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Putty for Mac
This is promising... crossover always ate up my system resources, and wine was too buggy with installing some programs. Great features, will be downloading and using tonight.
Well, Pol is good, but they are still some function missing, I've posted them on pol fr forum, hope they will take it in consideration...
And I tryed Office 2003 Once, but Word didn't launch.... d'oh !!
You (clintcan & twickline) should really make some bash-script stuff ( ), this will help the project... thanks !!
I'm sure Word 2003 will run once the script is updated to Wine 0.9.53
linux should be making more games online to compete with windows, I found the top 5 linux games here ,
can we install yahoo messenger (Windows Version) with POL ?
i really need that. i feel not comfort using gaim,kopete,gyachoo,etc.
Wine doesn't currently implement RAS support (FIXME). So Yahoo Messenger doesn't run on Wine. You may want to try Trillian instead.
POL efforts are very nice, but is sad to be this waste of resources again and again. don't you recall about winetools? it did it's work pretty well, but it was dropped by Joachim - don't know why -, now winedoors seems to be really nice also, in fact i'm testing it right now. But is not clear to me why on earth should we have 2 and even more different efforts to easily install software on top of wine?.
Would it be possible that POL and winedoors and the rest that's out there (unknown to me) join efforts so we can have ONE system that REALLY works??.
Anyway congrats to this efforts i hope they get in touch and work together for a beter system.
Wine needs an officialy maintained GUI front end, with complete indepth configuration of wine. Wine will feel far more professional that way and would be so much easier to use.
But well... I use POL most of the time :)
Any luck using this on intel Mac's. My company has a win32 app that works great under wine on Linux.
I've also gotten it to work using Crossover on a Mac, but would like to be able to hand out an easy, free way to script installing it on a Mac.
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