About Internet Explorer 7
Windows Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) is a web browser released by Microsoft in October 2006. Internet Explorer 7 is part of a long line of versions of Internet Explorer and is the first major update to the browser in over 5 years. It ships as the default browser in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 and is offered as a replacement for Internet Explorer 6 on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. Estimates of IE7's global market share place it between approximately 26% and 47%.
Large portions of the underlying architecture, including the rendering engine and security framework, have been significantly reworked. New features include tabbed browsing, page zooming, an integrated search box, a feed reader, better internationalization, and improved support for web standards. Security enhancements include a phishing filter, stronger encryption on Windows Vista, and a "Delete browsing history" button to easily clear private data.
Wine configuration
This is with a clean configuration directory, with no other applications or games installed.
Linux Distribution: Ubuntu 8.04
Windows version emulated: XP
Wine version tested: 1.1.14
Wine DLL Overrides
[Software\\Wine\\DllOverrides] 1233608859
"browseui"="native, builtin"
"crypt32"="native, builtin"
"hhctrl.ocx"="native, builtin"
"hlink"="native, builtin"
"iernonce"="native, builtin"
"iexplore.exe"="native, builtin"
"itircl"="native, builtin"
"itss"="native, builtin"
"jscript"="native, builtin"
"mlang"="native, builtin"
"mshtml"="native, builtin"
"secur32"="native, builtin"
"shdoclc"="native, builtin"
"shdocvw"="native, builtin"
"shlwapi"="native, builtin"
"url"="native, builtin"
"urlmon"="native, builtin"
"usp10"="native, builtin"
"wintrust"="native, builtin"
DLL Overrides can be set in winecfg, just run winecfg from your favorite terminal and then go to Libraries and set the above DLL's as shown above.

You will also need to copy a number of DLL's from a Windows XP machine and place them in /system32 as winetricks doesn't provide these DLL's at this time.
Now download winetricks if you don't already have it and install the following Windows redistributables.
After the install run winecfg set comctl32.dll back to builtin Wine.
IE 7 install in Wine
Download Windows Internet Explorer 7 for Windows XP from Microsoft and save it to your home directory.
Now open a terminal and run
The IE 7 install should now start, I didnt select the Windows security updates in my install.
IE 7 on Wine Screen Shots
Here's a few Screen Shots of IE 7 running on my Ubuntu 8.04 laptop.

Conclusion known problems
While IE 7 will run and render web pages just fine there are still a number of problems/bugs that remain to be resolved before you will want to use the browser on Linux on a daily basis.
Bookmarks and RSS feeds don't currently work and their is a number of problems related to comctl32.dll for example the forward and backward buttons background isn't painted and even worse if you select Help the browser will lock up. I also had a number of lock ups when trying to save Internet options.
The good news is you can select a homepage of your liking and choose Google as the default search engine. You can also view web pages as see how they render with IE 7 if your a web developer.
One way to help support further development of Internet Explorer support is to purchase CrossOver Office and then vote for IE 7 as the app that you would most like to see supported in a future release.
Windows Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) is a web browser released by Microsoft in October 2006. Internet Explorer 7 is part of a long line of versions of Internet Explorer and is the first major update to the browser in over 5 years. It ships as the default browser in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 and is offered as a replacement for Internet Explorer 6 on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. Estimates of IE7's global market share place it between approximately 26% and 47%.
Large portions of the underlying architecture, including the rendering engine and security framework, have been significantly reworked. New features include tabbed browsing, page zooming, an integrated search box, a feed reader, better internationalization, and improved support for web standards. Security enhancements include a phishing filter, stronger encryption on Windows Vista, and a "Delete browsing history" button to easily clear private data.
Wine configuration
This is with a clean configuration directory, with no other applications or games installed.
Linux Distribution: Ubuntu 8.04
Windows version emulated: XP
Wine version tested: 1.1.14
Wine DLL Overrides
[Software\\Wine\\DllOverrides] 1233608859
"browseui"="native, builtin"
"crypt32"="native, builtin"
"hhctrl.ocx"="native, builtin"
"hlink"="native, builtin"
"iernonce"="native, builtin"
"iexplore.exe"="native, builtin"
"itircl"="native, builtin"
"itss"="native, builtin"
"jscript"="native, builtin"
"mlang"="native, builtin"
"mshtml"="native, builtin"
"secur32"="native, builtin"
"shdoclc"="native, builtin"
"shdocvw"="native, builtin"
"shlwapi"="native, builtin"
"url"="native, builtin"
"urlmon"="native, builtin"
"usp10"="native, builtin"
"wintrust"="native, builtin"
DLL Overrides can be set in winecfg, just run winecfg from your favorite terminal and then go to Libraries and set the above DLL's as shown above.

You will also need to copy a number of DLL's from a Windows XP machine and place them in /system32 as winetricks doesn't provide these DLL's at this time.
Now download winetricks if you don't already have it and install the following Windows redistributables.
After the install run winecfg set comctl32.dll back to builtin Wine.
IE 7 install in Wine
Download Windows Internet Explorer 7 for Windows XP from Microsoft and save it to your home directory.
Now open a terminal and run
$ wine IE7-WindowsXP-x86-enu.exe
The IE 7 install should now start, I didnt select the Windows security updates in my install.
IE 7 on Wine Screen Shots
Here's a few Screen Shots of IE 7 running on my Ubuntu 8.04 laptop.

Conclusion known problems
While IE 7 will run and render web pages just fine there are still a number of problems/bugs that remain to be resolved before you will want to use the browser on Linux on a daily basis.
Bookmarks and RSS feeds don't currently work and their is a number of problems related to comctl32.dll for example the forward and backward buttons background isn't painted and even worse if you select Help the browser will lock up. I also had a number of lock ups when trying to save Internet options.
The good news is you can select a homepage of your liking and choose Google as the default search engine. You can also view web pages as see how they render with IE 7 if your a web developer.
One way to help support further development of Internet Explorer support is to purchase CrossOver Office and then vote for IE 7 as the app that you would most like to see supported in a future release.
Thanks for the great instructions. In your Wine DLL Overrides list, some of them are not available in the dropdown menu. Is there a way of adding them through the text editor, or adding them somewhere so they show up in the list?
just type the name of the dll into the field under new dll override and then select add. when you add a new dll dont add the end ".dll"
For example if you add alt.dll you would just put alt and then add it.
I followed the directions.
The only one I couldn't get off my LICENSED XP box was xmllite.dll.
Is that why a) IE7 won't load and b) IE6
looks like W95 even though winecfg is set at XP?
Great stuff.
Help appreciated.
I get Wine errors when running the wine command:
$ wine IE7-WindowsXP-x86-enu.exe
wine: could not load L"Z:\\Users\\abecity\\Desktop\\IE7-WindowsXP-x86-enu.exe": Bad EXE format for
Great instructions.
When I run:
$ wine IE7-WindowsXP-x86-enu.exe
I get this error:
Setup could not verify the integrity of the files needed for installation. Make sure the Cryptographic service is running on this computer.
How do I get past this?
s using Jaunty who get a "could not find volume to extract error" it is because the wine version in our repository is not up to date, follow the instructions here
at the top adding jaunty instead of etch then update wine
Hmm I followed these exact instructions, ie7 installed as it should and now nothing in wine works anymore. Even the wine config just doesn't open :s
What version of Wine do you have installed? ive never had wine just quite working, but if you cant get it working just remove your .wine directory in your home directory and Wine should be back to normal.
You should note that you need to have the cabextract installed on your system in linux before running the winetricks script. If you do not, it will still run, but things will fail and it will not complete successfully.
This is a great article! I was really annoyed that IEs4Linux didn't have full IE7 support yet.
This does have a few quirks though. I'm having trouble with links that open new windows.
also, as AsigotTech mentioned, i had to add deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt hardy main to my software sources, but it installed just fine after that.
once again, thanks for the great instructions!
For wine-1.1.26 set msvcrt.dll to builtin
and oleaut.dll to builtin
I got IE7 installed OK and it works fine, but I cannot access HTTPS pages. Only HTTP pages load. I get page cannot be displayed for anything SSL related.
I'm having a bit of trouble. I'm still learning about Linux. I followed everything step by step and I'm getting an error when I try to run IE7-WindowsXP-x86.exe with wine: "Unable to find a volume for file extraction. Please verify that you have proper permissions."
I'm running it from my home directory, and it's permissions are set to me, my group, and 777. Anyone have any ideas?
Oh, and I'm running Debian 5.0.
download winetricks and set "volnum"
The winetricks script is failing:
err:module:DelayLoadFailureHook failed to delay load uxtheme.dll.IsThemeActive
wine: Call from 0x7b844673 to unimplemented function uxtheme.dll.IsThemeActive, aborting
err:module:attach_process_dlls "comctl32.dll" failed to initialize, aborting
err:module:LdrInitializeThunk Main exe initialization for L"C:\\windows\\system32\\winemenubuilder.exe" failed, status 80000100
err:module:DelayLoadFailureHook failed to delay load uxtheme.dll.IsThemeActive
wine: Call from 0x7b844673 to unimplemented function uxtheme.dll.IsThemeActive, aborting
err:module:attach_process_dlls "comctl32.dll" failed to initialize, aborting
err:module:LdrInitializeThunk Main exe initialization for L"C:\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe" failed, status 80000100
wine cmd.exe /c echo '%ProgramFiles%' returned empty string
I'm using WINE version 1.1.28 for Ubuntu Jaunty. It's not a new install, I have other programs installed and running.
Thanks for the guide!
Can IE 6 and IE 8 somehow be installed in parallel to IE 7?
You can install IE 6, 7 and 8 all at the same time. You just have to install them into different wine prefixes.
I installed the newest CrossOver 8.0, and did fresh install of IE7, and have applied the winetricks of volnum. But I still get the error "Unable to find a volume for file extraction. Please verify that you have proper permissions."
With CrossOver 8.0 you shouldnt get the volnum error.. If you recieve a error on install you should contact Codeweavers support.
This howto is for FREE Wine and not for CrossOver Office :)
Any additional orverrides or user.reg changes to get https/ssl sites working on IE7 ?
I have just started using Linux mint 9 alongside my Windows 7 operating system on my computer. I use Wine to install Mozilla flock web browser,because I cannot install the Linux version.As a beginner to Linux I have found if the software is not included in the packages. Then it is very hard to install it from the Internet and command promts-terminal.But the Windows version of Flock downloads and installs the same way it does in windows and this worked for me. and now I Flock running on Linux.but i would never install Internet Explorer as apart from being slow and crashing,it's not secure for browsing. And I don't even have it on Windows anymore,I uninstalled it. I can understand wanting to run good Windows software like Flock and other chat messengers you cannot get on Linux through wine. But never Internet Explorer. Why would any one need to use that on any operating system? Andrea Borman.
Just noting: I got stuck finding the DLLs on my XP partition. I searched the whole Windows drive, and it didn't find it anywhere:
find /media/sda1/ -name 'msctf.dll' &
( First, I had looked directly in WINDOWS/system32 )
I am getting this error
"Setup could not verify the integrity of the files needed for installation. Make sure the Cryptographic service is running on this computer."
Any Idea..
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I am trying to install IE7
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