WineBottler 1.5.30 for Mac OSX users was released today, this release comes with Wine 1.5.30 and the updated custom WineBottler starter application. WineBottler has been under constant development for the past year and with this release Mac users can finally benefit from the many feature enhancements and bug fixes that's included in this most recent release.
About WineBottler :
Turn Windows-based programs into OS X apps – NOT. ;)
WineBottler packages Windows-based programs snugly into OS X app-bundles. Then it uses the great OpenSource tool Wine to run the binaries on your Mac – no need to install emulators or other operating systems.WineBottler comes with preconfigured installations
Select from a wide range of software like browsers, mediaplayers, IDEs or business software. They are all preconfigured to be installed by a single click: Hit "Install" and WineBottler will leave you with a neat app on your desktop. It will take care of downloading and configuering everything for you.WineBottler can install your exe into an OS X .app
Double-Click your exe or msi and convert it into an app with WineBottler. You can run the generated app like every other program on you Mac. For advanced users, WineBottler gives you a selection of options: install special dependencies and even turn your exe into a selfcontained app - that is an app, that contains everything to run it... even on other Macs. Porting to OS X never was easyer ;).... or just run that exe
You don't care about generating an app and just want to run it? Double-click the exe and choose "Run directly" and Wine will run it in a generic environment.Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.