWeavers supported application (Microsoft Office 2007), and two unsupported, but community supported applications (Mass Effect, and Tomb Raider 2013)

Before We Start
Before we start, let us see the levels of compatibility in these programs according to WINE compatibility levels:

Bronze – programs can install and run, with fundamental functionalities intact. However, the applications running have enough bugs that CodeWeavers advises running them with caution (save early and often).

Silver – programs can install and run well enough to be usable. There are however bugs that are found to let the program run flawlessly.

Gold – programs can install and run as you would expect if you are running Windows.

A further level of support for CodeWeavers is officially supported. That means if your application is in the list of officially supported applications, CodeWeavers is dedicated to bring up the level of compatibility higher (for example, supported bronze applications is expected to be brought up to silver level applications of CodeWeaver in future versions of CrossOver).

Microsoft Office (Officially Supported, Bronze)
Microsoft Office is an Office Suite of Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Presentation Software, among others. It is basically the proprietary equivalent of LibreOffice/OpenOffice. As such, CrossOver supports Microsoft Office officially.
 Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Limited number of FREE CodeWeavers CrossOver Mac and Linux licenses available

I now have six licenses remaining to give to reviewers, if your interested to write a review about CodeWeavers CrossOver Mac or Linux this is your chance. 

I have ten CodeWeavers CrossOver licenses available, five for CrossOver Mac and five for CrossOver Linux to give away to web sites or individuals who are interested in writing a review of CrossOver Mac or Linux. The license are valued at $59.95 each and are good for a one year subscription.

What's needed :

  1. A website to host your review
  2. A Linux or Mac computer
  3. Windows Games or Applications, you can look at the compatibility center for known software that works.
What will you receive for your review :

  1. A full copy of CrossOver Mac or Linux
  2. Back links from this and other sites.. Think SEO
  3. Your review posted on Facebook and other social sites e,g Google+ , Twitter etc etc with back links to your review.
How can you contact me about doing a review :

You can leave a comment here, please include a link to your website, don't worry all comments here are moderated and won't be made public or go to Facebook and send me a message. Not the ( Contact Us ) but a Message, The Contact Us actually points to WineHQ Donate page...  :)

I would like to have a Spanish, Russian, Hindi, German, French and English or other major language Chinese or Italian etc etc :) review to broaden the overall reader base. This will not only make it easier for you to write the review in your native language but for your local readers to better understand the review.

Keep in mind license and reviews will be accepted on a first come first serve basis, I'm not trying to get the greatest reviews but more importantly truly honest and unbiased reviews.

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.