
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Google Summer of Code 2009 and Wine

It's time for another round of Google's Summer of Code (SoC). The SoC is an effort that first started in 2005 as an effort to get students involved in open source code development. Google provides a stipend to the student and to the mentoring organization that helps the student.

Kai Blin this week sent the application for this year's Summer of Code. Below is the email Kai sent to the wine-devel mailing list.
Hi folks,

I've just sent our application for this year's Summer of Code.
Could everyone please have another look at the proposed projects at to see if all the proposals are still current. Feel free to discuss new project ideas on the mailing list as well.

The deadline for mentoring organizations to submit is March 18, 2009 and Google will begin taking student applications on March 23, 2009 with the deadline for student applications on April 3rd. On April 20th, Google will formally announced the accepted student applications and then after a several week learning period students will begin coding their projects on May 23rd. The SoC coding then continues on until August 17th.

If you have an idea, please post it on Wine Developers mailing list so we can help you with your idea and find out if it's realistic or not. Showing initiative and willing to discuss your idea greatly improves your chances of getting accepted.

As long as you work hard and interact with the community and your mentor in a positive and constructive way you don't have to worry about not meeting all your goals.

For updates and news about Google's Summer of Code 2009 (SoC) and Wine keep a eye on the Wine (SoC) wiki page. If your interested in participating in this years (SoC) it might be a good idea to subscribe to the Wine Developers mailing list now and start the discussion.

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