
Showing posts with label promo code. Show all posts
Showing posts with label promo code. Show all posts

Saturday, July 25, 2015

MacGourmet Deluxe 4.2 B2 from Mariner Software has been released

MacGourmet Deluxe 4.2 B2 from Mariner Software has now been released. You can use coupon code ( TOMW ) in the Mariner Software eStore and save 25% off new purchases and 5 pack bundles today!
MacGourmet Deluxe and MacGourmet are our two powerful recipe management applications that enable you to easily create, edit, organize, and share your recipes.
  • Make notes about wine, beer, and cheese — like pairings, for example. You’ve got a Pinot Noir in your wine rack, should you pair it with Colby or Cheddar – or both? Is there a beer that goes well with apple pie?
  • Search the pantry for ingredients and use the results to plan a meal
  • Add Lists, Smart Lists, or sub-lists to categorize your recipes such as, Vegetarian, Gluten-fee, Low Fat, even “recipes from Grandmother”
  • Create shopping lists. Print out a list and take it with you, or sync it to Gourmet (for iOS), the mobile version, and check off items while you walk through the store
  • Flag the recipes that made you stand out at that dinner party

Thursday, July 23, 2015

How to use the Windows version of Steam on Mac OS X

Learn how to install and play Windows Steam games on your mac without the need for bootcamp or dual-booting with CrossOver Mac.

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

CodeWeavers CrossOver Linux and Mac one click promo code savings

I have setup a one click CodeWeavers CrossOver Linux and Mac promo code, now their is no need to input a promo code just click the 25% off image provided here and your savings are made fast, easy and simple. Go ahead give it a try and see your instant savings.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

CodeWeavers CrossOver discount coupon and promo codes for 2015 and 2016

The following CodeWeavers CrossOver promo codes are available for discounts from 10% to 20% off CodeWeavers products for Linux and Mac users. You can share these coupon codes with your friends or post them on your website, social media accounts such as Google+, Facebook, Twitter, etc. etc.

 Your big Crimbo 2015 savings are here : TOM23

Putty for Mac
Putty for Mac

Two Weeks in CrossOver Microsoft Office 2013 installs and launches

It's been another busy two weeks in Testing Land:

We spent time reading through and updating our Fedora documentation to ensure we mention dnf instead of yum, where appropriate. During this review we consolidated some of our Linux sound troubleshooting pages and flagged out-of-date pages so they will no longer show up in Google searches.

Our bi-weekly testing cycle with Wine 1.7.46 did not reveal any new regressions within CrossOver.

We retested bugs with Excellerate and created a basic CrossTie for the application.

The developer of Virtual DJ Studio 7 stopped by our site to leave feedback:

Feedback from Virtual DJ Developer
His words inspired us to create a CrossTie of Virtual DJ Studio and try it out on El Capitan.

Virtual DJ Studio 7
For CrossOver 15 development, we added the extension .cxlog to all log files collected on Linux systems. This has been in place on the Mac side for a long time, and has been a much-requested feature to implement on Linux by those who use both platforms. We also tested a new feature on CrossOver Linux that will allow users to clean out the cache of installer files CrossOver downloads. A request to add this feature to CrossOver Mac is now in place.

We retested and gave feedback on the design of our registration dialog. While working on this portion of the product, we reviewed all the old bugs in our tracker regarding the registration dialog and determined that it is more precise to say 'activation code' and 'unlock' rather than 'register' and 'serial code'. (And yes, we actually argue about these things, vigorously, at the lunch table.)

We verified the names that application windows receive on launch in CrossOver and outlined what still needs work. We identified steps that lead to an odd error message in CrossOver Linux and resolved that issue for CrossOver 15. During this testing, we identified conditions that make installation unusually slow in CrossOver and we're exploring ways to resolve the issue.

We confirmed the resolution of a crash during installation on Linux systems.

Office 2013 in Wine 1.7.46In rather major news, we ran our first successful tests of Microsoft Office 2013! The most interesting part is that this series of testing was done with Wine and not CrossOver. While the code that allows for this testing to be completed is not yet in Wine, our developers believe their patches are relatively clean and they are upstreaming each patch as soon as it is ready. The Wine community should see this work begin trickling into the main Wine tree on a daily and weekly basis. As our work is completed, Microsoft Office 2013 will come closer and closer to installing on Mac and Linux systems with mainstream Wine and its derivatives.

That said, we should note that not all Microsoft Office 2013 installers are functional. As with previous versions of Office, there are various flavors of the Office installer that will need work. This includes downloadable versions, cd installers, live updaters, and various distributors. We cannot possible test every installation version of Office 2013.

And now a breakdown of what we saw in each application this week:

Access 2013 in Wine 1.7.46Word 2013 launches but typing is invisible. The document portion of Word appears blank though text is being typed. (Marketing jokes that invisible text may not actually be all that big a deal; but Testing thinks that it is.)

Excel 2013 launches and hangs. This result was inconsistent, in that it was possible to launch Excel 2013 on some systems and do data entry, but not on others.

Access 2013 launches and is somewhat functional. This is the most functional application in Office 2013 thus far, which has surprised us. Access has not been exceptionally functional in Office 2007 or 2010, and flaws in its functionality have traditionally kept us from stating that Access was usable with CrossOver. The largest problem in our testing was that toolbars were slow to render.

Outlook 2013 launches and hangs. We have tested this application many different ways but have not had great success with it yet.

Publisher 2013 launches and works to an extent. It is possible to draw a shape and complete some work. Eventually it crashes.

For the first time, we installed El Capitan on one of our Macs. This allowed us to confirm that CrossOver maintains functionality in the latest beta Mac operating system. Of course, this may change as updates come to El Capitan but as of today, CrossOver works. In addition, we did basic testing on some of our ported titles like Pirate101, Wizard101, World of Tanks, RootsMagic 7, and Electric Quilt 7.

CrossOver and Friends on El Capitan
Of course, we're also interested in testing reported problems and general functionality in our ported applications. Some of these included:

Electric Quilt 7 has been plagued by a keyboard layout issue. Few users are affected by this bug, but those who see it experience a crash. We are working with the developer to implement a proposed solution.

World of Warships has graphical issues on OSX with various GPUs. We are actively working to resolve the issues so the Mac beta of this title can go live.

World of Tanks has had numerous reports of the red and green flicker within the garage. We were able to identify the cause and fix it. In addition, we enabled the option to switch to the HD client. This build is staged, tested, and ready to go to Wargaming.

For Wizard101, we tested potential workarounds for the UK and US servers to live side-by-side on a single system. At the present time, users playing on both servers have to completely uninstall and reinstall the separate clients to gain access to the desired server.

For RootsMagic 7, we identified steps to reproduce a crash. Then we contacted customers who have reported a crash to compare their notes with our findings and ended up identifying an additional crash (because why settle for just one?) Both issues are now undergoing work by our development team.

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Microsoft Office 2013 Is the Most Requested App on CrossOver for Linux and Mac

Skyrim and Guild Wars 2 are among the most requested games

CodeWeavers, the developer of the commercial and cross-platform CrossOver application that lets Linux and Mac users run Windows apps and games, wants to know on which Windows programs they should concentrate their efforts.

The company published a list of Windows applications and games that are very popular among Linux and Mac users, so that you can vote your favorite ones. The programs with the most votes will have better support in the upcoming versions of CrossOver.

Among these apps, we can mention Microsoft Office 2013, Microsoft Office 365, VMware vSphere Client, Origin, Microsoft Visio Professional 2013, Quicken 2015, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5, Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Outlook 2013, Microsoft Visio 2010, iTunes 11, DirectX 11, and Quicken 2014.

Moreover, the The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Guild Wars 2, World of Warcraft, League of Legends, Elite Dangerous, Diablo III, The Elder Scrolls Online, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Steam, World of Tanks, Final Fantasy XIV, and Fallout 3 are among the games that are on the list.

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

CodeWeavers CrossOver Mac running on OS X El Capitan

CodeWeavers CrossOver Mac is now running on the beta release of Apples latest OS X El Capitan. With CrossOver Mac running on the early beta we should see support for the operating system update shortly after its official release. Later this year to early next year CodeWeavers will have support for Microsoft Office 2013, DirectX 10 and 11, Oculus Rift Virtual reality head sets and a host of other fixes and improvements for applications and games.


Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

World of Tanks for Mac OS

World of Tanks for Mac OS


CodeWeavers, with support from Wargaming, has developed a software solution that allows Mac OS X users to join the ranks of World of Tanks and battle!

If you're interested, you'll need to do the following:
  1. Download CodeWeavers Mac Wrapper
  2. Launch the downloaded file
  3. Move the World of Tanks icon to the ‘Applications’ folder
  4. After installation, start the launcher to begin to download and install the World of Tanks client
Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Как я искал новый “Play On Linux”

 Я хотел бы поблагодарить моего друга Чашка Петри для этого обзора

При переходе с Windows на Linux ОС, пожалуй, у всех возникают трудности с заменой привычных Win- приложений на аналогичные в Linux. Иногда их просто нет. И для решения этих мелких проблем существует Wine, но в силу своей сложности в настройке, голый он не всем подходит. Поэтому в народе используют так называемые надстройки.
Выбор надстроек для Wine небольшой. Среди них PlayOnLinux (POL), CrossOver и Cedega. Cedega я не рассматривал, из-за низкой обновляемости проекта.

Под номером один PlayOnLinux. При использовании POL, у меня возник ряд мелких неудобств, после установки, например, одной из проблемных мест для POL стала крайне неудачно портированная консольная «ролевка» Dark Souls: Prepare To Die Edition, она содержит массу недочетов после установки даже в Windows и не имеет готового скрипта для установки. Установил я ее вручную, но настроить и заставить работать в полноэкранном режиме ее так и не смог.

Номер два - CrossOver. По материалам из Вики:  «…CrossOver создан компанией CodeWeavers на основе исходных кодов свободного аналога - Wine. При этом сам он является коммерческим продуктом. Разработчики CodeWeavers добавляют собственные заплатки, а также графические утилиты конфигурации. Кроме того, компания нанимает нескольких разработчиков Wine, а также возвращает многие свои наработки в свободный проект…»

Процесс установки CrossOver под Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Debian, Red Hat, Fedora и других описан на сайте разработчика. Так как у меня Debian 64-бит, загружаем последнюю версию *.deb с сайта Открываем терминал, добавляем архитектуру i386:

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386

Советовал бы использовать 32-битную ось, в силу ряда проблем с совместимостью. Приводим ось в актуальное состояние:

sudo aptitude update

Разработчик рекомендует устанавливать свой софт  с помощью gdebi на Debian подобных системах:
sudo gdebi crossover.deb

Или с помощью dpkg:

sudo dpkg -i crossover.deb

Устанавливаем, запускаем, клацаем Установить приложение Windows и выбираем Dark Souls: Prepare To Die Edition

Переходим в раздел «Установка через Steam»:

Все файлы хранятся в префиксе, или в бутылке, кому как удобно называть. Там внутри файлы диска C,  реестр, индивидуальные настройки и т.д.  Выбираем уже готовый или создаем новый бутль:

Нажимаем Установить и Устанавливаем дополнительный софт


Устанавливаем Steam


Закрываем мастер, запускаем Steam и устанавливаем Dark Souls из Steam

Собственно, вот результат, Dark Souls в полноэкранном режиме

На мой взгляд, CrossOver более прост в управлении и надежен, но менее универсален, чем POL, например, нет возможности  выбирать различные версии Wine после установки, и так как проект коммерческий, вероятно, имеет хорошую техническую поддержку.

Пару слов добавлю о стоимости и о правах. Вы имеете право использовать демо версию бесплатно в течение 14 дней. Стоимость CrossOver Linux в России и Украине $ 20.95, для сравнения: цена в США и странах ЕС немного выше и составляет $59.95.

А если вы используете этот скидочный код ( TOM23 ) вы можете сэкономить дополнительные 20% от $20.95 цене.

Так что выбор за вами. Всем удачи!
Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

CodeWeavers CrossOver промо для России и Украины

Здравствуйте, я хотел бы поделиться нашим 20 % от промо код для Codeweavers CrossOver Linux или Mac. Это промо-код хорошо для России и Украины или любого русскоговорящего области.

Промо код ( TOM23 ) и действует до тех пор, 20 сентября 2016

Вы можете поделиться этой промо код с кем , или на ваших социальных счетов СМИ как Google+ , Twitter, FaceBook , и т.д. и т.п.

Чтобы использоватькод просто перейти по Codeweavers магазин и введите код и нажмите обновления. Вы увидите ваши мгновенные скидки.

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

CodeWeavers CrossOver 14.1.4 for Linux and Mac has been released

I am delighted to announce that CodeWeavers has just released CrossOver 14.1.4 for both Mac OS X and Linux.  CrossOver 14.1.4 has important bug fixes for both Mac and Linux users.

Mac customers with active support entitlements will be upgraded to CrossOver 14.1.4 the next time they launch CrossOver. Linux users can download the latest version from

Change Log For CrossOver Mac and Linux :

 14.1.4 CrossOver - June 25, 2015
  • Application Support:
    • Fixed a Steam crash on launch for Win7 Bottles.
    • Fixed problems browsing and searching in the Steam game store.
Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

CrossOver и Wine скоро будут поддерживать DirectX11 в Linux

Все большее количество игр перестает поддерживать старые версии DirectX, поэтому их становится все сложнее запускать на эмуляторах. Разработчики в CodeWeavers пообещали, что скоро в Linux, благодаря CrossOver и Wine, появится поддержка DirectX 11.

CrossOver это платный эмулятор от CodeWeavers, базирующийся на бесплатном эмуляторе Wine с открытым исходным кодом. Некоторые доработки CrossOver со временем попадают в бесплатный Wine, что произойдет и в случае с поддержкой DirectX 11.

Работы в этом направлении ведутся уже около 7 месяцев, и поддержка DX 11 в CrossOver ожидается в конце 2015 года. Вместе с ней будет реализована улучшенная поддержка геймпадов и оптимизация производительности видеокарт.
Поддержка DirectX 11 в эмуляторах позволит не только с бубнами запускать Windows игры в Linux, но и упростит разработчикам портирование игр на эту платформу за счет использования DX11 кода CrossOver, который оставят открытым.

А если вы используете этот скидочный код ( TOM23 ) вы можете сэкономить дополнительные 20% от $20.95 цене.

Codeweavers On DX 11 in WINE, Steam Machines & Porting

Last week, following the announcement that Codeweavers would soon provide DirectX11 support for games and applications, I decided to get in touch with James Ramey, President of Codeweavers, in order to learn more about their plans and their progress on that front. He was kind enough to make himself available to answer some of our questions.

The recent news of WINE/Crossover supporting DX11 is significant, because up until now there were no FOSS solutions to get such support. Sure, the eON wrapper from Virtual Programming was one commercial option for game companies to develop ports for Linux, but it was not available for end users. With WINE supporting DX11, this opens up a whole new library of recent Windows games for the Linux platform.

James Ramey, President of Codeweavers
James Ramey, President of Codeweavers
James was not too familiar with what Virtual Programming and their eON wrapper actually does and could not comment on their technology, but WINE/Crossover will surely become another option in the market of porting DX10-11 games, fairly soon. While the announcement of DX11 support is fairly new, they have actually been at work on it for quite a while.
James Ramey (JR): It has taken about 9 months to get to where we are today. We are about 4 months to having a framework for DirextX 11 in Crossover/WINE. We anticipated it was going to be a one man/year project. We’ve been working on this since the fall of 2014, and we anticipate sometime in November to have that framework in place.
Wait, a one man/year project. Do they literally mean a single contributor, or several people working on it part time ?
JR: It’s been one person actually. It’s high level, detailed work. Henri Verbeet is the person actually doing it. I am sure there are other people who contribute a little, but all is pretty much depending on the work that he does at this stage. Henri has been working on the WINE project for years. He is the foremost authority on Gaming and Graphics in the WINE community, he is considered to be an expert by most peers regarding his experience in this particular area of WINE. So for anything graphics related, it comes down to Henry. He is really at that rock-star level in what he does.
The announcement of DX11 support also hinted at better GPU performance – and that is apparently not going to be limited to DX11.
JR: GPU improvements will be from DirectX 9 up, as well as the command stream. There will be improvements to a couple of different things. We expect games support to be better across the board and not just DirectX11.


Crossover is a commercial WINE distribution (with additional tools bundled with it), but Codeweavers also generates revenues from other sources (such as porting and maintaining Linux ports for other companies). But how much revenues come from each side of the business?

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Another 2 Weeks, Another Wine Update

Uploaded By Jana Schmid on 2015-06-29 14:29:56Two weeks ago we welcomed a new MacBook Pro into our mix. This dual GPU updates our spread of hardware for game testing and brings the AMD Radeon R9 370M to our capable hands and allows us to continue our testing on the Intel Iris. We said goodbye to our Nvidia GeForce GTX 750M and sent it live out its years with our Support Ninjas at the CodeWeavers HQ.

First we tested the general functionality of Power BibleCD. This included tests with installation, menus, data entry, and printing.

Then we turned our focus to World of Tanks and the bug reports of red and green flickers in the garage. We were able to reproduce this on most in-house Intel chips prior to an update from Wargaming. Since the update we haven't been able to reproduce the flicker and are working to confirm the bug has been resolved.

Our attention then turned to Terraria. Following reports that installation had gone awry, we put this title through a rigorous testing round on four Linux distributions and the last three versions of Mac OSX (Yosemite, Mavericks, and Mountain Lion). It passed all tests provided our CrossTie was used for installation.

We then tried to understand the differences in mounting network shares over ssh, samba, gvfs, and nfs. We were able to identify differences and offer solutions and workarounds for the issues we discovered. No third party bugs were filed for this issue.

For E3 customers, we tested and updated our information on several titles. We are continuing work with the developers of those games to bring them to Mac and Linux users.

We focused on confirming the bottle upgrade process from CrossOver 13.2, 14.0, 14.1 to each version and to our development branch for Office 2003. This was based on reports that Office 2003 did not upgrade properly and lost all associations during upgrade. We found that all combinations retained the associations as expected on both Mac and Linux systems.

We continued our testing of the new Linux GUI improvements. This included testing and confirming fixes for:
  • The removal of the list of launchers in the Run Command Dialog
  • Adjustment the drop shadow of the Welcome display mode
  • Change to make the installation splash screen size static
At the request of our advocates, we reviewed the verbiage on the download page and removed the verbiage telling users that all links are only good for one session. CrossOver's download links are static and point at demo versions of the product that can be unlocked with credentials from a valid account.

At this point our regular two week testing is going well. We find that most of the applications running in Wine 1.7.45 continue to function as they do with CrossOver 14.1.3 and we have no regressions to report on this version of Wine. We are watching minor issues with Office 2010 and our developers are working to triage them as needed.

QuickBooks 2015 continues as a focus for the release of CrossOver 15. We retested a hang on launch on MacOS so no further Mac testing was completed. On Linux, we retested a hang on the open of the sample document and confirmed that our possible fixes mitigate the hang. We then tested dual screen usability with QuickBook 2015 and found that many portions of the application become dysfunctional in this setup. We tested crashes with payroll, registration, company creation and more. Unfortunately these issues persist.

We worked through reports of crashes with Steam and released CrossOver 14.1.4 with fixes for some of the crashes that were identified. This work is ongoing, there are several crashes that remain for Steam's interface.

And now we are preparing to test Office 2013 as our developers polish Wine. Screenshots of real rendering text versus magenta blobs mean that our focus will soon shift to what Microsoft Office 2013 can do in CrossOver.

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Hey gamers! DirectX 11 is coming to Linux thanks to CodeWeavers and Wine

The chains are loosening. DirectX still binds many PC games to Windows. Now, CodeWeavers expects CrossOver to support DirectX 11 by the end of the year, with Wine gaining compatibility shortly afterwards.

In other words, more Windows PC games will “just run” on Linux, and it’ll be easier for developers to package those games with compatibility code and officially support them on Linux.

CodeWeavers is bringing DirectX 11 to Linux

Wine already supports DirectX 9 very well, but many new games no longer support DirectX 9 and rely on newer versions of Microsoft’s graphics technology. Wine is an open-source compatibility layer that allows Windows applications to run on top of Linux, Mac OS X, and other non-Windows operating systems.

CodeWeavers offers a paid product, known as CrossOver, which is built on top of the open-source Wine code. It pays developers to add features, and those improvements inevitably end up back in the open-source Wine project. CrossOver also provides a convenient interface and more of a guarantee that certain applications will be officially supported and not break.

crossover on ubuntu
While the DirectX 11 support will make it into CodeWeavers’ product before it makes it to the open-source Wine project, the code will be open-source and submitted for inclusion into the Wine project. In other words, CodeWeavers helps fund and support the development of Wine.

During E3 2015, CodeWeavers’ James Ramey posted an update on the CodeWeavers blog:
“In the coming months, CodeWeavers will have support for DirectX 11; better controller support; and further improvements to overall GPU performance. While these incremental improvements for game support may seem small (at first), the cumulative improvements for game support will allow for many of these games to ‘just run’ when released.”
According to a post on Reddit, this code should be done by the end of 2015, and work has already been underway for seven months. The patches will of course be contributed to the open-source Wine project, too.

Why this matters

Microsoft’s DirectX graphics technology is only officially supported on Windows, Xbox, and other Microsoft platforms. The Wine project helps bridge this gap and already supports DirectX 9 very nicely.

crossover install skyrim
Using CrossOver for Linux to play Skyrim.
The new underlying CrossOver technology will also allow developers to port DirectX 11 games to Linux more easily. Linux gamers tend to dislike this type of port and prefer a native game that doesn’t use any Windows compatibility layer, but hey, it’s still better than nothing.

In the past, John Carmack of id Software and now Oculus has even argued that “emulation of some sort is a proper technical direction for gaming on Linux.” The better that DirectX compatibility gets, the easier it will be to port Windows-first games to Linux. And, even if certain games aren’t officially supported, it’ll become easier to just run them without any modification. Big game engines are increasingly supporting Linux, but general Windows compatibility is still helpful.

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Friday, June 26, 2015

The 10 Things I learned at E3

This year, I was fortunate enough to attend E3 in Los Angeles. For those that do not know, E3 is the Electronic Entertainment Expo and spotlights the upcoming video games and other things electronic (mostly just video games) from all the top developers in the world. E3 is much like being at Las Vegas, if Las Vegas was on Red Bull and hadn't slept for 48 hours or so. And while it's hard to focus on any one thing in particular, I was able to learn quite a bit during my two days in California.

1.) Teaming is everything.
Games are moving away from the simple premise that it's you vs. the computer game. Now, it's you and your teammates vs.
people from around the world in a variety of combat situations / simulations. Games are more about 'team sport' and 'high performance' than about solving riddles or achieving simple goals. And gamers are taking this 'team thing' seriously as there is now a Professional Gaming League for most of these games. If your parents ever told you that you couldn't make a living playing video games, THEY LIED TO YOU. The top gamers now make six figure incomes playing games and are treated like 'rock stars' at these events.

2.) You can teach an old dog new tricks.
Just because Star Wars is almost 40 years old doesn't mean it's going softly into that good night. Let that sink in for a minute… Star Wars will turn 40 on May 25, 2017. FORTY!!! Even so, this year E3 featured four Star Wars themed games and all of them looked AWESOME! Maybe the best of the bunch is Star Wars Battlefront (20 vs. 20 multi-player combat game) as it provides you the opportunity to not only fight on the ground (alongside Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader) but also pilot various ships. I'm not sure how much cooler a game based on a 'worn out' 40 year old premise can get!

3.) First person shooters games aren't going to be first for much longer.
Not every upcoming game is focused on killing your opponents (I'm looking at you, Nintendo). E3 featured a smackling of games like Yoshi's Wooly World, Splatoon, Rock Band 4, and Roy Mcllroy PGA Tour (albeit there's a lot of damage you can do with a 4 iron) amongst the otherwise violent staples. Interestingly enough, many of these 'tamer' games got very positive reviews and were very well received which goes to show that a well done game is a well done game and can be appreciated on its own merits.

4.) You can't polish a turd, but you can still roll it in glitter.
Batman: Arkham Knight for the PC is a beautiful but very broken game. Thousands of bad reviews won't 'patch' this game on the PC anytime soon.

5.) Sequels are good if you do them right.
If it worked once or twice or three times, you can most likely get another title out of it. Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, Assassin's Creed Syndicate, Payday 2, XCOM 2, and Uncharted 4: A Thief's End are just a handful of the sequels coming out this fall. And if you liked playing these games the first time, you'll appreciate the opportunity of déjà vu all over again. Not sure we need a Street Fighter V, but I guess these franchises will live on (at least for another year).

6.) Twitch isn't just a short, sudden jerking movement.
Twitch is a real thing! I guess I'm shocked that an Internet channel dedicated to broadcasting professional league battles of various video games is a real thing. But at E3, it was Twitch that was broadcasting live from almost every booth just like a major network. Twitch has actual commentators, features professional gamers, and announces video game battles just like announcers would do for a professional sport. It was wild to hear commentary of in-game battles and have announcers describe the action. I'm pretty sure that they were making most of it up as they went along; BUT, they were making it up as they went along. I remember doing the same thing as a child when playing my favorite Atari 2600 games. Of course back then, my parents thought it was weird and had me quiet down. Today, I'd be a rock star with my own show.

7.) Behind every successful E3 visit is a fabulous pair of shoes.
E3 covers a lot of physical space. I averaged walking almost five miles a day to cover all the ground in both convention halls.
Honestly, I don't even like to drive five miles. Glad I brought a good pair of shoes.

8.) A man, a tan and a plan.
Okay well, maybe not a tan. It's hard to see everything at E3. As such, I planned what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go beforehand. Even with a plan in place, it was challenging to see all the exhibits and games I wanted to see. Worse yet, most games had a one to two hour wait in line. Heck, the wait to see the 12 minute movie for XCOM2 took nearly 50 minutes (a 50 minute line to see a movie about a game – smells of Disneyworld). But, I did get to play Witcher III, SMITE, Alekhine's Gun, Battlecry, Blood Bowl 2, and Pro Evolution Soccer 2016. Very cool games, but they all required a bit of planning and patience (and possibly pushing people out of the way) to experience.

9.) Every day is a fashion show and E3 is your runway.
I found it hard not to stare at people who were dressed up in elaborate costumes of their favorite video game characters. Boba Fett, check. Chun Li, check. Lara Croft, check. I'm not sure I'd ever take my love for video games to 'this level', but it was commendable to see others so dedicated to 'their game' (and honestly if you're going to walk around a convention hall in a Princess Leia bikini, you should be commended for your bravery).

10.) E3 is CodeWeavers oyster.
Not many Mac or Linux titles on the horizon. There was obviously 'some' titles coming to the other platforms, but it's still a predominately PC world. To this effect, I think CodeWeavers can help in supporting some of these titles for Mac or Linux users in CrossOver. We'll be looking to get Beta of many of the top games from E3 to work on support for the coming version of CrossOver. And while we might not get every game, I'm sure that there will be one or two or more games that will run very well in our technology.

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

How to play Terraria on Mac OS X

You are using Mac OS X and you can’t find a way to run Terraria on your Mac? Don’t worry, in this tutorial I’m gonna show you the easiest way to play Terraria on Mac by using CrossOver.

Play Terraria on Mac OS X Tutorial

  • Download and install CrossOver at here:
  • After installing, visit this website, and click on “Install Terraria via CrossTie(in web browser)
  • Click “Install”.
  • Keep install various softwares requested. After done, a window pop up with two button : “Restart later” or “Restart now”, just click on Restart now.
  • Wait for Steam update
  • When Steam’s main window is shown up, shut it down and reopen it.
  • Log in to Steam then install Terraria and play!
Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

It’s All About the Team at E3 The Super Bowl of Computer Gaming

This week, I am at E3, the Super Bowl of computer gaming! Right off the bat, I noticed that game studios have fully embraced this whole team aspect thing. It's not you vs. the bad guys. It's you and 15 or 20 of your teammates vs. 15 or 20 people on another team fighting to the death within a certain time limit in a confined area no bigger than a phone booth. Mass carnage with surreal graphics in mind-blowing locations at a frantic pace. And again, it's your team vs. the world. No team? No problem! These games are more than happy to put you on a randomly created team from a pool of available players just waiting to get a taste of the action.

As I step up and play on a random team, I instantly notice the lack of cohesiveness that results in decisive victory (the kind of victory where someone on the other team might just quit playing). And to that, I don't know 15 or 20 people that would be willing to team up with me to take on the world. Which, in hindsight, is probably for the best as discearning victory usually requires practice. PRACTICE??? Who's got time for practice? I'm lucky with my schedule that I even get to play games at this stage of my life (husband, father, suburbs, three dogs). So, I'll be sticking to random teams – for now. I just wish that the time I spent in my youth on Atari 2600 and Nintendo wasn't so largely wasted leaving me unprepared for today's gaming.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't try (even at my age – 43) to prepare and compete in these games against vastly superior and considerably younger gamers. I try. I bought a headset with a microphone. I spend countless hours at work playing a variety of these team concept video games. I even sneak away in the evenings to log in an hour or two just to increase my rankings. HECK, I'm even spending some of my entertainment money on upgrades and add-ons for these video games (just to compete). My problem is that I'm not willing or able to commit the 60 hours or so a week it would take for me to actually be GOOD at these games. I can buy all the upgrades I want, but it doesn't negate the fact that these 13-year-old kids are twitchy and fueled by Red Bull.

Soooooooooooo…. E3. Team based games? Check. Games where you can be Darth Vader, a mythical god, an elite sniper, world class soccer player, or even vicious dwarf? Check again. From what I've seen so far, the 'must have' games for 2015 are going to Star Wars Battlefront, a 40 vs. 40 mass assault where you're battling as either the Rebels or the Empireon the ground and in the air on worlds like Hoth and Endor; Smite, a seven vs. seven arena based combat where you can be an actual mythical god battling other mythical gods; Rainbow Six Siege, a five on five strategic assault where you are either a member of an elite military unit or part of a faction that is a threat to freedom; and the impressive list of games from both established and indie game studios goes on. The games all appear incredible and the action is non-stop. You attack. You die. You restart. You improve. And you do it again!!! It's like that Tom Cruise movie, 'Edge of Tomorrow' – LIVE. DIE. REPEAT.

How do these games impact Mac and Linux users? Well, they don't. That's the rub in all of this. Most of these games are PC only. However, you might still be able to play these titles on your Mac or Linux computer when they are released later this year using CrossOver. In the coming months, CodeWeavers will have support for DirectX 11; better controller support; and further improvements to overall GPU performance. While these incremental improvements for game support may seem small (at first), the cumulative improvements for game support will allow for many of these games to 'just run' when released. And when more games 'just run' in CrossOver, it won't matter if you're battling against Thor or Apollo using a PC, a Mac, or a Linux computer.

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Running Windows Applications On A Mac Without Windows CrossOver 14.1.3 Review

Running Windows applications on Linux and Mac systems has come a long way. I remember doing virtual machines, like QEMU, and VirtualBox, running a guest in Vista or XP, and while it does run as expected, the overhead costs of running a whole operating system in a VM environment can be big (I still do use these programs, particularly VBox for development purposes).

Around 2004-2007ish, I’ve was doing some application testings for a little program named WINE (I also have a friend, Tom Wickline, of Wine Reviews, who incidentally was the indirect reason why I created this blog in the first place (we did a review of PlayOnLinux in the past together, and it was so much fun, that I created this blog out of a whim). No, WINE is not a alcoholic drink, but instead it is rather a program that emulates different Windows APIs in linux and mac systems. It was also a challenge to compile for beginners too (I do not compile in mainstream linux OSes in the past but rather in smaller hobbyist type Linuxes like Alinux/PeanutLinux or PCLinuxOS). Real life happened though, so I had to give up this hobby.

The advantage of running WINE over Virtual Machine solutions is no overhead costs and the application runs at particularly native speeds. The disadvantage of running WINE is that not all programs run (Windows has a lot of APIs under the hood, and WINE doesn’t implement all of them).

In this particular article, I am running CrossOver 14.1.3 for Mac, on an early 2011 MacBook Pro (8,1) with 4GB of RAM and Intel HD 3000 Graphics (384MB Shared Memory Display).

Also for this particular experiment, I am installing a CodeWeavers supported application (Microsoft Office 2007), and two unsupported, but community supported applications (Mass Effect, and Tomb Raider 2013)

Before We Start
Before we start, let us see the levels of compatibility in these programs according to WINE compatibility levels:

Bronze – programs can install and run, with fundamental functionalities intact. However, the applications running have enough bugs that CodeWeavers advises running them with caution (save early and often).

Silver – programs can install and run well enough to be usable. There are however bugs that are found to let the program run flawlessly.

Gold – programs can install and run as you would expect if you are running Windows.

A further level of support for CodeWeavers is officially supported. That means if your application is in the list of officially supported applications, CodeWeavers is dedicated to bring up the level of compatibility higher (for example, supported bronze applications is expected to be brought up to silver level applications of CodeWeaver in future versions of CrossOver).

Microsoft Office (Officially Supported, Bronze)
Microsoft Office is an Office Suite of Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Presentation Software, among others. It is basically the proprietary equivalent of LibreOffice/OpenOffice. As such, CrossOver supports Microsoft Office officially.
 Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Monday, May 25, 2015

GSoC 2015 WineHQ projects

This is from the WineHQ developers mailing list.

Matteo Bruni 

Hey all,

tomorrow the coding period of the Summer of Code begins and I though it might be a nice idea to let the community know about the projects we've got this year. Actually, I though it would be even better if the student themselves wrote a short summary of their own project for the mailing list.

So, with no authority backing me, I'm kindly asking that. No need to write anything too fancy, just a few lines explaining what are you going to work on over the summer and maybe what are the expected benefits for Wine.

Thank you!

Aaryaman Vasishta

Thank you for inviting me to this opportunity! I will try my best to keep it short, though it might be a bit long for some. There's a TL;DR at the end, though. :)
A bit about myself. My name is Aaryaman Vasishta and I'm currently studying in my third year of Computer Engineering in Pune Institute of Computer Technology, India. My interests lie in game programming and computer graphics.

My project focuses on implementing the rendering backend for the D3DRM API [1].

D3DRM (Direct3D Retained Mode) is basically a scene graph API running on top of Direct3D's Immediate Mode API. You can say it's more like a rendering engine API which encapsulates Immediate Mode functionality in order to make it easier for programmers to develop 3D scenes using it, making it a possible competitor to OpenGL at the time.

At the moment wine's implementation of this API is mostly full of stubs, and there's quite a bit of work left before something can be drawn on the screen. My role here mainly focuses on implementing object Creation/Initialization functions for some of the main interfaces, mainly devices, textures and viewports, all of which are COM based. If time permits, I will also work on implementing some frequently used frames and lighting functions.
The API is quite old (it has been removed since DX 8 SDK, and the dll doesn't come included with vista onwards) but there are a few popular games that used it. Namely, Lego Rock Raiders and Steel Beasts, and applications as well, like FMS (Flying Model Simulator). So there is some merit in working on this. Implementing these functions will help accelerate further development of this API to get some long-awaited apps to run on wine (I can see quite a few threads on google of people trying to get FMS running, and a couple for LRR too, so there is some demand for it). As an added bonus, I also get to interact with wine's ddraw implementation for this one, which could potentially help ddraw's implementation via possible bug detection/fixes and implementing any ddraw functionality that d3drm requires.

TL;DR: I'm implementing a main chunk of a graphics API called Direct3D Retained Mode, which is based on Direct3D Immediate Mode. The API is mostly a stub in wine and this project should help get things going.

Thank you!
Aaryaman Vasishta

Zhenbo Li


I'm glad to working on Wine GSoC this year. My project's focus is IHMLTXMLHttpRequest. Many websites would use hacks to determine whether the browser was IE6.0 or IE 7+. As XMLHttpRequest object identifier was shipped in IE 7.0[0], the web developers would use ActiveX to access IXMLHttpRequest object. Wine IE implements some new features, so it is common that Wine IE is treated as a IE 7+ browser(like Firebug Lite[1])

Mozilla has implemented nsIXMLHttpRequest[2], and my approach is to call the wine-gecko functions from wine code. I can't tell how many applications' status on appdb will change from "garbage" to "silver/gold", but IMHO, implementing XMLHttpRequest is necessary to make wine IE more usable.


 Iván Matellanes

 Hi all!

I'm looking forward to contributing to Wine.
My project consists on implementing part of the legacy Visual C++ iostream runtime, which was shipped with Visual Studio versions up to 6.0 and is currently a stub. I'll work on as many functions as time permits, and one of the key points is to reuse code from the modern Visual C++ runtime library that is already implemented.

Some old applications and games (like MS Reader and Tron 2.0) would benefit from this, as they would run with the built-in library. A quick search on Bugzilla for 'msvcirt' shows several bugs related to unimplemented functions.


YongHao Hu

 Hi, all.

Sorry for the late reply. I am happy to join this discussion.

My project focuses on implementing all the functions from tr2 namespace, which was included in the header and being proposed for standardization. Though there are many methods to implement the functions like _File_size and _Equivalent etc, the hard part is finding the most appropriate one.

New applications like MSVC12[1] would benefit from this.

Thank you!


Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.