
Monday, February 15, 2010

Install Games on your Mac without Windows

I’ll show you how to install your PC games (Steam in Particular) on Your Mac without ever needing Windows. Crossover software: Game compatibility List

Putty for Mac
Putty for Mac

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Bordeaux review at

No, this is not a review of wine. It is in fact a review of a computer program made for those of us who use Linux instead of Windows. I use Ubuntu--a flavor of Linux--on my laptop. I use the laptop primarily for browsing the internet and Ubuntu is a bit faster than Windows on the internet and a lot more secure viruswise.

But I also need to run some programs that do not work well on Ubuntu alone. Namely Fritz Chess and CT ART-- another chess program. I tried using Wine but that alone didn't work and then I ordered Bordeaux and that did the trick. I also wanted to use AIM but so far I haven't been able to get it to work. However I have been able to get Quicktime and Grabit to work and I will continue to try additional programs in the future and inform you as to whether or not they work.

Bordeaux is a good program. It does pretty much what it is supposed to do. But it is not perfect. However it is a work in progress and so there is no telling what the future will bring. I personally would like to see a program that would emulate Windows XP entirely. There is an operating system that supposedly does this--ReactOs. But after 10 years of development ReactOs is still not available in a Beta version and so cannot be used as a reliable program nor will such a version be available soon.

If you are running Linux and need to use chess programs that do not seem to work well with Wine my advice to you is to try Bordeaux. It does come with a guarantee and so you have nothing to lose if it doesn't do what you need it to do.

Putty for Mac
Putty for Mac

Friday, February 12, 2010

The needs of the one...

From Jeremy White's Blog :
I realize that it's trite for anyone in the computer industry, but I have to confess to being a life long fan of Star Trek.
Now, mind you, I don't know Klingon, I don't own a starfleet uniform, and I don't routinely go around quoting obscure Ferengi dialog. So there are many that would say I don't really qualify as a trekkie (or trekker, although I do know that it's a point of debate :-/ ).
But my wife and I have watched every episode and every movie, and we've enjoyed sharing many of the episodes with our kids.
So when Cryptic offered an opportunity to beta test Star Trek Online, I jumped at the chance. With a lot of hard work the team here and some help from Cryptic, we were just able to get it running in Wine.

Further, I discovered as I played the game, that it's fun, and 'missions' is a better game metaphore than 'quests', in my humble opinion. That is, in World of Warcraft, I always felt like I was a dog, and each quest was an instruction to 'fetch'. And why on earth does Lieutenant Farren Orinelle need so many Merlock heads? But rescuing a freighter seems like a legitimate thing to do, and if you have to destroy a bunch of Orion ships on the way, well that sort of makes sense as well.
So I'm hoping that my wife and I can play this game for a while. But in order for that to happen, I've got to have a release of CrossOver to use to play it. So I put together an unsupported build, and did some basic testing, trying not to take anything away from our efforts on 'Snow Mallard'. It runs Company of Heroes more nicely, but seems to cause trouble with Left 4 Dead 1 and 2.
Then I asked the support staff here what they thought I should do. They were a bit concerned; they felt that any benefit from Star Trek Online would probably be overshadowed by the support issues from folks who didn't read our warnings. So they requested that we not ship it, and take some time to polish it up more properly, probably requiring that we wait until after we had shipped Snow Mallard.
But in this case, I decided that the needs of the one (me) outweighed the needs of the many (our support staff) .
So, if you want to try Star Trek Online, you can learn how to do it here.
But please be kind to our support staff - it's not their fault!


Now the really Cool thing is if you enter : TOM23
as your deal code, coupon offer you will receive a instant rebate of 25% off the regular price. Yes you read it here first! For a limited time new CodeWeavers CrossOver customers can purchase CX Games for only $29.96 and CX Pro for only $52.46.... If You or a friend, relative etc.. ever wanted to try CrossOver Games or their Pro version this is the time to do it.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Bordeaux 2.0.0 for Linux Released

The Bordeaux Technology Group released Bordeaux 2.0.0 for Linux today. Bordeaux 2.0.0 marks major progress over older releases. With version 2.0.0 and onward we bundle our own Wine build and many tools and libraries that Wine depends upon. With this release we bundle Wine 1.1.36, Cabextract, Mozilla Gecko, Unzip, Wget and other support libraries and tools. We have improved support for Microsoft Office 2007 (Word, Excel and PowerPoint) and preliminary support for Internet Explorer 7 in this release, there has also been many small bug fixes and tweaks on the back-end.
The cost of Bordeaux 2.0.0 is $20.00. Anyone who has purchased Bordeaux in the past six months is entitled to a free upgrade. Bordeaux comes with six months of upgrades and support and of course a 30-day money back guarantee.

Supported Applications/Games:

  • Microsoft Office 2007
  • Microsoft Office 2003
  • Microsoft Office 2000
  • Microsoft Office 97
  • Microsoft Office Visio 2003
  • Microsoft Office Project 2003
  • Adobe Photoshop 6
  • Adobe Image Ready 3
  • Adobe Photoshop 7
  • Adobe Image Ready 7
  • Adobe Photoshop CS
  • Adobe Photoshop CS2
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
  • Steam and Steam based Games
  • Apple QuickTime 6.5.2 Player
  • IrfaView 4.25 (Image files only)
  • Winetricks support

Version 2.0.0 New Features:

  • Bundle Wine 1.1.36
  • Added Internet Explorer 7 support
  • Improved Microsoft Office 2007 support
  • Bundle Mozilla Gecko
  • New shell based installer
  • New Progress Bar
  • Updated to the latest Winetricks

About Bordeaux:

The Bordeaux Technology Group is a software services and development company specializing in Windows compatibility software. Users of Linux, BSD, Solaris and Mac systems from time to time find themselves in the need to run specialized Windows software. The Bordeaux suite enables access to these programs and data in a seamless and low cost manner without requiring licensing of Microsoft Technology. The Bordeaux Group also provides migration services and support for alternative operating systems specializing in Windows compatibility.
There is a multitude of software developed only for the Windows operating system and even when software vendors port their applications to another platform, generally it lacks features that the Windows version contains. The only solution these developers face is to have access to both systems for testing which leads to increased infrastructure demands, and wasted project resources. If you are vendor interested in supporting your application on Linux, BSD, Solaris or Mac OS X or a software user that needs to run a Windows application on Linux, BSD, Solaris or Mac OS X we can help.

Screenshots :

Left 4 Dead 2 (L4D2) in Steam with Bordeaux