
Saturday, May 24, 2008

How-to: Playing Oblivion on Linux with Wine!

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Unknown said...

Quite impressive, I wonder why the 3D Mark patch isn't merged into wine by default, AFAIK lot's of up to date games require it to work i.e. Call of Duty 4 etc. Probably break some other apps.

David S said...

Yeah, but fortunally it's easy to patch and compile Wine : ).

TreviƱo said...

Well, I figure because it seems more a workaround than a real fix from the code point of view. said...

You should have mentioned the Oblivion - Linux standard how-to website:

The 3D Mark patch is not necessary, and only one dll is needed, you don't have to install all of DirectX.

This is still the top PC game until GTA 4 comes to PC. Hope Wine can run that too!

C. Elliot Ritter said...

I had issues with sound not working at all until in Oblivion I tried the WINEDEBUG=-all just to see if it helped frame rates and lo and behold it works perfectly.

I've been using Wine since about 2003 and it went from an all-but-worthless curiosity to something that should really make home users and IT departments wake and up and look closer at Linux.

Unknown said...

Well, I've spent a couple of hours looking everywhere and so far, it seems like I'm the only one with this problem!
When I type wine setup.exe it will not start and it just sits there taking up most of my cpu forever until I kill it. I can post the output if someone would like to see it, but I can't make any sence of it. Everywhere I read, it says install isn't a problem and it goes right on to talk about patching, etc.
I've tried installing dx9 which went perfectly, and also creating a blank wine profile to see if maybe one of my libraries was conflicting or something. Everything I try is not changing my output.
I've gotten WoW, Dreamweaver, Flash, and Photoshop working and I really want to get Oblivion working so I can complety be done with Winblows once and for all!
Any ideas at all?