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Putty for Mac
You would do a really great job if you explain to people how to setup a printer. That's rather tricky to my knowledge.
Thanks for the very useful info.
Btw, did you by chance try to install visio viewer (vviewer.exe) in wine?
It is more important for me because Openoffice is good for me to display and edit ms office files, but it is no visio alternatives for linux...
What a waste of time, obviously a Linux user does not understand the value of Open Office. You ruined Ubuntu!
Open Office will open every specific file that you mentioned in your blog, though I have yet to confirm that the non-standard .docx, .pptx and .xlsx files will open via Novells converter.
Why should customers be forced/coerced into paying $150-$350.00 for updated software when everything they need is for free? Also, why bother changing formats to begin with? ODF has been around since 1994 more or less. If M$ really cared about its customers they would have used a “standard” format such as .odf, instead of attempting in cramming its proprietary format down everyones collective throats and paying off countries/people to grant ISO certification.
Which they failed at doing anyways.,1000000121,39289089,00.htm
You as a user, are free to use any format that you wish. When 10-15 years from now, do not complain when your files will not open anymore.
Hello Kosta,
I didn't try the visio viewer, from what I get its a activex plugin that works in IE.
Maybe you can install IE and the Visio viewer and it may just work.
In a future post ill do a printer setup howto.
I ruined Ubuntu? WTF are you talking about?
I'm also very aware of Open Office!
Well, this is what I think of No-vell
The Viewers are free of charge! the post was not about Office but the office Viewers.. When I post about howto install MS Office in Wine then please come back and re post that sentience again.
About Microsoft paying off countries/people to grant ISO certification. .....
I'm glad to see you read the same news feeds that I do.
Ussually it's easier to request the sender of the Word, Excel, Power point document to print it to PDF. PDFs have many advantages. It's most secure, and PDFs viewers (Acroread, Evince, ...) allow you to easilly rotate vertical/horizontal and zoon-in/out quickly, so it's much more confortable to read. All than needed is to setup the free PDF Creator printer in the windows machine where the document is beeing generated and print it to the given printer (
note1: OpenOffice allows to convert PowerPoint to "animated PDFs", assign security (password for reading/printing/saving).
Another really interesting feature is the possibility to export PowerPoint to a compact binary Flash file that can be embbeded in a web page!!!
(Still the export is not perfect right now and many animations and visual effects are lost. Nevertheless export results are quite impressive).
note2: Some one told me that Gmail also have similar features for attached Office files.
May be Microsoft wants to get a better market share for their Office products. This step will surely increase the use of Office products.
This might save my life. I use Linux constantly and have run into major problems trying to run ppt/odp files with (gif) animations in OpenOffice. OpenOffice becomes extremely slow, but the wine solutions seems to work fine!
So how do you use the FileFormatConverters.exe?
I'm getting the following error when I install the FileFormatConverters.exe. Can any body help?
[root@localhost Desktop]$ wine FileFormatConverters.exe
fixme:reg:GetNativeSystemInfo (0x33fc24) using GetSystemInfo()
err:ole:COMPOBJ_DllList_Add couldn't load in-process dll L"msxml3.dll"
err:ole:create_server class {2933bf90-7b36-11d2-b20e-00c04f983e60} not registered
fixme:ole:CoGetClassObject CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER not supported
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {2933bf90-7b36-11d2-b20e-00c04f983e60} could be created for context 0x17
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