
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Google SketchUp 6 on Linux and FreeBSD with Wine

About Google SketchUp 6

Developed for the conceptual stages of design, Google SketchUp is a powerful yet easy-to-learn 3D software tool that combines a simple, yet robust tool-set with an intelligent drawing system that streamlines and simplifies 3D design. From simple to complex, conceptual to realistic, Google SketchUp enables you to build and modify 3D models quickly and easily. If you use Google Earth, Google SketchUp allows you to place your models using real-world coordinates and share them with the world using the Google 3D Warehouse.

Wine configuration

This is with a clean configuration directory and running in a 1024x768 virtual desktop.

$ winecfg

Once the .wine directory is built the configuration tool will start and you can set a virtul desktop in the graphics tab if you wish.

Installing Google SketchUp

This should work in both Linux and FreeBSD, though I've only tested this on FreeBSD...

Download SketchUp from here.

$ wine GoogleSketchUpWEN.exe

Google SketchUp first run

$ cd /home/tom/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Google/Google\ SketchUp\ 6
$ wine sketchup.exe
err:iphlpapi:getRouteTable Received unsupported sockaddr family 0x12
err:iphlpapi:getRouteTable Unexpected address type 0x10
err:iphlpapi:getRouteTable Unexpected address type 0x20
fixme:wgl:X11DRV_wglChoosePixelFormatARB unused pfAttribFList

On the first run the program will try to load the start-up tips and documentation, at this time Wine will ask if you want to install Gecko.. select NO and exit the three empty browser windows.

On the second run Wine will ask again if you want to install Gecko and this time let it install. There will be a single window and I suggest you turn off "show tips at start-up" all of there documentation is online and can be easily accessed through Help > Online Help Center

If you want to report a bug or see the list of known bugs, there is now a SketchUp on Wine wiki page setup with this in mind.

Putty for Mac
Putty for Mac


iGama said...

Just by doing what you said I wasnt able to run SketchUp. I got a error about OpenGL:

SketchUp was unable to initialize OpenGL...

Add to go into regedit: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\SketchUp6\GLConfig\Display\HW_OK

change the value to 1.

Wine 0.9.50

twickline said...

Turn compizfusion OFF!

Unknown said...

It works, now in late march wine and Sketchup are working together, but it's a little too buggy... wine is a good thing but here we need a sw written natively in linux...

Anonymous said...

After setting HW_OK to 1 it *almost* ran, but "bug splatted". I also had to disable the "SnappInstructor" via the registry:


set to 0

rolbit said...

fiddled around with the registry keys as suggested above and got SU to start correctly. But the the drawing area is all garbled which makes it not so useful ;-(
Any ideas?

Anonymous said...

These instructions worked for me (finally). After setting the openGL key to 1 and the snappy thingy to 0 Google Sketchup was able to open without problem and without the annoying black bar over the tool icons. My build: Mandriva 2008 ONE, 64MB nvidia gforce 4, 512mb ram, 1.6 GHz P4. Using the recommended nvidia driver. Now to get HTML rendering to work
so that I can check out the 3d model wharehouse.

Lewis Wadsworth said...

Please see this thread at the SketchUp Community Forums and read down for a list of registry settings and dos2unix use on SketchUp's Ruby scripts.

I'm afraid I've only tested this on Ubuntu Hardy Heron, and it has only really worked on computers with modern NVidia graphics cards with the proprietary "restricted" drivers running.

--Lewis Wadsworth

Anonymous said...

Installed WINE (using Synaptic) and SketchUp through WINE under Ubuntu 8.04- the Hardy Heron. Worked first off. So far so good. Thanks for the post and supporting comments

Anonymous said...


Setting the two reg keys, mentioned above. It works!

Debian 2.6.24 [Lenny]
wine 1.0-rc1

Unknown said...

After regedit described above it runs great, better than under Windoze!

Gentoo w/kernel 2.6.24
Wine 0.9.61
SketchUp 6.4.112
