
Showing posts with label crossover android. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crossover android. Show all posts

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Хромбуки научились запускать Windows

Конечно, речь не идёт о нативной поддержке, для запуска ПО Windows потребуется эмулятор. В этом образе выступила известная в мире Linux утилита CrossOver, разработчиком которой является компания CodeWeavers.

Именно она немногим больше месяца назад пообещала выпустить клиент для запуска Windows-приложений на Android. CodeWeavers сдержала слово: он появился на сайте разработчика, и кроме Android популярная утилита для запуска Windows приложений доступна ещё и Chrome OS.

Для работы утилите необходим процессор Intel (не работает на ARM), поэтому большинство Android смартфонов и планшетов остаются за бортом, а вот хромбуки гораздо чаще используют этот тип процессоров, да и сами Windows приложения на них выглядят более востребованными.

Нужно заметить, что с недавнего времени в Chrome OS появилась поддержка Google Play и Android-приложений, плюс с поддержкой Windows хромбуки практически догонят по функционалу обычные бюджетные ноутбуки.

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

CodeWeavers CrossOver Android Preview to be released today

FINALLY!!!! We have arrived at the cusp of Androidism. It’s taken us two years, nine months, two weeks, and a day to get to this point in the process. At by this time tomorrow, CodeWeavers will release the Tech Preview of CrossOver Android to the select users who signed up for initial access. Over the past two years, nine months, two weeks and a day, the product has changed and changed and changed again all in the hopes of somehow being useful on Android devices.

Think about this…When this development started, there were few, if any, Intel based phones. When this development started, there were no Intel based tablets. There was no X86 Android project. There were no Intel based laptops or clamshells. Our development team essentially built a solution for a problem that could not be solved or fixed. At best, they were building a hypothetical solution to prove that it could be possible to run Windows based applications on an Intel Android device. It’s like Henry Ford building a car for a population that didn’t have roads; or Thomas Edison creating a light bulb for a population that didn’t have electricity. And yet, here we are…

Allow me to clearly state that like the first Model T’s and the very first light bulbs, CrossOver Android is far from perfect. It will run a very limited number of Windows applications (some because they just aren’t supported yet on Android and some because Android doesn’t / won’t support them at this time). The former implies that our support isn’t good enough, yet. The latter implies that Android does not have some key components, like OpenGL, to run some Windows applications. AND there is a point to make that some devices just doesn’t have the RAM, disk space, or processing power necessary to run a Windows application. And some devices, like phones, just don’t have the physical screen necessary to make running a Windows application all that appealing. Needless to say, your ‘mileage’ as to how useful CrossOver Android will be come tomorrow will vary.

So what do you NEED to know to make the CrossOver Android Tech Preview as useful as possible for you at this time?

First, you need to confirm that you have an Intel based device. The CrossOver Android Tech Preview will not run on an ARM device. It will not run on an ARM device. It will not run on an ARM device. Understand, I’d give an eye tooth for CrossOver Android to run on an ARM device because, let’s face it, that’ roughly 90% of the market today. Unfortunately, our tech just isn’t built that way. We hope to have ARM Android support sometime next year, but it's far off on our technology roadmap.

Second, you need to know where to find CrossOver Android. The .apk will be available on the Google Play Store. You will need to have provided us your Gmail address (the same one you use for the Google Play Store) to be added to the Technology Preview. We will then e-mail you a link tomorrow so that can ‘opt in’ to our Beta. We think that it's best for us to present CrossOver Android in the Google Play Store and most convenient for our end users.

, you need to know how to best install it on your Chromebook. We have an awesome tutorial on exactly what you need to do to get this to work on a Chromebook. Get the CrossOver Android on Chromebook Tutorial Here. Note that on a Chromebook that process takes approximately an hour to complete (this includes the time required to put your Chromebook in Developer Mode). On an Intel Android device, the process is much quicker.

Additionally, you can find out more about CrossOver Android on our CrossOver Android Webpage.

Finally, you need to have an open mind. The first Model T didn’t race down the highway at 100 MPH. The first light bulb didn’t last for 2000 hours before burning out. CrossOver Android is a Tech Preview. It does some very cool things. It does run Steam. It does run Office 2010. It does run Wizard101. It does not run EVERY WINDOWS APPLICATION KNOWN TO MAN.

So be patient with us. We ARE committed to making the software better and better and better with each passing release. And maybe someday, CrossOver Android will race down a highway at 100 MPH. Who knows??? When we first started development, we didn’t even have a target device in mind (and look at where we are today!!!). When we move from Tech Preview to possibly an Alpha and then straight to a Beta and then to Release Candidate and then to version 1.0, who knows what we’ll be capable of doing? Heck this Androidism thing might just be the start of a technology revolution. We may all be on the front lines of the NEXT BIG THING. (I should probably trademark Androidism now while I have the chance).

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

CodeWeavers CrossOver Android preview will be released next week here are the rulz

First of all, thank you to everyone that has written in asking to be part of the upcoming Technology Preview for CrossOver Android. Literally, thousands of people from around the globe have inquired about when this technology will be released and when they can start testing it for CodeWeavers. To that, I am very happy to announce that we have all intentions of releasing the Technology Preview of CrossOver Android before the end of August. While the actual release date is a surprise (to all of us), our developers have assured us that we’ll have *something* to give to our many Android enthusiasts before the end of this month. TO THAT POINT, I think I need to set some expectations for everyone that participates in our Technology Preview.

Rules for the Technology Preview:

1.) Be cool. First off, don’t be a jerk. Yes, this is harsh, but it is very true. It’s a Technology Preview, not a final product. It’s a utility for
running a very select number of Microsoft Windows applications (to start), not for running every Windows application. I know in this day and age of anonymous rage that it’s easy to be all hateful via e-mail and social media. Just remember, CrossOver Android is a Technology Preview that was provided to you for free. Keep this in mind when you test the software.

2.) Be realistic. Many users would like to run latest games and applications like Overwatch and/or Office 2016 on a Chromebook. But, let’s be realistic. First rule of thumb is that if the application is not supported in CrossOver Linux, it will not be supported (out of the box) on CrossOver Android. If you need to know what applications are supported in CrossOver Linux, you can find them here in our Compatibility Center.

3.) Be positive. This type of development is really, really, really hard. It’s taken us nearly three years to get to the point where we are today with CrossOver Android. I know that many users will be disappointed that our Technology Preview is not a finished product, but it takes time, effort, energy, and money to deliver a finished product. All the work you see in CrossOver Android has been self-funded by CodeWeavers. So, I would ask you to be positive about CrossOver Android and see the potential of where this technology *could* go in the future.

4.) Be patient. We may have several Technology Previews before the final product is released. To that point, we hope our testers will hang in there with us as we work to improve CrossOver Android. The product will continue to improve; and as it does, the end user experience (which is very important to us) will continue to get better and better and better. We also expect that more and more and more applications and games will be supported. Our goal is to get to a final product by the time ChromeOS fully supports Android applications on all Intel based Chromebooks.

5.) Be a tester. We expect your feedback on the product. Let us know what works. Let us know what isn't working. Let us know what you did to ‘break’ support for an application (so we can do the same thing and work to fix the problem). The more information you can provide the more we can go about fixing *your* application and/or game.

Full Article

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.