Hi all, we are proud to announce the 4.2.7 release of PlayOnLinux/PlayOnMac!
Among the visible changes, first a regression fix: "Install non-listed applications" should now be visible all the
time, even while the list of install scripts is being updated:

During installations, a small (i) information icon was already showing up at the bottom of the wizard window for scripts that use POL_SetupWindow_SetID; Clicking on it would lead users to the script page on the web site. For scripts that support the embedded debugger (scripts that use POL_Debug_Init), there will now also be a second icon next to it to open the debugger window to show the installation log:

PlayOnLinux would display important informations at the beginning of the first installation, but not show them again so you don't have to click thru them with each installation. It will now display those informations until you click "Don't remember me" (after actually reading the messages of course!). This feature is also available for your own install scripts, as the new statement POL_SetupWindow_notice:

The Wine versions manager display has been changed to display a small lock (and bold text) for versions currently in use by some virtual drives, so you can more easily remove the versions that are no longer used:

Beside that, this version also contains its share of bugfixes and code cleanups, so here's the full changelog:
* Detect and abort scripts when trying to run 64bit programs with 32bit Wine
* POL_DetectVideoCards: list VGA compatible controllers and 3D controllers (#5012)
* Add support for several other value types than REG_SZ to registry
updating statements (#5013)
* POL_Wine_SelectPrefix: abort if no prefix name is provided
* Sort install scripts lists case insensitively (iTunes)
* Fix "hash-bang" line in shortcuts so they're actually executable
* Deprecate the usage of $REPERTOIRE in PlayOnLinux own code
* Translate remaining french comments and identifiers in Bash code
* Improve POL_Wine_PrefixDelete to remove ancillary resources (shortcuts, icons,...)
* Wine versions manager: attributes tell apart used versions instead of
unused versions; Add an extra warning when about to remove a version in use
* Avoid Python detection loops
* Display wx version found
* Fix Settings > Internet menu (#4989, thanks to rupert)
* Workaround for Wine bug #37575 (#5023)
* Improve find_binary function and make it public as POL_System_find_file
* Add support for .lnk, .bat and .cmd files to POL_Shortcut and POL_SetupWindow_shortcut_creator
* Added an icon to open the debugger from the installation wizard when
POL_Debug_Init has been called (#4948)
* Implement POL_SetupWindow_notice to display important messages, but
allow the user to acknowledge them once and for all ("Don't remind me") (#2036)
* POL_OpenShell (Configure > Misc > Open a shell) bug fixes
* Add a warning when OpenGL autotests are missing (user support)
* Make sure "Install non-listed application" link is always visible in
install window
* POL_SetupWindow_cdrom: don't suggest "*" when no CDROM has been found
* Remove use of remaining os.system() calls (less overhead, less quoting nightmare)
* Use os.kill() instead of shell command
* Use of "exec" to avoid some useless extra Bash processes
* polconfigurator interface cleanup (no risk of translation breakage)
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