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Putty for Mac
rpcrt4.dll is all it takes to get it working? Thought it'd be a bigger issue.
Will powerpoint viewer 2007 now support pptx files with wine? I know it didn't before.
I tried to follow the instructions for creating the, but I had to adjust it a little for me. Might be Distro-related, since I'm using gentoo.
1) Go to some directory
tar -xvf crossover-games-wine-src-7.0.0.tar.gz
# somehow it didn't work to copy and paste your lines, since the dash was not a real dash.
cd sources/wine/
# Instead of your "crossover-games-wine-src-7.0.0/source" directoy, I got just: "source/"
But now to my problem, after this I got an error with configure:
checking audio/audiolib.h usability... no
checking audio/audiolib.h presence... no
checking for audio/audiolib.h... no
configure: error: libxml2 development files not found, XML won't be supported.
This is an error since --with-xml was requested.
It seems around line 11527 in configure it is tested, wether if test -d "../xml/libxml2" exist or not
§ snippet §
if test "$with_xml" = "builtin"
if test -d ../xml/libxml2
§ snippetend §
Can someone tell me, if you have this directory, how is the absolute path, and what kind of files does it contain.
My suspect is "/usr/include/libxml2/libxml" and this are some files in there:
# l | head
Can someone confirm this?
Thx a lot,
I got a little further, if I use ./configure --without-xml
Now I don't get an error but after "make depend && make" I'll get:
gcc -g -O2 -o sfnt2fnt sfnt2fnt.o -L../libs/wine -lwine ../libs/port/libwine_port.a -L../../freetype/patentobjs/.libs -L../../freetype/objs/.libs -lcxfreetype -Wl,--rpath,\$ORIGIN/../libs/wine
/usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.1.2/../../../../i686-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld: cannot find -lcxfreetype
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [sfnt2fnt] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/ZZZ/sources/wine/tools'
make: *** [tools] Error 2
Can it be, the cxfreetype-library is a Crossover-font-library?
Alright. I tried installing as Vista but now when I open any application I get an error saying I'm missing msvcr80.dll, even though I can see it in /MSOCache/ and /windows/winsxs/.
What's up with that.
Great Work Guys,
and good luck with powerpoint!
Thanks for all. Niko
Excellent! Thanks for the great and informative 'how-to's'... Good Stuff man! Very much appreciated - Keep it coming!
Snowofice, try this, first enter the /src/wine directory, then type cd.. then ln -s /usr/include/ xml then it should work
I'm pretty much a noob at this, so there is one thing I don't get.
Where does the part of setting where my Office or OneNote come in? it's not really here and I'm not sure about how to do this.
"Save As Pdf" installs but it doesn't work. niko
ok I got the hang of wine, but when I try to run any office program I get the same error as Mark - msvcr80.dll is missing it says.
copy msvcr80.dll to /system32 and see if that helps.
Indeed that made me one step closer.
Now i get this error:
"Runtime Error!
Program: C:\.... (the path to the onenote application)
An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly.
Please contact the application's support team for more information"
and, I get an error that "MSVCR80.dll failed to initialize, aborting"
I hope I didn't break anything
I have figured, I need the libary to compile the source of crossover-games-wine-src-7.0.0.tar.gz.
Within the archive there are no according files but in the commercial versions of crossover games and office.
Thus can this way to compile the sources yourself still be declared to be legal, when you need this libary coming from codeweaver?
Or do there exist a way to prevent this libary is been used.
Or to get it in a legal way.
I tried ./configure in blah/blah/wine directory as follows:
./configure --with-xml=native
and got no error during configure.
I already figured my problems myself, but had to adjust my adjustments once more:
(Btw: I use Gentoo, which might interfer with my results)
tar -xvf crossover-games-wine-src-7.0.0.tar.gz
cd sources/freetype
make && make
cd ../wine
./configure --with-xml=native
make depend && make
sudo cp /usr/lib/wine/ /usr/lib/wine/
sudo cp dlls/rpcrt4/ /usr/lib/wine
I could not find the libary cxfreetype (see above) and the only way to resolute this, was by using "make && make" in the freetype directory within the source files. (Do not know, why this don't work automagically)
Furthermore, the source-archive do not contain libxml and xslt-sources, thus we need them to be set native.
Has anyone managed to fix the bullets issue with word? Currently no bullet points or numbering appears.
That's impressive. It can be pretty hard to get Office 2007 working in Windows! Outlook gave me trouble because I had used 2003. I even had trouble uninstalling 2007.
Hey if you get the msvcr80.dll error it's because there's something wrong with how /windows/system32/winsxs installed. I replaced it with a different copy of the winsxs folder and now it works.
Not to be completely redundant here, but has anybody figured out the bullets and numbering problems?
I constantly generate documents with lists and numbered sections. For me this is a big issue.
Hope someone has figured it out. Thanks!
Bullets/Numbering is a major issue for me too. Until this is resolved, I am still tied to windows for Office 2007. To whoever can fix this, thanks!
From wine AppDB:
New Install Guide
by Zachary Stewart on Sunday May 18th 2008, 11:48
I've updated my install guide, as requested.
This is how I managed to install Microsoft Office 2007 under Ubuntu 8.04 with wine 1 rc.
1. Use a native rpcrt4.dll from your copy of Windows. Copy it to your sytem32 folder and add its override via the winecfg. Do not use the CrossOver Office rpcrt4.dll. I was terribly mistaken when I suggested that. I apologize for the confusion I caused.
2. Now, we need to install all of the dependencies that Office has. Download winetricks, a handy script that allows you to easily install commonly used components, with the following command:
$ wget
Now let's install what we need:
$ sh winetricks msxml3 dotnet20 gdiplus riched20 riched30 vcrun2005sp1
Let this commands complete before doing anything else. You will likely have to click through several installers to finish it. Not all of them are titled things like "GDI+." Some of them are simply applications that contain the DLLs needed, such as the PowerPoint viewer.
3. With all the necessary components installed, run winecfg and change your Windows version to Vista.
4. Navigate to your Office CD and execute setup.exe. Some people report the installer being "stuck" on 75%, but still actually installing. Take care that the application is truly frozen before killing it.
5. Once Office is done installing, open winecfg and change your Windows version to XP. I (and others) have had issues running it with Vista.
6. To fix issues with fonts, bullets, and numbering, click the office button, go into Word options, then into language settings. Here, delete all languages except for your own. This has been tested with US English, which works. It is possible that other language packs, even with all the others uninstalled, may cause the issue. If so, I would suggest you post which packs do not work to help the developers.
7. When you insert a picture from file, click on the "Recent" button to stop the rapid switching.
The following applications (as of Wine rc 1) do NOT work:
Equation Editor
The following ones mostly work:
Publisher (most color schemes do not work, only those named after a basic color, such as blue or red. Fancier names do not work)
Excel (There are issues with charts, however)
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