
Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Company showcases porting abilities for Android on Intel platform
SAINT PAUL, Minn (June 5, 2013)CodeWeavers, Inc., developer of CrossOver software which enables Mac and Linux users to run Windows software on their PCs, announced today the extension of its porting services to include the Android operating system. This will allow consumers to run popular, familiar Windows applications on their phones and other mobile devices.

“We’re seeing an increasing demand for Windows software on Android, and we’ve been making steady progress towards meeting that need,” said Jeremy White, CodeWeavers CEO. “With the recent exciting announcements about Intel based Android devices, we can now offer Windows software developers an easy way to reach the mobile operating system market.”

CodeWeavers began generating interest in its Android capabilities in February 2013, when its CTO, Alexandre Julliard, demonstrated a proof of concept of the Windows Notepad application running on Android. Since then, the company has been steadily overcoming the various technical hurdles with making Windows applications run on a smaller form factor, and with different input devices, like software keyboards. “We can now port a Windows application to run on OS X, Linux, or an Intel based Android system without our customer, the ISV, having to lift a finger,” stated White. CodeWeavers can also perform Windows ports to ARM-based devices. “ARM ports are harder,” White admitted, “as the usage of ARM introduces another layer of complexity. But they are still achievable.”

CrossOver porting has a number of advantages for developers and end users, White continued. “Existing Windows applications have large user bases with accumulated data and a familiar user experience. CrossOver offers a fast and affordable way to move an existing application to a new platform in a way that preserves the user experience.”

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