
Saturday, July 4, 2020

PlayOnMac 4.4 is available on Catalina

 Please note

Your antivirus program may report that some PlayOnMac .exe files contain malware. Don't be alarmed! This is a false positive due to the fact that these .exe may interact with emulated Windows system registry and that could be considered harmful behavior for some antivirus programs. These .exe are safe to use, especially on macOS which do not use registry. If you encounter false positive, we really advise you to report it to your antivirus software company. Even the commercial version of Wine (Codeweavers) or ports relying on wine have the same issue.

Sources :
Download PlayOnMac 4.4.3
Version 4.4.3  •  607MB  •  macOS 10.15 or macOS 11+ 
Version 4.3.3  •  228MB  •  macOS before 10.15

Run Microsoft Windows Applications and Games on Mac, Linux or ChromeOS save up to 20% off  CodeWeavers CrossOver+ today.


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