
Showing posts with label android. Show all posts
Showing posts with label android. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

CodeWeavers just launched their new website that is mobile friendly in advance of their pending CrossOver Android release

CodeWeavers just launched their new website that is mobile friendly in advance of their pending CrossOver Android release. The new site has been refreshed and has a new FrontPage that gives users easy options to navigate the site.

The new CodeWeavers mobile site is a little more exciting, web pages now render correctly for a mobile device and also render much faster now. Their is a new mobile friendly store where you can not only purchase the forthcoming CrossOver Android release but it makes it easy to purchase from your phone for your laptop or PC. Customers will now be able to purchase CrossOver Linux easily from their Android phone and then at a later time download and install their new software. This also applies for iOS users having the option to purchase CrossOver Mac from their iPad or iPhone and installing the software at a later time of their convenience.


The only thing to do now is wait a little while longer until CrossOver Android is released then I can have hours of enjoyment testing applications and games on my Tablet and phones.

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

CodeWeavers скоро выпустит CrossOver Wine для Android

До конца текущего года CodeWeavers обещает выпустить tech preview CrossOver для Android, а также сделать соответствующий программный код доступным для Wine.

Основными пользователями CrossOver на текущий момент являются владельцы Mac, несмотря на то, что это ПО также доступно для Linux. Впрочем, ситуация может измениться в будущем в пользу Android, если CrossOver станет популярным на этой платформе.

CodeWeavers сообщает что изначально CrossOver будет совместим только с Android x86, и не будет работать на процессорах ARM (хотя возможность поддержки этих CPU в будущем вызывает сомнения). Это значит, что CrossOver/Wine позволит запускать Windows приложения только на Android устройствах, использующих процессоры Intel.

Представитель CodeWeavers также напомнил, что все еще ведутся работы над поддержкой DirectX 11, дающие возможность запускать новейшие Windows игры в Mac и Linux, однако пока поддержка всех функций D3D11 еще не реализована.

А если вы используете этот скидочный код ( TOM23 ) вы можете сэкономить дополнительные 20% от $20.95 цене.
Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Friday, October 9, 2015

You’ll soon be able to run #Windows programs on select #Android devices thanks to #WINE

While most Linux purists prefer to stick to programs natively designed to run on their favorite distros, there are times when a user runs into a wall. Maybe they absolutely need Microsoft Office, or perhaps their favorite game just isn’t Linux compatible. That’s where WINE and CrossOver come in handy, making it possible to run some Windows applications with relative ease. And now that same magic is making its way over to the world of Android.

For those that don’t know, WINE is an application layer that fills in the missing ‘bits’ that aren’t found on Linux and other non-Windows platforms (okay, an obvious oversimplification.. but you get the idea), allowing Windows programs to work at essentially the same speed as they would on Microsoft’s own OS. How well these programs work varies from nearly perfect to buggy as all get out.
Crossover is coming to Android by the end of this year, with WINE to follow sometime shortly after.
What WINE isn’t is an emulator, and is instead billed as a “compatibility layer”. In fact, WINE actually stands for “Wine Is Not an Emulator”. As for CrossOver? This is the commercial side of WINE, with more app/game specific optimizations. CrossOver actually funds WINE, and in return utilizes WINE’s progress to help further its own goals.

So back to the main topic here: Crossover is coming to Android by the end of this year, with WINE to follow sometime shortly after. It’s unclear how Crossover and WINE might differ from their Linux counterparts, but the end goal is the same: the ability to run popular Windows programs on your Android device. Considering that many traditional Windows programs aren’t designed with touch in mind, we imagine this will be more useful for tablet users that want to improve their productivity and aren’t afraid of attaching a keyboard and mouse to do it.

Full Article

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Hope on the Horizon for Android Games as CodeWeavers Reveals a Technology Preview for CrossOver Android

CodeWeavers is planning on releasing a technology preview for CrossOver Android sometime this summer. This will give YOU the opportunity to try it out and make suggestions as to how we can improve the CrossOver Android experience and what Windows games and software we should focus our efforts in supporting. Much like CrossOver Mac and CrossOver Linux, our users will have a voice in the direction of the product. And even more so than CrossOver for Mac and CrossOver for Linux, we believe that this type of technology is incredibly compelling considering that you can't run Microsoft Windows on an Android tablet – at all.

With more focus on making Windows games portable on Android devices, it's possible that a whole new game experience is coming in the not so distant future. Games with depth and real AI and multiplayer functionality that create real excitement for gamers. I'm excited to see the next evolution of gaming. But hey if that doesn't work, we will always be able to fling disgruntled birds.

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Company showcases porting abilities for Android on Intel platform
SAINT PAUL, Minn (June 5, 2013)CodeWeavers, Inc., developer of CrossOver software which enables Mac and Linux users to run Windows software on their PCs, announced today the extension of its porting services to include the Android operating system. This will allow consumers to run popular, familiar Windows applications on their phones and other mobile devices.

“We’re seeing an increasing demand for Windows software on Android, and we’ve been making steady progress towards meeting that need,” said Jeremy White, CodeWeavers CEO. “With the recent exciting announcements about Intel based Android devices, we can now offer Windows software developers an easy way to reach the mobile operating system market.”

CodeWeavers began generating interest in its Android capabilities in February 2013, when its CTO, Alexandre Julliard, demonstrated a proof of concept of the Windows Notepad application running on Android. Since then, the company has been steadily overcoming the various technical hurdles with making Windows applications run on a smaller form factor, and with different input devices, like software keyboards. “We can now port a Windows application to run on OS X, Linux, or an Intel based Android system without our customer, the ISV, having to lift a finger,” stated White. CodeWeavers can also perform Windows ports to ARM-based devices. “ARM ports are harder,” White admitted, “as the usage of ARM introduces another layer of complexity. But they are still achievable.”

CrossOver porting has a number of advantages for developers and end users, White continued. “Existing Windows applications have large user bases with accumulated data and a familiar user experience. CrossOver offers a fast and affordable way to move an existing application to a new platform in a way that preserves the user experience.”

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Codeweavers working on wine for Google Android operating system

Codeweavers is working on wine for android

CodeWeavers‘ is working on an Android version of Wine, the program for Unix-based operating systems that makes running Windows applications possible. The lead developer of Wine demonstrated recently at the meeting in Brussels at Fosdem. So we must ask is Wine and CrossOver for iOS also in the works?

When Wine for Android is released, users of smartphones and tablets with Google’s mobile operating system software can easily run games and applications that was originally made for Windows. The Android version of Wine is not nearly finished. According to the briefing represented in Brussels, Wine on Android is still extremely slow.

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.